Daily Bites of Southern Poverty Law Center Calling Good Evil!
LC.org Matthew Staver: Submitted and highlighted by PL Sturgis:
Isaiah 5: 20: “Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil; that put darkness for light and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.”
Exposing the Hate group of Southern Poverty Law Center:
Bite 1) Clearing up Confusion:
Bite 2) Bankrupting Conservative Groups:
Bite 3) Comparing Christian Groups with Neo-Nazis:
Bite 4) Targeting the Right:
Bite 5) Unmentioned Goals of SPLC:
Protesting False Statements:
Bite 6) Defamatory Article:
Bite 7) Targeting National Family Relations Organization:
Bite 8) When the Shoe is on the Left Foot:
Bite 9) SPLC’s Name Calling:
Bite 10) Money over Matters:
Racial Discord:
Bite 11) Donating to Black Churches Only:
Bite 12) SPLC Finances:
Bite 13) Money Machine:
Bite 14) Fighting Racism or Fund Raising:
Bite 15) Creating Poverty:
Staff Dissent:
Bite 16) Easy Target: Good or Evil:
Bite 17) The Market of Black and White:
Bite 18) Falsely Named Hate Crimes:
Bite 19) Racism inside SPLC:
Bite 20)Testimony of SPLC’s Former Partner:
Inflate the Hate:
Bite 21) Hate Maps:
Bite 22) Gaining Strength in False Numbers:
Bite 23: Hate groups? NO! Militia Groups:
Bite 24) SPLC not Covering the Left:
Bite 25: Real Hate groups Not Listed on Hate Map:
Moving America Leftward:
Bite 26) Attacking our Free Republic:
Bite 27) SPLC’s Real Goal:
Bite 28) Attacking Biblical Principles:
Bite 29) Redefining Christian Teaching:
Bite 30: Silencing Dissent:
Daily Bites of Calling Good Evil: Series 3:
Racial Discord:
Bite 11) Donating to Black Churches Only:
Directly aware of the Civil rights Revolution taking place in his backyard in Montgomery, Alabama, Morris Dees (Southern Poverty Law Center) slowly warmed to racial equality in the 1960’s. But not before he took $5,000 in 1961 to defend a Klansman who assaulted an NBC cameraman who rode with the Freedom Riders into Montgomery. He taught Sunday School in Pike Road Baptist Church. One Sunday in 1961 he urged church members to join him in sending money to a black church in Birmingham where 4 young girls died after a bomb tore through the church building. Deathly silence answered (as Dees tells it) and no one joined him in praying for the victims. Dees and his wife (the first of 5 wives) later moved to a Unitarian Fellowship...” because I couldn’t reconcile the moral stance of the church to the events of the day.) as Dees described the riots.
Bite 12) SPLC Finances:
In 1968 Morris Dees of Southern Poverty Law Center took inspiration from the biography of ACLU attorney Clarence Darrow and decided to “speak out for my black friends.” and pursue civil rights law. Along with practicing civil rights law Dees further established his fundraising reputation and showcased his political loyalties by raising money for George McGovern’s presidential campaign. He did so well as Campaign Finance Director helping McGovern take in 24 million that the South Dakota Democrats let him use the 700,000 name campaign list to grow the Southern Poverty Law Center. Dees played a similar fundraising role for Jimmy Carter in 1976 and later volunteered for Ted Kennedy’s short-lived 1980 presidential run and also for Gary Hart in 1984.
Bite 13) Money Machine:
Dees’ prowess for extracting dollars from alarmed liberals helped him earn a place in the Direct Market Association Hall of Fame. This is a unique honor for a civil liberties attorney. It has made the Southern Poverty Law Center the richest civil liberties legal group in the nation. The SPLC’s most recent 2014 tax filing reports a whopping 315 million in net assets. The group took in 54 million in 2014, Ten million was invested income. Even with that hoard at its disposal the SPLC, with 287 employees, including some 40 lawyers, spent just 27 million on programs to advance its mission. Its docket is light with just 7 active cases as of October 2015, according to its website. The organization paid its 10 most well-compensated employees nearly 2 million in 2013. Topping that list is Morris Dees with $364,789 in total compensation, followed by Richard Cohen, president, and CEO, who cleared $359,300.
Bite 14) Fighting Racism or Fund Raising:
The Southern Poverty Law Center has been growing its endowments for decades. Promises have been made twice where it promises to quit fund-raising and live off interest. Harper Magazine writer Ken Silverstein says Morris Dees pledged in 1978 to stop fundraising when the endowment reached 55 million. The promise was repeated in 1989, but only when the endowment reached $100 million. when the cash pile touched the ceiling the SPLC assured it could cease the costly and often unreliable task of fundraising. It still hasn’t happened. and the endowment fund has now reached $302.8 million according to the SPLC’s 2014 tax funding. The reserve is needed, Cohen explained in 2013, because our fundraising is on a downward trend. SPLC’s income from fundraising hit 37.5 million that year and 43.6 million the next year.
Bite 15) Creating Poverty:
Atlanta Civil Rights Attorney Stephen Bright calls Morris Dees a “con man and a fraud.” He sent a scathing to the University of Alabama Law School Dean, declining to attend the 2007 presentation of the “Morris Dees Justice Award.” he called it another “Dees scam” -- a nationally known death penalty opponent who earned $39,208 as president of the Southern Center for Human rights. The positive contributions Dees has made to justice---most undertaken based on calculations as to their publicity and fundraising potential are far more overshadowed than what Harper described as his “flagrantly misleading solicitations for money. He has raised millions upon millions of dollars with various schemes. He has taken advantage of naive, well-meaning people--- some low income---who believe his pitches and give to his $175 million operations. Nothing about fighting racism but all about fundraising. Nothing about stopping poverty but all about creating it.
(to be continued)
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust
Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy
Note: We at The Patriot cannot make any warranties about the completeness, reliability, and accuracy of this information.
Don't forget to follow the Friends Of Liberty on Facebook and our Page also Pinterest, Twitter, Tumblr and Google Plus PLEASE help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks.

