Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Daily Bites of “The Trail of Blood” Series 6:- An Unholy Union:

 Live Free or Die: Bite 1)

 Introduction: Bite 2)

 By the Grace of God: Bite 3)

 History of Denominations: Bite 4) 

Written in Blood: Bite 5) Purchased with Blood:

Before the Reformation:

Cruel Persecution: Bite 6)

Martyrs: Bite 7) 

To the end of the Age: Bite 8) 

Marks of the New Testament church:  Bite 9)

Remember the Days of Old: Bite 10)

Out of This World:

Render Unto Caesar: Bite 11)

Let US Beware: Bite 12)

Scriptural Authority Only: Bite 13)

Apart from the World: Bite 14)

Mocked by the Enemy: Bite 15)

First Period: AD 30-500:

The Voice in the Wilderness: Bite 16)

After the First Century: Bite 17)

The Second and Third Century: Bite 18)

Tyrants Lording over God’s Heritage: Bite 19)

Serious Errors of the Church: Bite 20)

False Doctrines:

Infant Baptism: Bite 21) 

Hurtful Changes: Bite 22)

Separation of the churches: Bite 23)

Independent Churches: Bite 24)

A New World Emperor:  Bite 25)

An Unholy Union:

A Worldly Truce: Bite 26)

Two Rival Cities: Bite 27)

A One-State Religion: Bite 28)

The Devil’s Dictionary: Bite 29)

Summary of the First Five Centuries: Bite 30)

Daily Bites of “The Trail of Blood” vol. 1) By J. M. Carroll: Series 6

  An Unholy Union:

A Worldly Truce: Bite 26)
 As told by Clarence Walker:

Under the leadership of Emperor Constantine there comes a truce with Christians; a courtship; a proposal of marriage. The Roman Empire through its Emperor seeks a marriage with Christianity. “Give us your spiritual power and we will give you our temporal power.” To effectually bring about and consummate this unholy union a Council was called in AD 313 for a coming together of representatives for the Christian churches. Many came but not all. The Alliance was consummated and a Hierarchy was formed in the organization of the Hierarch. Christ was dethroned as the Head of the churches and Emperor Constantine was enthroned (only temporarily) as Head of the Church. The Hierarchy was the definite beginning of a development which finally resulted into what is now known as the Universal (ecumenical) or World Council of Churches. (WCC)

Two Rival Cities: Bite 27)
As told by Clarence Walker:

Roman Emperor Constantine’s actions in repudiating for the Whole Roman Empire, the Pagan religion and accepting Christianity, angered the Roman Senate. They opposed Constantine’s course. Their opposition finally resulted in the remove of the seat of the Emperor from Rome to Byzantium, an old city which was renamed “Constantinople.” The two rival cities several centuries later became the ruling center of the divided Catholic Church: Roman and Greek: Up to the organization of the Hierarchy and the uniting of the church with the state all the persecution of Christianity had been done by Judaism or Paganism. NOW COMES A SERIOUS CHANGE! CHRISTIANS (IN NAME ONLY) BEGAN TO PERSECUTE LOYAL CHRISTIANS!

A One-State Religion: Bite 28) 

As told by Clarence Walker:

Constantine desired to have all Christians join with him in his new idea of a state religion. many conscientiously opposed this serious departure from the New Testament teachings. Constantine began using the power of the government to compel Christians to join with him. This began the days and years and even centuries of hard persecutions against all Christians who were loyal to Christ and the original teachings He gave to the Apostles. Remember that we are now noting the events occurring from the year's AD 300 to 500. The Hierarchy organized under the leadership of Constantine rapidly developed into what is now known as the Catholic Church. This newly developing church joined to a temporal government began to legislate new laws and annulling old laws. This completely disobeyed the common law of the New Testament.

The Devil’s Dictionary: Bite 29) 

As told by Clarence Walker:

Loyal Christians and their churches, of course, rejected this new law of “Infant Baptism only.” The Scriptural Baptism was a ceremonial testimony for believers. True Christians refused the unscriptural church organization which was not genuine Christian. However, the name of “Christian” was denied the loyal Christians who refused to accept the new unscriptural law of “Infant Baptism” and absolutely denying a second Baptism after the infant Baptism required by state law! Because the true believers were clinging to Scriptural authority they were mocked and called “Anabaptists” by those who pretended to be Christians by following the worldly laws of the state which were entirely against the Scriptures. AD 426 is when the awful persecution of the Dark Ages had its beginning. It was early in the Dark Ages when Popery began its evil reign.

Summary of the First Five Centuries: Bite 30)
As told by Clarence Walker:

1. The gradual change from a democracy to a controlled church government. 

2) The change from Salvation by Grace through an infant Baptism salvation. 

3) The change from believer’s Ceremonial Baptism to Infant Baptism only: 

4) The Hierarchy organized marriage of church and state. 

5) The seat of the Emperor changed to Constantinople Church government. 

6) Infant Baptism established by law and made compulsory. 

7) Worldly Christians persecute loyal Christians.

8) The Dark Ages begins in AD 426:

9) The sword and torch became the power of God, rather than the Gospel unto Salvation.

10) All the resemblance of religious liberty dies and remains buried for many centuries. 

11) Loyal New Testament Churches are called by vile names; hunted and hounded to the utmost limit by the new temporal world state power. Remnants of Christians scattered all over the world are finding uncertain hiding places in forests, mountains, valleys, dens, and caves. (end of vol. 1) 

(to be continued)

The Next Bites
 The Trail of Blood vol 2) “600 to 1300 AD”

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


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