Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is a central player in the Deep State coup against Donald Trump.
Rosenstein is overseeing the appointed Robert Mueller counsel and is overseeing the Russia investigation.
The Deputy Attorney General testified before Congress and Trey Gowdy turned the investigation upside down with one speech.
Republicans had begun to question Gowdy when the South Carolina Congressman defended the FBI for implanting a spy in the Trump campaign.
But then Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz released his findings and Gowdy was appalled.
Horowitz found that former Director James Comey was insubordinate and at least five high ranking FBI officials who worked on the Clinton email and Russia investigations harbored deep seeded hatred for then-candidate Donald Trump.
The report singled out FBI agent Peter Strzok – who ran the Russia investigation – for his conduct.
Strzok had sent text messages assuring another agent, whom he was having an affair with, that the FBI would “stop” Donald Trump.
This chilling text message to use the investigative powers of the FBI to rig the 2016 election made it abundantly clear what Strzok and Page meant in a previously released text message where they referred to the Russia investigation as “an insurance policy.”
And Gowdy was loaded for bear when Rosenstein appeared before the House to defend the Bureau’s conduct and the Mueller witch hunt.
The South Carolina Congressman proceeded to launch into a fire and brimstone speech that immediately went viral on social media.
Gowdy declared that Strzok was obviously biased because “He was talking about impeachment within three days of Special Counsel Robert Mueller being appointed. Three days! That’s even quicker than MSNBC and the Democrats were talking about impeaching.”
The South Carolina Congressman continued to lace into Rosenstein for overseeing an investigation that was infected from top to bottom with a political bias against Donald Trump:
“We’re a year and a half into the Presidency. We’re over a year in the special counsel. You have a counterintelligence investigation that has become public. You have a political investigation that has become political. You have more bias than I have ever seen manifest at a law enforcement officer in the 20 years I used to do it for a living. And for other DOJ employees who had manifest animus toward the person they were supposed to be neutrally and detachedly investigating.”
Gowdy then laid into the Democrats for perverting the Justice System’s presumption of innocence and exploiting the Mueller probe for political gain:
“Democrats are using this investigation as a presumption of guilt, which I find astonishing and in the long for the health of this Republic I would encourage them to go back to the presumption of innocence that we used to hold sacred. There is a desire by Democrat Senators to fundraise off your investigation. “
The public shaming of Rosenstein continued when Gowdy detailed how Democrats already jumped at using the investigation to push for impeachment even though no findings have been reached.
“More than 60 Democrats have already voted to proceed with impeachment before Robert Mueller found a single solitary damn thing,” Gowdy roared.
You can watch Gowdy’s complete speech below:
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