Daily Bites of Southern Poverty Law Center Calling Good Evil!

LC.org Matthew Staver: Submitted and highlighted by PL Sturgis:Isaiah 5: 20: “Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil; that put darkness for light and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.”
Exposing the Hate group of Southern Poverty Law Center:
Bite 1) Clearing up Confusion:
Bite 2) Bankrupting Conservative Groups:
Bite 3) Comparing Christian Groups with Neo-Nazis:
Bite 4) Targeting the Right:
Bite 5) Unmentioned Goals of SPLC:
Series 2:
Protesting False Statements:
Bite 6) Defamatory Article:
Bite 7) Targeting National Family Relations Organization:
Bite 8) When the Shoe is on the Left Foot:
Bite 9) SPLC’s Name Calling:
Bite 10) Money over Matters:
Series 3:
Racial Discord:
Bite 11) Donating to Black Churches Only:
Bite 12) SPLC Finances:
Bite 13) Money Machine:
Bite 14) Fighting Racism or Fund Raising:
Bite 15) Creating Poverty:
Series 4:
Staff Dissent:
Bite 16) Easy Target: Good or Evil:
Bite 17) The Market of Black and White:
Bite 18) Falsely Named Hate Crimes:
Bite 19) Racism inside SPLC:
Bite 20)Testimony of SPLC’s Former Partner:
Series 5:
Inflate the Hate:
Bite 21) Hate Maps:
Bite 22) Gaining Strength in False Numbers:
Bite 23: Hate groups? NO! Militia Groups:
Bite 24) SPLC not Covering the Left:
Bite 25: Real Hate groups Not Listed on Hate Map:
Series 6:
Moving America Leftward:
Bite 26) Attacking our Free Republic:
Bite 27) SPLC’s Real Goal:
Bite 28) Attacking Biblical Principles:
Bite 29) Redefining Christian Teaching:
Bite 30: Silencing Dissent:
At his dinner, Mark Potok cleared up any confusion about the SPLC’s real purpose. It’s not what the media say...he told the crowd at a 2007 conference sponsored by the Michigan Alliance against “hate crimes.” Sometimes the press will describe us as monitoring hate crimes and so on...” said Potok who served as editor of the SPLC’s Intelligence Report, a quarterly billed as the nation’s preeminent periodically monitoring the “radical right” in the USA. “The SPLC’s real goal is more than monitoring” asserted Potok. (now a senior leader in the law center.) “I want to say plainly that our real aim in life is to completely destroy these groups.”
The SPLC uses crippling lawsuits and has actually had some success in winning huge judgments on what they call “racist” groups. “We have put about 12 major “hate” groups (groups against the abomination of homosexuality and transgenderism and pro-family) out of business, “ says Morris Dees, who is 1971 named the SPLC a far left legal and advocacy group. Among these groups listed are SPLC’s chief trial attorney and the group’s driving force are Aryan nations while Aryan resistance as well as assorted neo-nazi and Klu Klux Clan groups. Now they are adding targets slapping the “hate” label on mainstream Christian ministries and pro-family organizations. The presumed goal is to take down groups that champion Biblical values...enduring principles for social good which the SPLC somehow transmutes into “hate!”
Based in Montgomery, Alabama, the SPLC proclaims its dedication to fighting “hate and bigotry” and to seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of our society. The nation’s wealthiest Civil Rights group with net-worth of 315 million as of 2014, the SPLC built its reputation in part from monitoring the activities of “white supremacists” groups, such as the Ku Klux Klan, founded in 1971, by direct mail mogul and lawyer Morris Dees, the SPLC provides free educational resources to schools and churches promoting “tolerance” and publishes an annual “HATE” Map which in 2014 listed 84 groups nationwide. Dotted with clenched fists, Klan hoods, and other hate group symbols, the map is an odd amalgam listing the good, the bad, and the ugly. These days it lists Liberty Counsel, and other widely respected groups, like the American College of Pediatricians, D. James Kennedy Ministries, Family Research Council, and the American Family Association, with a motley assortment of KKK, Neo-Nazi Skin Heads, Black Supremacists, and other fringe racist entities.
