Live Free or Die: Bite 1)
Introduction: Bite 2)
By the Grace of God: Bite 3)
History of Denominations: Bite 4)
Written in Blood: Bite 5) Purchased with Blood:
Before the Reformation:
Cruel Persecution: Bite 6)
Cruel Persecution: Bite 6)
Martyrs: Bite 7)
To the end of the Age: Bite 8)
Marks of the New Testament church: Bite 9)
Remember the Days of Old: Bite 10)
Out of This World:
Render Unto Caesar: Bite 11)
Render Unto Caesar: Bite 11)
Scriptural Authority Only: Bite 13)
Apart from the World: Bite 14)
Mocked by the Enemy: Bite 15)
First Period: AD 30-500:
The Voice in the Wilderness: Bite 16)
The Voice in the Wilderness: Bite 16)
After the First Century: Bite 17)
The Second and Third Century: Bite 18)
Tyrants Lording over God’s Heritage: Bite 19)
Serious Errors of the Church: Bite 20)
False Doctrines:
Infant Baptism: Bite 21)
Infant Baptism: Bite 21)
Hurtful Changes: Bite 22)
Separation of the churches: Bite 23)
Independent Churches: Bite 24)
A New World Emperor: Bite 25)
An Unholy Union:
A Worldly Truce: Bite 26)
Two Rival Cities: Bite 27)
A One-State Religion: Bite 28)
The Devil’s Dictionary: Bite 29)
Summary of the First Five Centuries: Bite 30)
Two Rival Cities: Bite 27)
A One-State Religion: Bite 28)
The Devil’s Dictionary: Bite 29)
Summary of the First Five Centuries: Bite 30)
(to be continued)
The Trail of Blood vol 2) “600 to 1300 AD”
The Trail of Blood vol 2) “600 to 1300 AD”
Daily Bites of “The Trail of Blood” vol. 1) By J. M. Carroll: Series 3
Out of This World:
Render Unto Caesar: Bite 11)
Render Unto Caesar: Bite 11)
As told by Clarence Walker:
The religion of Christ, being a religion “not of this world” its Founder gave it no earthly head and no temporal power. It sought no establishment; no state or government support. It sought no dethronement of Caesar: “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s” (Matthew 22:19-22) Being a spiritual religion it was a rival of no earthly government. Its adherents were taught to respect all civil law and government. (Romans 13:1-7) If you and I were to trace the Christian religion down through 20 long centuries, and especially down through 1200 years of midnight darkness, darkened by rivers of martyr blood, then we need to know well these marks of the Church. They will be disfigured many times but there will always be some marks. Let US be carefully and prayerfully BEWARE!
Let US Beware: Bite 12)
As told by Clarence Walker:
We will encounter many shams and make-believe. If possible, the very elect will be betrayed and deceived. We want to trace this down through credible history if it is at all possible, but especially, through the infallible, unerring Word of God, for marks of Divine Truth. If in going down through the centuries we run upon groups of people bearing not these distinguishing marks and teaching other things for fundamental doctrines...Let US Beware! JESUS CHRIST, THE AUTHOR OF THIS RELIGION ORGANIZED HIS FOLLOWERS INTO A CHURCH. They were to become disciples and organize other disciples and other churches as the religion spread. (Baptist Succession Ray: Revered Edition CH 1) They were given only 2 officers for each individual church: The Pastor and the Deacon: At one time the pastors were called bishops. The officers were selected by the church to be servants or ministers of the people.
Scriptural Authority Only: Bite 13)
As told by Clarence Walker:
All churches in their own government were to be entirely separate and independent of each other. Only the saved were to be received as members. (Acts 2:47) We are saved by grace alone without the deeds of the law. The inspired Scripture of the New Testament were to be the rule and guide of faith and life for each individual member of that organization. Christ Jesus, the Savior of its members, was to be the Only Priest: The Only Lord and Law Giver and the Only Head of the churches. The churches were to be executive only in carrying out the Lord’s will and complete law. They were never to be legislative, to amend or abrogate old laws or to make new laws. This Christian Religion was to be an individual, personal, and purely voluntarily, or through persuasion, with no physical or governmental compulsions. It is a matter of individual and personal choice. (Joshua 24:15: “If it seems evil unto you to serve the Lord: Choose you this day whom you will serve: As for me and my house,,, We will serve the Lord!”)
Apart from the World: Bite 14)
As told by Clarence Walker:
One distinguishing mark of the Baptist’s individual freedom was for Christians and not for everyone who attended the church. Neither Christ nor His apostles ever gave to His followers what is known today as a denominational name, such as Catholic, Lutheran, Presbyterian, and so forth...unless the Name given by Christ the Lord, to John was intended for such as...”Baptist.” John the Baptist: Matthew 11:11 and a dozen other times written. Christ called His individual followers “disciples.” The word “Church” in the singular was never used to refer to these organizations. I believe if you study the chart memory you will better understand the history and it will greatly aid your memory in retaining what you hear and see. Remember that this chart is supposed to cover 2,000 years of religious history. These disciples were first called Christians at Antioch. (Acts 11:26) This occurred around AD 43.
Mocked by the Enemy: Bite 15)
As told by Clarence Walker:
Either the Pagans or the Jews gave the Christians mocking names. Such as: “Montanists”...”Donatists” ... “Paulicians” ... “Waldenses” etc-- All of these will, again and again, be referred to as the lectures progress but look again at the chart and see the circles. they are scattered all over the chart. They represent churches; single, individual, independent churches. They are in Asia, Africa, and Europe, in mountains and valleys, and so forth. Jesus Christ, their Founder, died on the Cross. All the apostles, save 2, John and Judas, suffered Martyr deaths. Judas betrayed his Lord and died in a suicide. According to history, the Apostle John was boiled in a cauldron of oil. On the chart, there will be some churches of error; churches that have strayed in life and doctrine, but not all.
(to be continued)
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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