Mary Jacoby (left), President Donald Trump (middle), Barack Obama (right) |
BOMBSHELL: Obama Calls His Lawyers In Panic As Trump Uncovers ‘The Woman He Tried To Hide’Barack Obama was sure that he had covered his trail as he took every precaution to hide his relationship with one woman. Poor Obama didn’t hide her well enough, and right before President Donald Trump left for his Christmas vacation, he secretly made sure that this woman’s shocking criminal relationship to the former president was exposed. Obama felt sheer panic, calling his team of attorneys, and his head is not the only one going to roll
The president just gave the American people the best Christmas gifts ever; a huge new tax reform law and now the evidence proving Barack Hussein Obama knew and sanctioned the illegal scheme to try to ensure the GOP candidate for president, Donald Trump, would never see inside the White House. It’s all part of the same scheme that is behind the coup attempt to impeach Trump once he won, and the key is a woman named Mary Jacoby.
Who’s Mary Jacoby? Well, sit back my fellow Americans and pop some popcorn, as you learn of the one woman who is playing a prominent role in bringing down the Obama regime and the Clinton crime cartel for good. On April 10, 2016, Mary Jacoby showed up on White House visitor logs, meeting with President Obama and his top officials, and she doesn’t leave for 14 hours.
That same month, April 2016, the Clinton Campaign and DNC hired Fusion-GPS to organize the Russia research, which later became known as the bogus “Russian dossier.” Mary Jacoby is the wife of Fusion-GPS head Glenn Simpson. But, there’s more.
Copy of White House logs from April 10, 2016, showing Mary Jacoby was meeting with Obama officials for 14 hours.
Simpson and Jacoby aren’t minor players, this dreadful duo writes for the Wall Street Journal, and they are heavyweights in Washington, D.C., as part of the mainstream media.
A Tablet investigation using public sources to trace the evolution of the now-famous dossier suggests that central elements of the Russiagate scandal emerged not from the British ex-spy Christopher Steele’s top-secret “sources” in the Russian government—which are unlikely to exist separate from Russian government control—but from a series of stories that Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson and his wife Mary Jacoby co-wrote for TheWall Street Journal well before Fusion GPS existed, and Donald Trump was simply another loud-mouthed Manhattan real estate millionaire.
Understanding the origins of the “Steele dossier” [Russian dossier] is especially important because of what it tells us about the nature and the workings of what its supporters would hopefully describe as an ongoing campaign to remove the elected President of the United States. [Source: Tablet Magazine]
So, not only is Jacoby the wife of the guy who is behind compiling the Russian dossier, a totally fabricated document, we now know that Russian dossier was submitted as the only evidence by the FBI cabal, including former Director James Comey and his Deputy Director Andy McCabe, to obtain wiretaps on the then-candidate Donald Trump and his campaign.
Jacoby even boasted about it in a Facebook post. “In a Facebook post from June 24, 2017, that Tablet has seen in screenshots, Jacoby claimed that her husband deserves the lion’s share of credit for Russiagate. (She has not replied to repeated requests for comment.) ‘It’s come to my attention that some people still don’t realize what Glenn’s role was in exposing Putin’s control of Donald Trump,’ Jacoby wrote. ‘Let’s be clear. Glenn conducted the investigation. Glenn hired Chris Steele. Chris Steele worked for Glenn,'” reported Tablet Magazine.
Jacoby’s Facebook post is exaggerating their importance in writing the Russian dossier. Her husband Glenn Simpson assigned the actual writing of the Russian dossier to his Russia expert at Fusion-GPS, a woman named Nellie Ohr.
This is where the DOJ’s former associate deputy attorney general Bruce Ohr comes in — he is married to Nellie Ohr. He also has admitted to meeting with Glenn Simpson to obtain the fake Russian dossier for the DOJ before anyone knew who his wife was.
Fox News reports, “Ohr was set to appear before the Senate Intel panel Monday, but the appearance was delayed after the committee secured new related documents, which members wanted to review before hearing from him.”
Oh, I bet we know what those new documents are, thanks to Trump’s sting operation, which he put in place with Inspector General Michael Horowitz taking the lead. That sting operation is gathering all this evidence, and Bruce and Nellie Ohr, along with their partners Glenn Simpson and Mary Jacoby, have left quite an incriminating trail- leading right back to Barck Obama.
Jacoby’s meeting with Obama is pure dynamite. I’m sure we would love to see the records from those meetings. Why would a Wall Street Journal journalist be in a top secret meeting in the Oval Office for 14 hours? We all know that answer, and it’s why Obama was definitely burning up his cell phone, calling his attorneys today.
There’s one more thing. All of these snakes communicated without being detected by the good guys left in the intelligence community, but how? Records prove Nellie Ohr got a license for a HAM radio in May 2016. These rats knew the NSA does not monitor traffic by HAM radios. They really thought they had covered their tracks.
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