Daily Bites of Southern Poverty Law Center Calling Good Evil!
LC.org Matthew Staver: Submitted and highlighted by PL Sturgis:
Isaiah 5: 20: “Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil; that put darkness for light and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.”
Exposing the Hate group of Southern Poverty Law Center:
Bite 1) Clearing up Confusion:
Bite 2) Bankrupting Conservative Groups:
Bite 3) Comparing Christian Groups with Neo-Nazis:
Bite 4) Targeting the Right:
Bite 5) Unmentioned Goals of SPLC:
Protesting False Statements:
Bite 6) Defamatory Article:
Bite 7) Targeting National Family Relations Organization:
Bite 8) When the Shoe is on the Left Foot:
Bite 9) SPLC’s Name Calling:
Bite 10) Money over Matters:
Racial Discord:
Bite 11) Donating to Black Churches Only:
Bite 12) SPLC Finances:
Bite 13) Money Machine:
Bite 14) Fighting Racism or Fund Raising:
Bite 15) Creating Poverty:
Staff Dissent:
Bite 16) Easy Target: Good or Evil:
Bite 17) The Market of Black and White:
Bite 18) Falsely Named Hate Crimes:
Bite 19) Racism inside SPLC:
Bite 20)Testimony of SPLC’s Former Partner:
Inflate the Hate:
Bite 21) Hate Maps:
Bite 22) Gaining Strength in False Numbers:
Bite 23: Hate groups? NO! Militia Groups:
Bite 24) SPLC not Covering the Left:
Bite 25: Real Hate groups Not Listed on Hate Map:
Moving America Leftward:
Bite 26) Attacking our Free Republic:
Bite 27) SPLC’s Real Goal:
Bite 28) Attacking Biblical Principles:
Bite 29) Redefining Christian Teaching:
Bite 30: Silencing Dissent:
Daily Bites of Calling Good Evil: Series 4:
Staff Dissent:
Bite 16) Easy Target: Good or Evil:
Critics charged Dees with choosing causes and lawsuits based on the capacity to excite donors and precipitate cash. His decision to chase the Klans in 1980’s brought in millions but generated dissent from SPLC attorneys. Most thought the Klan was more bark than bite and there were certainly bigger problems facing the blacks and the poor, said Randall Williams, who led the SPLC’s Klan Watch in 1980’s. “I felt that Morris Dees Klan watch was because it was an easy target. Easy to beat in court---Easy to raise big money on”--- said Deborah Ellis, a former SPLC attorney who left in 1980. But Dees’ strategy generated a windfall. The money poured in. Everybody was against the Klan and our budget shot up tremendously. We were able to raise as much as $3 million a year, ---more than we could spend.
Bite 17) The Market of Black and White:
In 1988 Dees said the Klan thing is winding down but 11 years later he opened a fundraising letter with frightening news. “The danger presented by the Klan is greater now than any time in the past ten years.” By that time though, the Klan nationwide only amounted to 2000 people. This was a shriveled remnant of the 4 million members it claimed in the 1920’s. As Gloria Browne, one of just 2 black attorneys hired by SPLC in its first 23 years said, “The market is still wide open for the product which is black pain and white guilt. The SPLC’s Klan Watch, later Hate watch, brought national alarm in 1996 over a supposed spree of black churches fires planted by white racists. Klan Watch created in 1981 in response to a resurgence of Ku Klux Klan activity listed 22 black church fires from December 1995 to June 1996. When a black church in Knoxville was firebombed with unidentified racial slurs found in the rubble the SPLC’s Brian Levin quickly called it an unmistakable act of terrorism. As Levin saw it: “Even if it was not an act of terrorism it still sent shock waves and drew attention.”
Bite 18) Falsely Named Hate Crimes:
SPLC’s co-founder Morris Dees called on the Southern Baptist Convention to help with rebuilding burned black churches to show the era when white Southern Churches stood silently in the face of blatant intolerance is now passed. It’s unknown if Dees lent his fundraising to help burned-out churches rebuild or if the SPLC reached into its endowment, then at about $60 million, to boost the restoration. It later turned out that just 3 of 70 or more church fires were linked to racial hatred according to investigations by USA Today and according to the US Department of Justice a third of those arrested for setting the fires were blacks. The SPLC was at it again in 2015, when a series of 6 fires hit black churches in a week after the heinous murder of 9 people at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, SC. An article posted on the SPLC website announced that some of the fires were suspicious and possible hate crimes. Less than a week later authorities determined that racial prejudice had no part in the fires.
