Gordon V. Drake holds a doctorate in higher education and administration from the University of Denver and a Masters Degree from the Northern University of Arizona. Dr. drake’s articles on education have appeared in various national magazines. As a teacher and administrator Dr. Drake served on the faculties of the Universities of Denver, Wisconsin State University and as Dean of Shelton College. In 1964 he won an award from the Commission of the American Legion for his teaching of American History. Since January of 1968 Dr. Drake has associated with Dr. Billy James Hargis and the Christian Crusade Headquarters in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Dr. Drake appeared regularly on Christian Crusade Daily Network Broadcast: He is the author of “Blackboard Power”--- “National Education Association Threat to America” ---- “Sensitivity, raw sex schoolhouse, Training.” All of the documents in this book are thoroughly documented. Further documentation may be obtained by writing directly to: Dr. Gordon V. Drake, Christian Crusade. Box 977, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74102 --------------------- “These activities include Sensitivity Training investigation of morality claiming that “myth based” religious ideas in our society interfere with the growth of scientific psychology”
Highlights by PL Sturgis: comments in ( PLS)
Series 6
#26) SEARCH: New methods for Education Federally funded:
#27) Attacking Individuality and Personal Values:
#28) A Case in Point:
#29) Published Testimonies:
#30) Calling Evil Good:
Daily Bites of Attack on American Christian Culture: by Gordon V. Drake
Series 4
In the Touch and Tell service there is no stylized formal ritual. Rather, it depends on imagination, physical contact, and communication in the frame work of the Bible and silent prayer. The service opens with everyone holding hands in a circle during silent prayer. the worshipers stand in the center of the circle one at a time and close their eyes. The person then falls backwards and is passed from one member to another. the purpose of this exercise is to provide a feeling of trust in the hands and arms of others; to be supported and gently handled in a kind and loving way. Sessions such as these are becoming common place in the churches and they are constantly improving the “sensitivity oriented” Touch and Tell worship service. For example, two Episcopal congregations in the Baltimore area sent about 30 people into the nearby hills for a sensitivity session. One of the preachers had a predominately black congregation and the other one was white. Part of the session was non verbal and they danced and hugged each other. Feeding at the same trough are those pseudo parsons who revel in psychodelic rock worship services, which are nothing but ear splitting, eye blending versions of satan’s black mass. One such service recently took place in Mason City, Iowa. Let me quote from the newspaper account: “Worship involves senses strobe lights and dancing shadows, pictures of starving children, soft music and a moment of silence broken abruptly by a loud rock band.
#17 The Worshiping Dances:
A loud rock band begins electrifying the church with its sound. Psychedelic lights bounce around the center of the church as the shadow of the Cross whips from left to right. Then a voice from the balcony begins chanting from the Hollow Men by T.S. Elliot. During the poem dancers move gracefully at the front of the church, shadows projecting it to giant size, seeming to move in slow motion and creating an illusion by the lights. Toward the middle of the poem the pictures of Detroit and Vietnam, with other modern scenes, flash on the walls and ceilings. then the final lines of the poem depicts the way the world will end....not with a bang, but only a whimper.
#18) Another Pilgrim: by the World Council of Churches (WCC)
In the final scene of “Another Pilgrim” the preacher stands before his congregation nude. Why? To demonstrate complete honesty to his flock! This, however, is but a feeble gesture compared to the primitive nude orgy recently (1969) staged by the “Living theater” at a suburban Madison, Wisconsin Unitarian Church. The report points out the new directions the church is taking. Orgiastic nudity and sensitivity training has moved up to the godless temple frantically seeking something or someone to worship! The newspaper account tells us that seven members of the audience stripped naked. There was swearing, spitting, arguing, and a flesh pile. The pastor said the performance should be allowed on the terms of civil liberty. An audience of 500 saw the group of 20 actors do their thing and antagonized them to get them involved. The mixed class of loin cloths and halters was upstaged at one point when 5 men and 2 women, members of the audience, disrobed altogether. then there was the flesh pile and chants for sexual revolution. There were no arrests.
#19) Natural Bedfellows:
Yes indeed! Sensitivity training and the sexual revolution are natural bedfellows, as demonstrated by this “Living Theater” group. Highly trained professionals in the fine arts of inducing audiences to rid themselves of their inhibitions and self control, deliberately needle the audience into emotional gut feelings of anger, disgust, frustration, and reckless abandonment. We even find the Catholic Carmelite Order through Reverend William Mc Nimara, with the approval of the Vatican, has established a “Spiritual Life” Institute, an ecumenical haven to encourage contemplation among laymen and religious persons. Reverend McNimara had been very active in the bizarre happenings at the Esalen Institute in California, where he served as an advisor.
#20) Cities of education:
From the National College of Education News: July/August 1968, in Evanston, Illinois: Lomax proposed giving up the hallowed concept of the neighborhood schools and establish cities of education for all children where pupils would live 24 hours a day. The hope would be that these cities would correct “scarring” of the child before he was too old to change and provide social experience of integrated living. Mrs. Moore referred to Lomax remark that such a school would be as beneficial to white children as to black children. they may need ethics as well as reading. Dr. Don Boyer of the science faculty agreed with Lomax’s aim: “It is hard to change human nature, so perhaps we have to break the deadlock by creating a new social environment!” Several students and faculty members reminded them that there is nothing particularly new in this idea of taking children away from home to educate them. They did it in Greece thousands of years ago. (Most ridiculous statement of all! P.L.Sturgis) Dr. Gordon V. Drake’s question: “Do biological parents have to be sociological parents anyway?” This query also from Mrs. Phyllis Nuelist, National College of Education:
(to be continued)
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