Daily Bites of Southern Poverty Law Center Calling Good Evil!

LC.org Matthew Staver: Submitted and highlighted by PL Sturgis:Isaiah 5: 20: “Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil; that put darkness for light and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.”
Bite 1) Clearing up Confusion:
Bite 5) Unmentioned Goals of SPLC:
Protesting False Statements:
Bite 6) Defamatory Article:
Bite 7) Targeting National Family Relations Organization:
Bite 8) When the Shoe is on the Left Foot:
Bite 9) SPLC’s Name Calling:
Bite 10) Money over Matters:
Racial Discord:
Bite 11) Donating to Black Churches Only:
Bite 12) SPLC Finances:
Bite 13) Money Machine:
Bite 14) Fighting Racism or Fund Raising:
Bite 15) Creating Poverty:
Staff Dissent:
Bite 16) Easy Target: Good or Evil:
Bite 17) The Market of Black and White:
Bite 18) Falsely Named Hate Crimes:
Bite 19) Racism inside SPLC:
Bite 20)Testimony of SPLC’s Former Partner:
Inflate the Hate:
Bite 21) Hate Maps:
Bite 22) Gaining Strength in False Numbers:
Bite 23: Hate groups? NO! Militia Groups:
Bite 24) SPLC not Covering the Left:
Bite 25: Real Hate groups Not Listed on Hate Map:
Moving America Leftward:
Bite 26) Attacking our Free Republic:
Bite 27) SPLC’s Real Goal:
Bite 28) Attacking Biblical Principles:
Bite 29) Redefining Christian Teaching:
Bite 30: Silencing Dissent:
Daily Bites of Calling Good Evil: Series 3:
Racial Discord:
Bite 11) Donating to Black Churches Only:
Directly aware of the Civil rights Revolution taking place in his backyard in Montgomery, Alabama, Morris Dees (Southern Poverty Law Center) slowly warmed to racial equality in the 1960’s. But not before he took $5,000 in 1961 to defend a Klansman who assaulted an NBC cameraman who rode with the Freedom Riders into Montgomery. He taught Sunday School in Pike Road Baptist Church. One Sunday in 1961 he urged church members to join him in sending money to a black church in Birmingham where 4 young girls died after a bomb tore through the church building. Deathly silence answered (as Dees tells it) and no one joined him in praying for the victims. Dees and his wife (the first of 5 wives) later moved to a Unitarian Fellowship...” because I couldn’t reconcile the moral stance of the church to the events of the day.) as Dees described the riots.
Bite 12) SPLC Finances:
Bite 13) Money Machine:
Bite 14) Fighting Racism or Fund Raising:
Bite 15) Creating Poverty:
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust
Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy
Note: We at The Patriot cannot make any warranties about the completeness, reliability, and accuracy of this information.
Don't forget to follow the Friends Of Liberty on Facebook and our Page also Pinterest, Twitter, Tumblr and Google Plus PLEASE help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks.

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