Bite 19) Racism inside SPLC:
The SPLC came into existence, it says, to ensure that the civil rights movement became a reality for all but its own record on race is suspect. As the Montgomery Advertiser Newspaper revealed in a 1994 investigative series, Twelve of Thirteen black former staff members reached by the Advertiser complaints about the treatment of blacks at the SPLC--problems ranging from a paternalistic attitude to racial slurs. Three former black employees compared the center to a plantation. Dees joined a 1974 lawsuit accusing the Alabama Governor George Wallace of not appointing blacks to the state boards of commissions but 20 years later there were no blacks in SPLC senior management and there were no blacks on the 8 member staff of the law center’s Teaching Tolerance initiative which supplies videos and printed material to schools to promote better race relations. Today, 44 years since the SPLC’s founding, just 1 of 9 Senior Staff management is black.
Bite 20)Testimony of SPLC’s Former Partner:
“I would definitely say not a single black employee with whom I spoke said they were happy to be working there,” said a black Harvard Law School graduate who was an SPLC intern in 1989. The discontent may transcend race, Miller Fuller said his former business partner does not know how to treat people. He leaves a trail of broken relationships behind him. It’s just how he treats people. That trail includes 4 ex-wives, one of whom said in the divorce papers that Dees continued multiple affairs during their marriage. Dees called the detailed and sensational changes, “old fashion cheap shots.” They were an attempt, he said, to accuse him of every inflammatory act she could imagine, hoping to prejudice the court. Black Lives Matter protested SPLC in their flyers: “Splc claims to help poor black people, yet they are hoarding $280 million in the bank, and the flyer also accused SPLC of never having a person of color in their leadership.
(to be continued)
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust
Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy
Note: We at The Patriot cannot make any warranties about the completeness, reliability, and accuracy of this information.
Don't forget to follow the Friends Of Liberty on Facebook and our Page also Pinterest, Twitter, Tumblr and Google Plus PLEASE help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks.

Daily Bites of Southern Poverty Law Center Calling Good Evil!

LC.org Matthew Staver: Submitted and highlighted by PL Sturgis:Isaiah 5: 20: “Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil; that put darkness for light and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.”
Bite 1) Clearing up Confusion:
Bite 5) Unmentioned Goals of SPLC:
Protesting False Statements:
Bite 6) Defamatory Article:
Bite 7) Targeting National Family Relations Organization:
Bite 8) When the Shoe is on the Left Foot:
Bite 9) SPLC’s Name Calling:
Bite 10) Money over Matters:
Racial Discord:
Bite 11) Donating to Black Churches Only:
Bite 12) SPLC Finances:
Bite 13) Money Machine:
Bite 14) Fighting Racism or Fund Raising:
Bite 15) Creating Poverty:
Staff Dissent:
Bite 16) Easy Target: Good or Evil:
Bite 17) The Market of Black and White:
Bite 18) Falsely Named Hate Crimes:
Bite 19) Racism inside SPLC:
Bite 20)Testimony of SPLC’s Former Partner:
Inflate the Hate:
Bite 21) Hate Maps:
Bite 22) Gaining Strength in False Numbers:
Bite 23: Hate groups? NO! Militia Groups:
Bite 24) SPLC not Covering the Left:
Bite 25: Real Hate groups Not Listed on Hate Map:
Moving America Leftward:
Bite 26) Attacking our Free Republic:
Bite 27) SPLC’s Real Goal:
Bite 28) Attacking Biblical Principles:
Bite 29) Redefining Christian Teaching:
Bite 30: Silencing Dissent:
Daily Bites of Calling Good Evil: Series 4:
Staff Dissent:
Bite 16) Easy Target: Good or Evil:
Critics charged Dees with choosing causes and lawsuits based on the capacity to excite donors and precipitate cash. His decision to chase the Klans in 1980’s brought in millions but generated dissent from SPLC attorneys. Most thought the Klan was more bark than bite and there were certainly bigger problems facing the blacks and the poor, said Randall Williams, who led the SPLC’s Klan Watch in 1980’s. “I felt that Morris Dees Klan watch was because it was an easy target. Easy to beat in court---Easy to raise big money on”--- said Deborah Ellis, a former SPLC attorney who left in 1980. But Dees’ strategy generated a windfall. The money poured in. Everybody was against the Klan and our budget shot up tremendously. We were able to raise as much as $3 million a year, ---more than we could spend.
