Live Free or Die: Bite 1)
Introduction: Bite 2)
By the Grace of God: Bite 3)
History of Denominations: Bite 4)
Written in Blood: Bite 5) Purchased with Blood:
Before the Reformation: Bite 6)
Cruel Persecution: Bite 7)
Martyrs: Bite 8)
To the end of the Age: Bite 9)
Marks of the New Testament church: Bite 10 Remember the Days of Old:
Out of This World: Bite 11)
Render Unto Caesar: Bite 12)
Let US Beware: Bite 13)
Scriptural Authority Only: Bite 14)
Apart from the World: Bite 15) Mocked by the Enemy:
First Period: AD 30-500: Bite 16)
The Voice in the Wilderness: Bite 17)
After the First Century: Bite 18)
The Second and Third Century: Bite 19)
Tyrants Lording over God’s Heritage: Bite 20) Serious Errors of the Church:
False Doctrines: Bite 21)
Infant Baptism: Bite 22)
Hurtful Changes: Bite 23)
Separation of the churches: Bite 24)
Independent Churches: Bite 25) A New World Emperor:
An Unholy Union: Bite 26)
A Worldly Truce: Bite 27)
Two Rival Cities: Bite 28)
A One-State Religion: Bite 29)
The Devil’s Dictionary: Bite 30)
Summary of the First Five Centuries: (to be continued) The Trail of Blood vol 2) “600 to 1300 AD”
Daily Bites of “The Trail of Blood” vol. 1) By J. M. Carroll: Series 1
Live Free or Die: Bite 1) Introduction:
As told by Clarence Walker:
“To make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery which from the beginning of the world has been hidden in God who created all things by Jesus Christ, to the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in Heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God. Unto Him be Glory in the Church by Jesus Christ throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.” (Ephesians 3:9.10 and 21) Dr. J.M. Carroll, the author of this book was born on January 8,1058, in the State of Arkansas. His father was a Baptist preacher who moved his family to Texas where Brother Carroll was converted and Baptized and ordained to the gospel ministry. He was an outstanding leader among the Texas and Southern Baptists around the world.
Bite 2) By the Grace of God:
As told by Clarence Walker:
Clarence Walker tells how he found research in Dr. Carroll’s book, “The Trail of Blood,” on how church denominations came about. He testifies: “Years ago Dr. Carroll came to our church and brought the message found in this book. It was then that I became interested in his studies. I too had made a special research in church history as to which is the oldest church and most like the churches of the New Testament. Dr. J. W. Porter attended these lectures. He was so impressed that he told Brother Carroll if he would write down his message he would publish it in a book. Dr. Carroll wrote down the message and gave Dr. Porter the right to publish it. However, Dr. Porter died before the book came off the press but had placed them in the churches and the books were soon sold to the public. Now by the grace of God, we are publishing the 66th edition of a bulk of 20,000. Clarence Walker:
Bite 3) History of Denominations:
As told by Clarence Walker:
It was wonderful to hear Dr. Carroll tell how he became interested in the history of church denominations, especially their origin. He wrote the book after he was 70 years old but he said: “I was anointed by God when I was just a boy. I saw the many denominations and I wondered which one was the church which the Lord Jesus founded?” Even in his youth, he felt that in the study of the Scriptures and in history he could find the church which was the oldest and the church most like the churches described in the New Testament. His research for the truth led him into many places and enabled him to gather one of the greatest libraries in church history. This library was given at his death to the South Western Baptist Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. He found much church history, mostly about the Catholics and the Protestants. He discovered that the history of the Baptists was written in blood.
Bite 4) Written in Blood:
As told by Clarence Walker:
The Baptists were the hated people of the Dark Ages. Their pastors and people were put in prison and untold numbers were put to death. The world has not seen any other time compared with the suffering. (PL Sturgis: This was written before the Holocaust took place) The persecutions were heaped upon the Baptists during the Dark Ages by the Catholic Hierarchy. The Pope was the world dictator. This is why the Anabaptists called the Pope the Antichrist before the Reformation. Their history is written in the legal documents and papers of those ages. It is through these records as the trail of blood winds its way that you find such statements as these: “At Zurich after many departures between Zuinglius and the Anabaptists the Senate of Rome made an Act that if any presume to rebaptize those already Baptised as infants they shall be drowned.”
Bite 5) Purchased with Blood:
As told by Clarence Walker:
In the Dark Ages, many Anabaptists were chained together at Vienna in chains that drew the other after him into the river wherein they were all drowned. (Documented VITA Suprai page 61) In 1160 a company of Paulicians (Baptists) entered Oxford. Henry the second ordered for them to be branded in the forehead with a hot iron, publicly whipped them and dragged them through the streets with their garments cut short as their girdles. Then turned them out into the open country. The villagers were forbidden to give them shelter or food and they suffered a lingering death from cold and hunger. (Documented: Moore: nonconformity Oxford 12) ---- St. Paul’s Church in London examined 19 men and 6 women. 14 of them were condemned for being Baptists. A man and a woman were burned at Smith Field. The other 12 were sent to town to be burned alive. (to be continued) Series 2: Before the Reformation:
(to be continued)
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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