Daily Bites of Southern Poverty Law Center Calling Good Evil!
LC.org Matthew Staver: Submitted and highlighted by PL Sturgis:
Isaiah 5: 20: “Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil; that put darkness for light and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.”
Exposing the Hate group of Southern Poverty Law Center:
Bite 1) Clearing up Confusion:
Bite 2) Bankrupting Conservative Groups:
Bite 3) Comparing Christian Groups with Neo-Nazis:
Bite 4) Targeting the Right:
Bite 5) Unmentioned Goals of SPLC:
Protesting False Statements:
Bite 6) Defamatory Article:
Bite 7) Targeting National Family Relations Organization:
Bite 8) When the Shoe is on the Left Foot:
Bite 9) SPLC’s Name Calling:
Bite 10) Money over Matters:
Racial Discord:
Bite 11) Donating to Black Churches Only:
Bite 12) SPLC Finances:
Bite 13) Money Machine:
Bite 14) Fighting Racism or Fund Raising:
Bite 15) Creating Poverty:
Staff Dissent:
Bite 16) Easy Target: Good or Evil:
Bite 17) The Market of Black and White:
Bite 18) Falsely Named Hate Crimes:
Bite 19) Racism inside SPLC:
Bite 20)Testimony of SPLC’s Former Partner:
Inflate the Hate:
Bite 21) Hate Maps:
Bite 22) Gaining Strength in False Numbers:
Bite 23: Hate groups? NO! Militia Groups:
Bite 24) SPLC not Covering the Left:
Bite 25: Real Hate groups Not Listed on Hate Map:
Moving America Leftward:
Bite 26) Attacking our Free Republic:
Bite 27) SPLC’s Real Goal:
Bite 28) Attacking Biblical Principles:
Bite 29) Redefining Christian Teaching:
Bite 30: Silencing Dissent:
Daily Bites of Calling Good Evil: Series 5
Inflate the Hate:
Bite 21) Hate Maps:
No one has been more insidious in inflating the profile of “hate” groups than millionaire huckster Morris Dees, says Joann Wypijewski, a writer for the leftist Nation Magazine. Dees would have his donors believe that “militia nuts” are lurking around every corner and one tool to project that false image is the “hate map” put out by SPLC. This is an active listing of active “hate groups” listed annually in the United States. The 2014 map lists 784 “hate groups” down almost 20% from the year before but still---well up from the 537 groups said to be menacing America in 1998. SPLC counts as active all “hate groups” that engage in First Amendment protected conduct, such as marches, rallies, speeches, meetings, leafleting, and publishing literature. Merely having a post office box may also get a group on the list. Mark Potok said so will criminal conduct but the SPLC provides no summary listings about which groups, if any, violated the law. This makes it hard to assess just how dangerous these groups are---or if they pose any threat at all.
Bite 22) Gaining Strength in False Numbers:
The SPLC hate map counts each individual chapter of their “hate groups” rather than just their organization. this practice was implemented in 1997. This sends their tally upward. The National Socialist Movement, for example, is listed 49 times in the SPLC’s 2015 hate map, rather than just once. This count includes each one of the NSM’s individual Chapters. A review of SPLC’s Active US Hate Group Map for 2009 showed just 4 organizations counted for 229 “hate groups” as the SPLC count them and roughly 25% of the “hate groups” listed that year. Unfortunately, the SPLC provided no detail about the size or activity of individual Chapters to help gauge the hate. All that is given is the name of the Chapter and the city where it is located. No address is shown. The result is a count utterly incorrect with Federal Bureau Investigation statistics. Hate crime plummeted 24% between 1998 and 2013, according to the FBI. Yet the SPLC claims the number of “hate groups” shot up 75% in the US during this same period.
Bite 23: Hate groups? NO! Militia Groups:
“The SPLC has listings I have never heard of and I know this area pretty well,” said Laird Wilcox, who published his guide to the American Left and to the American right annually since 1979 to the year 2000. “Even my own contacts in various movements have never heard of some on SPLC’s list,” he said in 2007. The Cleveland scene Newspaper took a look in 2002 at the actual number of hate groups in Ohio after the SPLC claimed 40 active hate or militia groups in the state and another group proposed an even higher number. While a few groups on the monitor’s list deserve attention the paper concluded that more have dissolved or accounted to little more than a Yahoo account. Reporter David Martin joked: “most “white nationalist” groups would have trouble staging a poker game,,, let alone--- a revolution!”
Bite 24) SPLC not Covering the Left:
A search for “Occupy Wall Street” in the SPLC Intelligence Report turns up “No results found” nor is it listed on the SPLC hate map. Even though 5 men linked to Occupy Wall Street were arrested in 2012, for plotting to blow up a bridge near Cleveland. Their plot was the opening gambit to widespread destruction in Cleveland. Future plans called for bombing the GOP Convention but that wasn’t even enough to trigger SPLC’s interest. “We are not really set up to cover the extreme Left.” said a member of the SPLC to a National Review reporter. That may be why the SPLC has nothing to say about groups such as the Black Bloc---anarchists who don black clothing and wear masks to conceal their identity at protests. Black Bloc protesters vandalized businesses in Seattle in 1999 Anti-World Trade Organization protest.
