President Trump is taking his oath of office very seriously by ensuring that all oaths of office in America are administered legally. According to the White House Director of Information and Propaganda, Art Tubolls says the problem is widespread:
Trump Instructs Acting Secretary of State To Nullify Oaths Taken On Qurans
“There are people from illegitimate religions popping up all over Congress and at the state level. They want to take their oaths on the Moon God book like Obama did in 2008. The problem is, the Constantinople Clause says that Christianity must be observed for oaths ‘lest they have no meaning.’ This isn’t about church and state. This is about assigning Christian morals and ideals where appropriate in our Christian society. If you can’t take an oath on a bible, you can’t serve this country. Period.”
The rules aren’t Trump’s. Obama broke the law in 2009 when he took the oath on a tiny brown book people assumed was a bible. As it turns out, there is no bible that size in existence. Nobody has ever made one. It is, however, the standard size for the American Muslamic version of the Koran (Q’Oaurane’). Active Secretary of State, Sandy Batt, has sent a Secretarial Order to all state secretaries to refuse certification to any elected official not willing to take an oath as described in the Bill of Rights.
If they try to mess with the constitution, they’re going to learn a very hard lesson.
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust
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I have heard this is FAKE NEWS. You have any Proof TRUMP ORDERED THIS!
ReplyDeleteSadly, it is fake.
DeleteYou people KILL me! You hypocritically talk about "illegitimate" religions when your own founding slave masters declared FREEDOM OF RELIGION. LOL! Obama didn't take his oath on a Bible because they don't make Bibles that size! When I was in the service I once bought a Bible from a gumball machine. Bibles come in ALL sizes. For people who are quick to scream FAKE NEWS to whatever it is they don't want to accept you sure do like to create it
Hope so!!.. Enough of not speaking up! in fear of the mighty Racecard!
ReplyDeleteHope so!!.. Enough of not speaking up! in fear of the mighty Racecard!
ReplyDeleteWouldn't taking an oath on a book you don't believe in make the oath pointless?
ReplyDeleteGood they need to wakeup. allah is fake and muhammad was a false prophet and goat humper.
ReplyDeletebetter a "pointless" oath than one taken on a book full of a paedophile sociopaths example & instructions to abduct enslave subjugate force-indoctrinate fgm-mutilate headbag beat torture rape & murder defenceless little girl child "brides"....
ReplyDeleteANY such oath is high treason against the values of Democracy Morality & Decency and anyone who even asks to take an oath on such evil sedition should be publicly executed as an enemy of the state and a direct threat to the Safety & Security of all Americans especially NEW Americans who have escaped the misery dysfunction & perverse human rights abuse of the stenching sewer shariaDiahrea cesspool filthy isLIEmic fiefdoms full of incestuous necrophile inbred de-evolved hate-ideology genocidal supremacist koranimals like isis alqueda bokoharem alshabab hamas hezbollah taliban and all the other terrorist jihadi psychos who follow their false "prophet" mass-murderer child "bride" raping camel piss swiller.
Why is EVERY musLIEim sewer such a sh*thole? saudiBarbaria syria somolia sudan iran iraq indonesia malaysia afghan pakstan egypt libya lebanon yemen morocco chechnya and of course swedestan rotherstan birmingstan londonstan paris belchium and all the other eurabian no-go-zones of shariaDiahrea.
Funny how Poland & Hungary don't tolerate any of this festering filth and they remain SAFE CIVILIZED and don't have the child-rape/murder knifings scabies hepC aids polio malaria syphilis gonhorea & cholera epidemic like ugula burqel's germanistan or the swedestan jihadist incubator.
BAN the koran..!!!!
pure hate speech & COUNSEL to COMMIT TREASON..!!!
Praise be to God Almighty!
DeleteNice read.
I hope this is true.This infiltration of our government is how they gain control of our country.Too many people are sheeple . They elect these vermin into office. Look at Europe! If people dont know they are trying to take over this country, then they're not paying attention. We will all pay for their ignorance!
