Live Free or Die: Bite 1)
Introduction: Bite 2)
By the Grace of God: Bite 3)
History of Denominations: Bite 4)
Written in Blood: Bite 5) Purchased with Blood:
Before the Reformation:
Cruel Persecution: Bite 6)
Cruel Persecution: Bite 6)
Martyrs: Bite 7)
To the end of the Age: Bite 8)
Marks of the New Testament church: Bite 9)
Remember the Days of Old: Bite 10)
Out of This World:
Render Unto Caesar: Bite 11)
Render Unto Caesar: Bite 11)
Scriptural Authority Only: Bite 13)
Apart from the World: Bite 14)
Mocked by the Enemy: Bite 15)
First Period: AD 30-500:
The Voice in the Wilderness: Bite 16)
The Voice in the Wilderness: Bite 16)
After the First Century: Bite 17)
The Second and Third Century: Bite 18)
Tyrants Lording over God’s Heritage: Bite 19)
Serious Errors of the Church: Bite 20)
False Doctrines:
Infant Baptism: Bite 21)
Infant Baptism: Bite 21)
Hurtful Changes: Bite 22)
Separation of the churches: Bite 23)
Independent Churches: Bite 24)
A New World Emperor: Bite 25)
An Unholy Union:
Two Rival Cities: Bite 27)
A One-State Religion: Bite 28)
The Devil’s Dictionary: Bite 29)
Summary of the First Five Centuries: Bite 30)
A Worldly Truce: Bite 26)
Two Rival Cities: Bite 27)
A One-State Religion: Bite 28)
The Devil’s Dictionary: Bite 29)
Summary of the First Five Centuries: Bite 30)
(to be continued)
The Trail of Blood vol 2) “600 to 1300 AD”
The Trail of Blood vol 2) “600 to 1300 AD”
Daily Bites of “The Trail of Blood” vol. 1) By J. M. Carroll: Series 4
First Period: AD 30-500:
The Voice in the Wilderness: Bite 16)
The Voice in the Wilderness: Bite 16)
As told by Clarence Walker:
Under the strange, but wonderful, impulse and leadership of John the Baptist, the eloquent man from the wilderness, and under the loving touch and miracle-working power of Christ Himself, and the marvelous teaching of the apostles, their immediate successors, the Christians, spread mightily during the first 500 year period. However, it left a terrible bloody trail behind it. Judaism and Paganism bitterly contested every forward movement. John the Baptist was the first of those great leaders to give up his life. His head was taken off. Shortly after went the Savior Himself. He died on the cruel Cross at Calvary: Pearl’s Poem: He’s Real: There is a Hill named Calvary across the ocean wide. For it was thereupon that Hill my Lord was Crucified./ There is The Christ of Calvary who walked the Hill that Day. He shed His Precious Blood for me, to wash my sins away./ There is a City paved with Gold, my Savior shall outshine...and when eternity unfolds...a mansion shall be mine. / It’s Real! It’s Real! I know it’s real! My mansion in the sky...But the earthly tongue cannot reveal...that Sweet, Sweet By and By
After the First Century: Bite 17)
As told by Clarence Walker:
Following the cruel crucifixion of the Savior, many martyred heroes fell in rapid succession. Steven was stoned. Matthias was slain in Ethiopia. Mark was dragged through the streets until dead. Luke was hanged. Peter and Simeon were crucified. Andrew was tied to a cross and left to die. James was beheaded. Phillip was stoned and crucified. Bartholomew was skinned alive. Thomas was pierced with lances. James, the less, was thrown from the temple. Jude was shot to death with errors. Paul was boiled in oil and beheaded. (2 Timothy 2:12: If we suffer we shall also reign with Him.”) (Romans 8:16-18: “The Spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God and if children, then heirs, and joint heirs with Christ. If so be that we suffer with Him we , may also be glorified together. For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the Glory which shall be revealed in us.”)
The Second and Third Century: Bite 18)
As told by Clarence Walker:
More than a hundred years had gone by before all this happened. The hard persecution by Paganism and Judaism continued for the next two centuries. And yet, the Christian religion mightily spread. It went into all the Roman Empire and Asia, Africa, Europe, England, and wales and almost anywhere there was civilization, just as it had in the first century. The churches greatly multiplied and the disciples increased continually. Despite the tremendous growth some of the churches continued to go into error. the first of these changes embraced both policy and doctrine. In the first two centuries, the individual churches grew very large. Jerusalem, for instance, had many thousand members. Apostle Paul had a mighty task, even in his day, keeping the churches straight. ( see 2 Peter 2:12---Hebrews 20:29 and Revelation Ch 1 and 2)
Tyrants Lording over God’s Heritage: Bite 19)
As told by Clarence Walker:
These great churches, necessarily, had many pastors and elders. (Acts 20:17) Some of the pastors and bishops began to assume authority not given them in the New Testament. They began to claim authority over other smaller churches. They, with their many elders, began to Lord it over God’s heritage. (3 John 9) Here was the beginning of an error which had multiplied and grown into many other seriously hurtful errors. Here was the beginning of different orders in the ministry running up to finally what is practiced now. here began what resulted in an entire change from the original policy and government of the early churches. This irregularity began in a small way, even before the close of the second century. This was probably the most serious departure from the New Testament Churches.
Serious Errors of the Church: Bite 20)
As told by Clarence Walker:
(to be continued)
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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