Bite 17) The Market of Black and White:
In 1988 Dees said the Klan thing is winding down but 11 years later he opened a fundraising letter with frightening news. “The danger presented by the Klan is greater now than any time in the past ten years.” By that time though, the Klan nationwide only amounted to 2000 people. This was a shriveled remnant of the 4 million members it claimed in the 1920’s. As Gloria Browne, one of just 2 black attorneys hired by SPLC in its first 23 years said, “The market is still wide open for the product which is black pain and white guilt. The SPLC’s Klan Watch, later Hate watch, brought national alarm in 1996 over a supposed spree of black churches fires planted by white racists. Klan Watch created in 1981 in response to a resurgence of Ku Klux Klan activity listed 22 black church fires from December 1995 to June 1996. When a black church in Knoxville was firebombed with unidentified racial slurs found in the rubble the SPLC’s Brian Levin quickly called it an unmistakable act of terrorism. As Levin saw it: “Even if it was not an act of terrorism it still sent shock waves and drew attention.”
Bite 18) Falsely Named Hate Crimes:
SPLC’s co-founder Morris Dees called on the Southern Baptist Convention to help with rebuilding burned black churches to show the era when white Southern Churches stood silently in the face of blatant intolerance is now passed. It’s unknown if Dees lent his fundraising to help burned-out churches rebuild or if the SPLC reached into its endowment, then at about $60 million, to boost the restoration. It later turned out that just 3 of 70 or more church fires were linked to racial hatred according to investigations by USA Today and according to the US Department of Justice a third of those arrested for setting the fires were blacks. The SPLC was at it again in 2015, when a series of 6 fires hit black churches in a week after the heinous murder of 9 people at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, SC. An article posted on the SPLC website announced that some of the fires were suspicious and possible hate crimes. Less than a week later authorities determined that racial prejudice had no part in the fires.
Bite 19) Racism inside SPLC:
The SPLC came into existence, it says, to ensure that the civil rights movement became a reality for all but its own record on race is suspect. As the Montgomery Advertiser Newspaper revealed in a 1994 investigative series, Twelve of Thirteen black former staff members reached by the Advertiser complaints about the treatment of blacks at the SPLC--problems ranging from a paternalistic attitude to racial slurs. Three former black employees compared the center to a plantation. Dees joined a 1974 lawsuit accusing the Alabama Governor George Wallace of not appointing blacks to the state boards of commissions but 20 years later there were no blacks in SPLC senior management and there were no blacks on the 8 member staff of the law center’s Teaching Tolerance initiative which supplies videos and printed material to schools to promote better race relations. Today, 44 years since the SPLC’s founding, just 1 of 9 Senior Staff management is black.
Bite 20)Testimony of SPLC’s Former Partner:
“I would definitely say not a single black employee with whom I spoke said they were happy to be working there,” said a black Harvard Law School graduate who was an SPLC intern in 1989. The discontent may transcend race, Miller Fuller said his former business partner does not know how to treat people. He leaves a trail of broken relationships behind him. It’s just how he treats people. That trail includes 4 ex-wives, one of whom said in the divorce papers that Dees continued multiple affairs during their marriage. Dees called the detailed and sensational changes, “old fashion cheap shots.” They were an attempt, he said, to accuse him of every inflammatory act she could imagine, hoping to prejudice the court. Black Lives Matter protested SPLC in their flyers: “Splc claims to help poor black people, yet they are hoarding $280 million in the bank, and the flyer also accused SPLC of never having a person of color in their leadership.
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust
Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy
Note: We at The Patriot cannot make any warranties about the completeness, reliability, and accuracy of this information.
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