Live Free or Die: Bite 1)
Introduction: Bite 2)
By the Grace of God: Bite 3)
History of Denominations: Bite 4)
Written in Blood: Bite 5) Purchased with Blood:
Before the Reformation:
Cruel Persecution: Bite 6)
Cruel Persecution: Bite 6)
Martyrs: Bite 7)
To the end of the Age: Bite 8)
Marks of the New Testament church: Bite 9)
Remember the Days of Old: Bite 10)
Out of This World:
Render Unto Caesar: Bite 11)
Render Unto Caesar: Bite 11)
Scriptural Authority Only: Bite 13)
Apart from the World: Bite 14)
Mocked by the Enemy: Bite 15)
First Period: AD 30-500:
The Voice in the Wilderness: Bite 16)
The Voice in the Wilderness: Bite 16)
After the First Century: Bite 17)
The Second and Third Century: Bite 18)
Tyrants Lording over God’s Heritage: Bite 19)
Serious Errors of the Church: Bite 20)
False Doctrines:
Infant Baptism: Bite 21)
Infant Baptism: Bite 21)
Hurtful Changes: Bite 22)
Separation of the churches: Bite 23)
Independent Churches: Bite 24)
A New World Emperor: Bite 25)
An Unholy Union:
Two Rival Cities: Bite 27)
A One-State Religion: Bite 28)
The Devil’s Dictionary: Bite 29)
Summary of the First Five Centuries: Bite 30)
A Worldly Truce: Bite 26)
Two Rival Cities: Bite 27)
A One-State Religion: Bite 28)
The Devil’s Dictionary: Bite 29)
Summary of the First Five Centuries: Bite 30)
(to be continued)
The Trail of Blood vol 2) “600 to 1300 AD”
The Trail of Blood vol 2) “600 to 1300 AD”
Daily Bites of “The Trail of Blood” vol. 1) By J. M. Carroll: Series 5
False Doctrines:
Infant Baptism: Bite 21)
As told by Clarence Walker:
The next serious error to begin to be creeping in, and which seems, from some historians (not all) to have begun in the same century, and which have been said to have been a most inevitable consequence of the “Baptism Regeneration” idea. This was a big change in the subject of Baptism. since Baptism had been declared to be a means part of Salvation by some erring churches, then they thought that the sooner Baptism took place, the better. hence, arose “Infant Baptism.” Prior to this false doctrine believers and believers only were regarded as proper subjects for Baptism. It was a testimonial ceremony. Sprinkling and pouring was not known at this time. It arrived much later. For several centuries infants, like others, were immersed. The Greek Catholics to this day have never changed the original form of Baptism. The first record, according to historians, of “Infant Baptism” began in AD 370. (VEDDER page 50: Christian page 31: Orchard page 50 etc.)
Hurtful Changes: Bite 22)
As told by Clarence Walker:
Let it be remembered that changes like these mentioned here were not made in a day. Not even in a year. They came about slowly and never were in all the churches. Some of the churches vigorously repudiated them. So much so ...that in AD 251 the loyal churches declared non-fellowship with those churches which accepted and practiced those errors. Thus, came about the first official separation of churches. It should be noted that in the first 3 centuries there were important and vital changes from where the teachings of Christ and His apostles had their beginning. One significant event took place. The first change was from the New Testament teaching to the changing of church government. The second one was the “Baptist regeneration” (believing Baptism brings Salvation) from the testimonial ceremony of believers. The third was the change to “Infant Baptism.” This became law and caused much shedding of true Christian blood.
Separation of the churches: Bite 23)
As told by Clarence Walker:
Independent Churches: Bite 24)
As told by Clarence Walker:
In the beginning, all churches were independent churches. The pastor or bishop was a servant or minister of the congregation. None of them were subject to the jurisdiction of any other. The churches which were founded by the apostles themselves frequently had the honor shown to be consulted, yet they had no judicial authority, no control or power of giving law. On the contrary, it is as clear as the noonday that all churches were respected on an equal footing. Up until this period of the bishops charters, there was not much and not many serious persecutions. Christianity had a marvelous growth. It had covered and even gone beyond the great Roman Empire. According to some of the church historians many of the churches that were organized by the apostles, are yet intact and yet loyal to the apostle’s teaching.
A New World Emperor: Bite 25)
As told by Clarence Walker:
(to be continued)
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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