Live Free or Die: Bite 1)
Introduction: Bite 2)
By the Grace of God: Bite 3)
History of Denominations: Bite 4)
Written in Blood: Bite 5) Purchased with Blood:
Before the Reformation:
Cruel Persecution: Bite 6)
Cruel Persecution: Bite 6)
Martyrs: Bite 7)
To the end of the Age: Bite 8)
Marks of the New Testament church: Bite 9)
Remember the Days of Old: Bite 10)
Out of This World: Bite 11)
Render Unto Caesar: Bite 12)
Let US Beware: Bite 13)
Scriptural Authority Only: Bite 14)
Apart from the World: Bite 15) Mocked by the Enemy:
First Period: AD 30-500: Bite 16)
The Voice in the Wilderness: Bite 17)
After the First Century: Bite 18)
The Second and Third Century: Bite 19)
Tyrants Lording over God’s Heritage: Bite 20) Serious Errors of the Church:
False Doctrines: Bite 21)
Infant Baptism: Bite 22)
Hurtful Changes: Bite 23)
Separation of the churches: Bite 24)
Independent Churches: Bite 25) A New World Emperor:
An Unholy Union: Bite 26)
A Worldly Truce: Bite 27)
Two Rival Cities: Bite 28)
A One-State Religion: Bite 29)
Summary of the First Five Centuries: (to be continued) The Trail of Blood vol 2) “600 to 1300 AD”
Daily Bites of “The Trail of Blood” vol. 1) By J. M. Carroll: Series 2
Before the Reformation:
Cruel Persecution: Bite 6)
Cruel Persecution: Bite 6)
As told by Clarence Walker:
The President of the Roman Council of Trent, Cardinal Hassius, said this about the 1200 years proceeding the Reformation: “Were it not that the Baptists had been grievously tormented and cut off with the knife during the past 1200 years they would be swarming in greater numbers than the Reformers are.” (Catholic 1524...Documented Letter APUD Opera page 112,113) During those years the Baptists were cruelly persecuted for their faith. Sir Isaac Newton said the Baptists were the only body of known Christians that have never once symbolized with Rome.------ Before the rise of Luther and Calvin, there lay secreted in almost all the countries of Europe persons who adhered to modern Dutch Baptist. (Presbyterian) It may have already occurred to you that the Baptists are the same sect of Christians that were formally described as Anabaptists. Indeed, this seems to be their present principles since around 50 years after the death of Apostle John.
Martyrs: Bite 7)
As told by Clarence Walker:
Bite 8) To the End of the Age:
As told by Clarence Walker:
Baptists do not believe in apostilistic succession. The Apostle’s office ceased with the death of the apostles. It is to the Lord’s Church that He promised a continual existence from the time He organized the first one, during His early ministry, till the time He comes again. He promised: “I will build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” (Matthew 16:18) Then when He gave the great Commission which tells the churches what they must do, He promised: “I will be with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20) The commission was not given only to the apostles as individuals but also to the others present in their church capacity. The apostles and others who heard the Lord give the commission were soon dead but the Church has lived through the ages, making disciples, getting souls saved, and teaching the truth,---The Doctrines.
Marks of the New Testament Church: Bite 9)
As told by Clarence Walker:
The faithful churches have been blessed with the Lord’s presence as they traveled through their trail of Blood. Its Head and Founder is the Law Giver, Jesus Christ, and the Only Executive. (Matthew 16:18...Col. 1:18) Its only rule of Faith and practice is the Bible: (2 Timothy 3:15,17) Its name is “Church” (Rev. 22:16) Its politic: Congregational; All members equal. (Matthew 20:24-28... Mathew 23:5-12) Its members are saved, people: (Ephesians 2:21...1 Peter 2:5) Its ordinance: Believer’s Baptism followed by the Lord’s Supper; (Matthew 28:19,20) Its officers: Pastors and Deacons: (1 Timothy 3:1-16) Its Work: Getting folks saved and Baptized, meeting requirements of Scripture, teaching: (Matthew 28:16-20) “Do all I have commanded.” ---- Its Financial Plan: Tithes and offerings: (1 Cor. 9:14) Weapons of Warfare: Spiritual, not carnal: (2 Cor. 10:4... Ephesians 6:10-20) Independence: Separate from State: (Matthew 22:21)
Remember the Days of Old: Bite 10)
As told by Clarence Walker:
Deuteronomy 32:7: “Consider the days of many generations. Ask your fathers and they will show you. Ask your elders and they will tell you.” --- What we know today as true Christianity began with Christ AD 25-30--- within the bounds of the Roman Empire, one of the greatest Empires the world has ever known in all its history. The Empire, at that period, embraced all of what was then known as the inhabited world. Tiberius Caesar was the Emperor. In its religion, the Roman Empire, at that time was Pagan, a religion of many gods. Some were material and some were imaginary. It was an established religion established by law and enforced by the government. (Moshium vol. 1 ch 6) The Jewish people no longer had their own nation but were scattered throughout the Empire, yet they had their temple in Jerusalem. They went there to worship but they had drifted and become like the Pagans and lost their power. (Moshium ch 2)
(to be continued)
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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