Bite 25: Real Hate groups Not Listed on Hate Map:
The SPLC does not list MEChA, a Spanish acronym for Chicano students of Aztlan, a radical student group which supports open borders, amnesty for illegal immigrants, and Spanish as an official US language. With some 400 campus-based chapters nationwide this group would like to take back Aztlan what most Americans know as the South Western US and has been linked to several instances of violence. MEChA students vandalized the UCLA faculty in 1993 causing some $500,000 worth of damage after the University rejected a bid to give departmental status to the Chicano Studies Program. US News and World Report columnist John Leo wrote in 2003 about MEChA: “A MEChA slogan translates as “For our race ...everything. Outside our race...Nothing!” A founding document now carried on many internet MEChA websites talks of the need to reclaim the Southwest Astlan from the occupying forces of the oppressors. As if the Nazi-like call to the power of the blood is not scary enough, Miguel Perez of Cal State, raised the issue of ethnic cleansing. He said once MEChA has taken over then non Chicanos (US citizens) would have to be expelled and opposition groups squashed because you have to keep the power.
(to be continued)
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust
Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy
Note: We at The Patriot cannot make any warranties about the completeness, reliability, and accuracy of this information.
Don't forget to follow the Friends Of Liberty on Facebook and our Page also Pinterest, Twitter, Tumblr and Google Plus PLEASE help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks.

Daily Bites of Southern Poverty Law Center Calling Good Evil!

LC.org Matthew Staver: Submitted and highlighted by PL Sturgis:Isaiah 5: 20: “Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil; that put darkness for light and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.”
Bite 1) Clearing up Confusion:
Bite 5) Unmentioned Goals of SPLC:
Protesting False Statements:
Bite 6) Defamatory Article:
Bite 7) Targeting National Family Relations Organization:
Bite 8) When the Shoe is on the Left Foot:
Bite 9) SPLC’s Name Calling:
Bite 10) Money over Matters:
Racial Discord:
Bite 11) Donating to Black Churches Only:
Bite 12) SPLC Finances:
Bite 13) Money Machine:
Bite 14) Fighting Racism or Fund Raising:
Bite 15) Creating Poverty:
Staff Dissent:
Bite 16) Easy Target: Good or Evil:
Bite 17) The Market of Black and White:
Bite 18) Falsely Named Hate Crimes:
Bite 19) Racism inside SPLC:
Bite 20)Testimony of SPLC’s Former Partner:
Inflate the Hate:
Bite 21) Hate Maps:
Bite 22) Gaining Strength in False Numbers:
Bite 23: Hate groups? NO! Militia Groups:
Bite 24) SPLC not Covering the Left:
Bite 25: Real Hate groups Not Listed on Hate Map:
Moving America Leftward:
Bite 26) Attacking our Free Republic:
Bite 27) SPLC’s Real Goal:
Bite 28) Attacking Biblical Principles:
Bite 29) Redefining Christian Teaching:
Bite 30: Silencing Dissent:
Daily Bites of Calling Good Evil: Series 5
Inflate the Hate:
Bite 21) Hate Maps:
No one has been more insidious in inflating the profile of “hate” groups than millionaire huckster Morris Dees, says Joann Wypijewski, a writer for the leftist Nation Magazine. Dees would have his donors believe that “militia nuts” are lurking around every corner and one tool to project that false image is the “hate map” put out by SPLC. This is an active listing of active “hate groups” listed annually in the United States. The 2014 map lists 784 “hate groups” down almost 20% from the year before but still---well up from the 537 groups said to be menacing America in 1998. SPLC counts as active all “hate groups” that engage in First Amendment protected conduct, such as marches, rallies, speeches, meetings, leafleting, and publishing literature. Merely having a post office box may also get a group on the list. Mark Potok said so will criminal conduct but the SPLC provides no summary listings about which groups, if any, violated the law. This makes it hard to assess just how dangerous these groups are---or if they pose any threat at all.
Bite 22) Gaining Strength in False Numbers:
The SPLC hate map counts each individual chapter of their “hate groups” rather than just their organization. this practice was implemented in 1997. This sends their tally upward. The National Socialist Movement, for example, is listed 49 times in the SPLC’s 2015 hate map, rather than just once. This count includes each one of the NSM’s individual Chapters. A review of SPLC’s Active US Hate Group Map for 2009 showed just 4 organizations counted for 229 “hate groups” as the SPLC count them and roughly 25% of the “hate groups” listed that year. Unfortunately, the SPLC provided no detail about the size or activity of individual Chapters to help gauge the hate. All that is given is the name of the Chapter and the city where it is located. No address is shown. The result is a count utterly incorrect with Federal Bureau Investigation statistics. Hate crime plummeted 24% between 1998 and 2013, according to the FBI. Yet the SPLC claims the number of “hate groups” shot up 75% in the US during this same period.
Bite 23: Hate groups? NO! Militia Groups:
“The SPLC has listings I have never heard of and I know this area pretty well,” said Laird Wilcox, who published his guide to the American Left and to the American right annually since 1979 to the year 2000. “Even my own contacts in various movements have never heard of some on SPLC’s list,” he said in 2007. The Cleveland scene Newspaper took a look in 2002 at the actual number of hate groups in Ohio after the SPLC claimed 40 active hate or militia groups in the state and another group proposed an even higher number. While a few groups on the monitor’s list deserve attention the paper concluded that more have dissolved or accounted to little more than a Yahoo account. Reporter David Martin joked: “most “white nationalist” groups would have trouble staging a poker game,,, let alone--- a revolution!”
Bite 24) SPLC not Covering the Left:
Bite 25: Real Hate groups Not Listed on Hate Map:
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust
Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy
Note: We at The Patriot cannot make any warranties about the completeness, reliability, and accuracy of this information.
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