Daily Bites of Southern Poverty Law Center Calling Good Evil!

LC.org Matthew Staver: Submitted and highlighted by PL Sturgis:Isaiah 5: 20: “Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil; that put darkness for light and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.”
Exposing the Hate group of Southern Poverty Law Center:
Bite 1) Clearing up Confusion:
Bite 2) Bankrupting Conservative Groups:
Bite 3) Comparing Christian Groups with Neo-Nazis:
Bite 4) Targeting the Right:
Bite 5) Unmentioned Goals of SPLC:
Series 2:
Protesting False Statements:
Bite 6) Defamatory Article:
Bite 7) Targeting National Family Relations Organization:
Bite 8) When the Shoe is on the Left Foot:
Bite 9) SPLC’s Name Calling:
Bite 10) Money over Matters:
Series 3:
Racial Discord:
Bite 11) Donating to Black Churches Only:
Bite 12) SPLC Finances:
Bite 13) Money Machine:
Bite 14) Fighting Racism or Fund Raising:
Bite 15) Creating Poverty:
Series 4:
Staff Dissent:
Bite 16) Easy Target: Good or Evil:
Bite 17) The Market of Black and White:
Bite 18) Falsely Named Hate Crimes:
Bite 19) Racism inside SPLC:
Bite 20)Testimony of SPLC’s Former Partner:
Series 5:
Inflate the Hate:
Bite 21) Hate Maps:
Bite 22) Gaining Strength in False Numbers:
Bite 23: Hate groups? NO! Militia Groups:
Bite 24) SPLC not Covering the Left:
Bite 25: Real Hate groups Not Listed on Hate Map:
Series 6:
Moving America Leftward:
Bite 26) Attacking our Free Republic:
Bite 27) SPLC’s Real Goal:
Bite 28) Attacking Biblical Principles:
Bite 29) Redefining Christian Teaching:
Bite 30: Silencing Dissent:
Bite 7) Targeting National Family Relations Organization:
Corkins targeted the Family Relations Council because of their opposition to redefining marriage and picked the pro-family groups, he told the FBI, using the Southern Poverty Law Centers online hate listings of anti-gay groups. Corkins carried a backpack containing a handgun, almost 100 rounds of ammunition, and 15 Chic-Fil-A sandwiches he intended to smear in the face of his victims. (the food chain president had recently spoken out on behalf of marriage as God made it.... one man and one woman,) He carried the address of a second pro-family group, “The Traditional Values Coalition” also listed on SPLC’s “hate list.” Despite the role its “Hate Map Listings” had in Corkins’ selection of targets, the SPLC rejects any responsibility for the attack. Dees told CNSN News in 2013, and Mark Potok dismissing charges that his group factored into the shootings: “ The SPLC” he suggests, “Can not be responsible for any mentally ill or otherwise unhinged person who decides matters be handled by a gun.” (PL Sturgis: Right there is a slur against our Second Amendment)
The Southern Poverty Law Center sees things in a different light when the shooter is said to be inflamed by the “right.” After Jared Loughner opened fire on Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, severely injuring her and killing 6 others. including a federal judge and a 9-year-old girl, Potok of SPLC quickly associated Loughner with the “right.” One day after the shooting pronounced it “pretty clear that Loughner is taking ideas from Patriot conspiracy theorists David Wynn Miller.” No evidence of connecting it to Miller was offered and never surfaced later. Nevertheless, Potok told the Los Angeles Times: “I think you can find clues for some of the ideas that have influenced him and I think many of them are clearly coming from the extreme right. Potok, a former USA Today reporter, drew a dotted line between Loughner’s vicious shooting spree and his alleged right-wing leanings. “Ideology may not logically explain why he allegedly killed, Potok said, “But it could help explain how he selected his target.”
The Southern Poverty Law Center used the courts early for black Americans. Dees, now 78, sued the YMCA to force it to integrate. He won a suit to redraw state legislature voting districts in Montgomery, Alabama. Dees became nationally known by taking on the Ku Klux Klan in civil courts holding it financially responsible for criminal acts of its members. His attempts of revenge made him the subject of a movie “Line of Fire” in 1991. The Klans sole assets was a warehouse that yielded $51, 875 when sold. Meanwhile, as Ken Silverstein reported in Harper’s Magazine, The SPLC raked in $9 million from a stream of mailed appeals signed by Dees highlighting the case. One featured a gruesome photo of Michael Donald’s corpse. although his wife got very little of the revenue. The SPLC under Morris Dees is very good at lodging venomous accusations of hate and even better at raising money regardless of the matter.