ReplyDeleteI sometimes wonder if the muslims have been elected into office wasnt a fixed election.at least i hope there arent that many stupid americans
Deleteno there isnt that many stupid Americans, but there are that many muslims voting them in.
DeleteThis is good but it needs to go further to be valid. No muslims should be allowed to hold elected office and those now sitting should be removed for cause. Muslims have already taken an oath to Islam which supersedes any and all other oaths. Any oath of office a muslim takes is null and void because of their oath already taken on the Qur'an to Islam, a socialist based cult of evil and hate!
ReplyDeleteWhile I wish this were the case - if you follow the link to 'source' it is a satire site - this is not true - but would be nice -
ReplyDeleteThe oaths should be null and void...This is America and the oath needs to be taken according to our constitution.. Thank you Mr. President...Uphold our constitution...
ReplyDeleteI believe in the Constitution of our Hreat Nation is what really binds this nation together and which makes the American society exceptional! Without it would never have become what it is today! Adhering to our constitution is paramount to our nation's success! An Oath to our Constitution and laws is essential! NO SHARIA!!
ReplyDeleteThat's: Great Nation!🇺🇸
ReplyDeleteIf this is accurate Thank you Mr President ,and I would like to tell all Counterfeit Republicans, I hope you get found out sooner than later because you phonie's like Senator Cory Gardner are Destroying America from within and I hope the citizens hold you personally responsible and get payback.
ReplyDeletePeople take an oath on The Bible in the belief that they will tell the truth if swearing upon their holy book, that is that they will not lie before their God. Surely, you would want a Muslim person to swear upon the holy book that they believe in, otherwise there is no compulsion for them to tell the truth if they are swearing on a book that has no meaning to them. Kind of defeats the purpose of taking an oath. It would be like a Christian swearing an oath on the Q'uran, they would not be compelled to tell the truth by swearing on the text because they don't believe in it. I would think that a Muslim that wanted to lie in court would be glad that they didn't have to swear on their holy text.
ReplyDeleteThe Koran allows for
ReplyDeletedeception by its followers.
Americans better stop playing with their own loved ones lives all because they don’t want to look racist , I would much rather look racist then to be so ignorant That my own actions allow anyone to be hurt or killed by a group of society that wants nothing less then to see us all dead.
ReplyDeleteObama's regime was illegitimate!
ReplyDeleteSadly, Even if using something other than the bible isn't supposed to be legal, nothing will be done to stop it.
ReplyDeleteGoing to The Bill Of Rights to research your comment. Don't recall it ever stating that. So far this is the only place stating these facts. President would Twitter this one for sure. I question validity of this story. Hope it's true.
ReplyDeleteAll I want to know is where is our DOJ? They ALL swore to uphold all American laws, to protect the constitution and the American citizens?
ReplyDeleteI thanked him when he 1st stepped up about this. Lets face it Islam is banned and has been banned from American soil since 1952. So for one there shouldnt be one Moslem in our country and with that not one of their books. Other then books for Americans to study to better know their self proclaimed and sworn enemies of Western society! Islam as a whole declaired a holy war on the Western Cultures and made their entire Governmental system of oppression (Islam) the rest of the worlds enemies! Even if they are not actuall grabbing a gun and killing us they are all our enemies as they will help their own people to kill and enslave the rest! Everyone here keeps talking about the Quran yet it seems like people havnt really ever read a word of it? Moslems are told in almost every book to kill/behead all infidels so you all tell me if they should be in our country? They are by definition "illegal Aliens" and should "all" be deported! IF anyone bothers to read our own Constitution they would already know that the Obama's and Biden's betrayed us all by bring our self proclaimed and sworn enemies to our doorsteps!!! I will never abide by any leftist leaders and the laws they try to impose on the free peoples of this nation! Any and all laws/rules/policies that are unconstitutional that are imposed on the people are automatically Null&Void Per our Constitution! WAKE UP AMERICA!!!