Series 2:
Protesting False Statements:
Bite 6) Defamatory Article:
Bite 7) Targeting National Family Relations Organization:
Bite 8) When the Shoe is on the Left Foot:
Bite 9) SPLC’s Name Calling:
Bite 10) Money over Matters:
Series 3:
Racial Discord:
Bite 11) Donating to Black Churches Only:
Bite 12) SPLC Finances:
Bite 13) Money Machine:
Bite 14) Fighting Racism or Fund Raising:
Bite 15) Creating Poverty:
Series 4:
Staff Dissent:
Bite 16) Easy Target: Good or Evil:
Bite 17) The Market of Black and White:
Bite 18) Falsely Named Hate Crimes:
Bite 19) Racism inside SPLC:
Bite 20)Testimony of SPLC’s Former Partner:
Inflate the Hate:
Bite 21) Hate Maps:
Bite 22) Gaining Strength in False Numbers:
Bite 23: Hate groups? NO! Militia Groups:
Bite 24) SPLC not Covering the Left:
Bite 25: Real Hate groups Not Listed on Hate Map:
Series 6:
Moving America Leftward:
Bite 26) Attacking our Free Republic:
Bite 27) SPLC’s Real Goal:
Bite 28) Attacking Biblical Principles:
Bite 29) Redefining Christian Teaching:
Bite 30: Silencing Dissent:
Daily Bites of Calling Good Evil: Series 1:
Exposing the Hate Group of Southern Poverty Law Center:
Bite 1) Clearing up Confusion:
At his dinner, Mark Potok cleared up any confusion about the SPLC’s real purpose. It’s not what the media say...he told the crowd at a 2007 conference sponsored by the Michigan Alliance against “hate crimes.” Sometimes the press will describe us as monitoring hate crimes and so on...” said Potok who served as editor of the SPLC’s Intelligence Report, a quarterly billed as the nation’s preeminent periodically monitoring the “radical right” in the USA. “The SPLC’s real goal is more than monitoring” asserted Potok. (now a senior leader in the law center.) “I want to say plainly that our real aim in life is to completely destroy these groups.”
Bite 2: Bankrupting conservative Groups:
Bite 3) Comparing Christian Groups with Neo-Nazis:
Based in Montgomery, Alabama, the SPLC proclaims its dedication to fighting “hate and bigotry” and to seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of our society. The nation’s wealthiest Civil Rights group with net-worth of 315 million as of 2014, the SPLC built its reputation in part from monitoring the activities of “white supremacists” groups, such as the Ku Klux Klan, founded in 1971, by direct mail mogul and lawyer Morris Dees, the SPLC provides free educational resources to schools and churches promoting “tolerance” and publishes an annual “HATE” Map which in 2014 listed 84 groups nationwide. Dotted with clenched fists, Klan hoods, and other hate group symbols, the map is an odd amalgam listing the good, the bad, and the ugly. These days it lists Liberty Counsel, and other widely respected groups, like the American College of Pediatricians, D. James Kennedy Ministries, Family Research Council, and the American Family Association, with a motley assortment of KKK, Neo-Nazi Skin Heads, Black Supremacists, and other fringe racist entities.
Bite 4) Targeting the Right:
Lumping Christian conservative groups with groups like the Aryan Terror Brigade and the Confederate Hammerskins seems ludicrous at first blush but on close inspection it gets even more bizarre: “I disagree with the Family Research Council on gays and lesbians,” says Washington Post’s writer, Dana Milbank, a reliable liberal, “But it’s absurd to put the groups, as SPLC does, in the same category as Aryan Nations, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Stormfront, and the Westboro Baptist Church.” But Milbank is a lonely skeptic. Most reporters gave the SPLC a free pass. Its “Hate” determinations are adopted at face value and uncritically retailed to the public. Associated Press writer, Galofaro told writers the SPLC lists Liberty Counsel as an “anti-gay” hate group for spreading false information. her nationally distributed article didn’t help readers assess that stark and damning claim, not even telling her audience where SPLC sits on that ideological spectrum.
Bite 5) Unmentioned Goals of SPLC:
Here is a list of what the Associated Press reporter could have mentioned but didn’t. Despite fawning treatment from most in the Press, the Southern Poverty Law Center: *is a creature of the left that only targets the right. * uses the “hate” charge like a nightstick to bludgeon its ideological foes. * employs a vague and subjective definition of hate. * Inflates the threat posed by hate in America. * Earned a failing grade from a charity watchdog. * Ignores the peril posed by radical Islam. * Cherry picks causes to vacuum up cash through breathless appeals. * Has been blasted by former black employees for poor race relations. * Labeled Ben Carson, America’s most prominent neurosurgeon, as an extremist. * was dropped from FBI’s list of “hate crime” resources. * is led by Morris Dees, a five-time married millionaire called the “arch-salesman of hate mongering” by left-wing writer Alexander Cockburn.
(to be continued)
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