Series 2:
Protesting False Statements:
Bite 6) Defamatory Article:
Bite 7) Targeting National Family Relations Organization:
Bite 8) When the Shoe is on the Left Foot:
Bite 9) SPLC’s Name Calling:
Bite 10) Money over Matters:
Series 3:
Racial Discord:
Bite 11) Donating to Black Churches Only:
Bite 12) SPLC Finances:
Bite 13) Money Machine:
Bite 14) Fighting Racism or Fund Raising:
Bite 15) Creating Poverty:
Series 4:
Staff Dissent:
Bite 16) Easy Target: Good or Evil:
Bite 17) The Market of Black and White:
Bite 18) Falsely Named Hate Crimes:
Bite 19) Racism inside SPLC:
Bite 20)Testimony of SPLC’s Former Partner:
Inflate the Hate:
Bite 21) Hate Maps:
Bite 22) Gaining Strength in False Numbers:
Bite 23: Hate groups? NO! Militia Groups:
Bite 24) SPLC not Covering the Left:
Bite 25: Real Hate groups Not Listed on Hate Map:
Series 6:
Moving America Leftward:
Bite 26) Attacking our Free Republic:
Bite 27) SPLC’s Real Goal:
Bite 28) Attacking Biblical Principles:
Bite 29) Redefining Christian Teaching:
Bite 30: Silencing Dissent:
Daily Bites of Calling Good Evil: Series 2:
Protesting False Statements:
Bite 6) Defamatory Article:
In a letter to Associated Press Assistant General Counsel Brian Barrett, Liberty Counsel Founder and chairmen Mat Staver protested the “defamatory” article and said it presents Liberty Counsel in a false light. The words and the way the article is written, as a whole, presents a clear an unmistakable message to a reasonable person---- “Mat Staver and Liberty Counsel are liars and haters and the organization is a hate group.” These assumptions are very dangling and place lives in danger. By printing a story containing a false and dangerous “hate group” label, Staver charged, the Associated Press has now painted a target on Liberty Counsel (LC.org) and me personally. Staver’s concerns are well grounded. The SPLC’s habit of smearing good organizations facilitated a near mass shooting on August 15,2012, at the national leading pro-family organization. The shooter, Floyd Lee Corkins the 2nd is now serving a 25-year federal sentence for domestic terrorism after he walked into the Family Research Council in Washington DC headquarters intending to gun down the staffers. A brave and alert security guard stopped him in the building lobby, but not before 28-year-old Corkins declared words to this effect: “I don’t like your politics!” and then shot and seriously wounded him.
Bite 8) When the Shoe is on the Left Foot:
Bite 9) SPLC’s Name Calling:
“When you get right down to it all the Southern Poverty Law Center does is call people names,” said Laird Wilcox, a researcher of political fringe groups, and co-author of “American Extremists” ....militias, supremacists, Klansmen, communists, and others. A longtime member of the American Civil Liberties Union and for a time, Students for a democratic society (before they went crazy) Wilcox released his annual guide to the American Left and guide to the American Right. Through more than 20 editions he says the SPLC has: specialized a highly developed and ritualized form of “defamation”.... a way of harming and isolating people by denying their humanity and trying to convert them into something that deserves to be hated and eliminated. They accuse others of this but utilize their enormous resources to practice it on a mass scale themselves.
Bite 10) Money over Matters:
The Southern Poverty Law Center used the courts early for black Americans. Dees, now 78, sued the YMCA to force it to integrate. He won a suit to redraw state legislature voting districts in Montgomery, Alabama. Dees became nationally known by taking on the Ku Klux Klan in civil courts holding it financially responsible for criminal acts of its members. His attempts of revenge made him the subject of a movie “Line of Fire” in 1991. The Klans sole assets was a warehouse that yielded $51, 875 when sold. Meanwhile, as Ken Silverstein reported in Harper’s Magazine, The SPLC raked in $9 million from a stream of mailed appeals signed by Dees highlighting the case. One featured a gruesome photo of Michael Donald’s corpse. although his wife got very little of the revenue. The SPLC under Morris Dees is very good at lodging venomous accusations of hate and even better at raising money regardless of the matter.
(to be continued)
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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