Daily Bites of Religious Liberty: A Godly Fight: Reference: American Public School History: “Our Land: Our People:” -- Funk’s Encyclopedia Book 3 (1954) pg 2125: also Google Search: Submitted and highlighted by PL Sturgis:
Series 1:
Oliver Cromwell’s Military Career:
Bite 1)Church and State Abuses:
Bite 2)The Great Rebellion:
Bite 3)The New Model Army:
Bite 4) The Commonwealth of England:
Bite 5)A Major Problem:
Series 2:
A Free State:
Bite 6) Instrument of Government:
Bite 7) Ten Military Districts:
Bite 8) The Upper House:
Bite 9) Conducting Foreign Affairs:
Bite 10) Cromwell’s Successor:
Series 3:
A Vigorous Fight:
Bite 11) Cromwell: The Controversial Statesman:
Bite 12) The Spiritual Awakening Letter:
Bite 13) Defending the arrested:
Bite 14) Based on Biblical Imagery:
Bite 15) In God’s Providence:
Series 4:
The Irish Campaign:
Bite 16) The Biggest Single Threat:
Bite 17) A Major Victory:
Bite 18) The Debates of Cromwell’s Retaliation:
Bite 19) Negotiations to Surrender:
Bite 20) Cromwell: Falsely Accused:
Series 5:
The Scottish Campaign:
Bite 21) A Necessary War:
Bite 22) The Battle at Dunbar:
Bite 23) The Battle of Worcester:
Bite 24) Final Stages:
Bite 25) The Dissolution of the Rump Parliament:
Series 6:
The Protectorate:
Bite 26) Oliver P.
Bite 27) Reforming the Social Order:
Bite 28) Spiritual and Moral Reform:
Bite 29) About the Jewish Community:
Bite 30) A Sword of Justice: Not a Crown:
Religious Liberty: A Godly Fight
Series 3: A Vigorous Fight:
Bite 11) Cromwell: The Controversial Statesman:
Bite 12) The Spiritual Awakening Letter:
Bite 13) Defending the arrested:
For the first few weeks of the long Parliament Oliver Cromwell was linked to the godly group of aristocrats in the House of Lords and the House of Commons with whom he had established religious links in the 1630’s. At this stage, the group had an agenda of the Reformation. The first week of the Parliament Cromwell was in charge of presenting a petition for the release of John Lilburne who had become a Puritan cause celebrity after his arrest for importing religious tracts to England from the Netherlands. Cromwell appears to have been in a role in some of this group’s maneuvers. For example, in 1644 it was Cromwell who put forward the second reading of the annual Parliament’s bill and later took notes in drafting the “Root and Branch” Bill for the abolition of Episcopacy.
Bite 14) Based on Biblical Imagery:
After the Battle of Preston Cromwell’s letters and speeches become heavily based on Biblical imagery. Many meditations were on the meaning of particular passages. For example, Psalms 17 and 105 led him to tell Parliament that “they that are implacable and will not stop troubling the Land may be speedily destroyed out of the land.” Another example is his letter to Oliver St. John urging him to read Isaiah 8, in which the Kingdom falls and only the godly survive. In 4 occasions in letters in 1648, he referred to the story of how Gideon defeated the Midianites at Ain Herod. These letters suggest that it was Oliver Cromwell’s faith rather than a commitment to radical politics, coupled with Parliament’s decision to engage in negotiations with the King at the treaty of New Port, that convinced him that God had spoken against both the King and Parliament as lawful authorities. For Cromwell, the Army was God’s chosen instrument.
Bite 15) In God’s Providence:
Oliver Cromwell’s firm belief was that God was actively directing in the affairs of the world through the actions of chosen people whom God had provided for such purposes. Cromwell believed during England’s civil wars that he was one of those chosen people. He interpreted victories as an indication of God’s approval of his actions. He also believed that his defeats were a sign that God was leading him in another direction. Cromwell was a determined supporter of those pushing for King Charles 1st’s trial and execution for treason on the basis of the book of Numbers, Chapter 35 and verse 33: “ The Land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein but by the blood of him that shed it.” The death warrant of King Charles 1st was signed by 59 of the trying court members, including Oliver Cromwell, who was the 3rd one to sign it. The execution took place on January 30,1649.
(to be continued)
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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