Daily Bites of Religious Liberty: A Godly Fight: Reference: American Public School History: “Our Land: Our People:” -- Funk’s Encyclopedia Book 3 (1954) pg 2125: also Google Search: Submitted and highlighted by PL Sturgis:
Series 1:
Oliver Cromwell’s Military Career:
Bite 1)Church and State Abuses:
Bite 2)The Great Rebellion:
Bite 3)The New Model Army:
Bite 4) The Commonwealth of England:
Bite 5)A Major Problem:
Series 2:
A Free State:
Bite 6) Instrument of Government:
Bite 7) Ten Military Districts:
Bite 8) The Upper House:
Bite 9) Conducting Foreign Affairs:
Bite 10) Cromwell’s Successor:
Series 3:
A Vigorous Fight:
Bite 11) Cromwell: The Controversial Statesman:
Bite 12) The Spiritual Awakening Letter:
Bite 13) Defending the arrested:
Bite 14) Based on Biblical Imagery:
Bite 15) In God’s Providence:
Series 4:
The Irish Campaign:
Bite 16) The Biggest Single Threat:
Bite 17) A Major Victory:
Bite 18) The Debates of Cromwell’s Retaliation:
Bite 19) Negotiations to Surrender:
Bite 20) Cromwell: Falsely Accused:
Series 5:
The Scottish Campaign:
Bite 21) A Necessary War:
Bite 22) The Battle at Dunbar:
Bite 23) The Battle of Worcester:
Bite 24) Final Stages:
Bite 25) The Dissolution of the Rump Parliament:
Series 6:
The Protectorate:
Bite 26) Oliver P.
Bite 27) Reforming the Social Order:
Bite 28) Spiritual and Moral Reform:
Bite 29) About the Jewish Community:
Bite 30) A Sword of Justice: Not a Crown:
Religious Liberty: A Godly Fight
Series 2: A Free State:
A Free State:
Bite 6) Instrument of Government:
Cromwell and his Council, with the assistance of the Congregational churches of England, Scotland, and Ireland, assembled with the nominated or “bareboned” Puritans, and were in session from July 4th to December 12th in 1653. The officers adopted a Constitution called the Instrument of Government, under which Cromwell, on December 16th, assumed the title of “Lord Protector. The Instrument of Parliament provided for the elected Parliament of One House, with which Cromwell met for the first time on September 3,1654, and ensuing debates over the revisions of the Instrument of the Parliament showed a tendency to deny “liberty of conscience” and to perpetuate itself to control both the Army and the Protector. Therefore Cromwell first interfered by force and excluded all members who refused to sign an agreement not to alter the Instrument of Government. (Constitution) Cromwell finally dissolved the Parliament without coming to an agreement and without receiving authorization for the necessary army supplies under the Instrument of Government.
In 1655 Cromwell divided England into ten military districts. Each district was supervised by one of his Major Generals and he taxed the estates of the Royalists to support his administration. The foreign wars, however, made additional funds for army supplies necessary. In 1656 the Protector Oliver Cromwell called his last Parliament council from which his Council excludes over 100 “firebrand” members. In March of 1657, Parliament drew up a new Constitution called “The Humble Petition and Advice.” It provided for an Upper House and gave Cromwell the title of King but Cromwell refused the title of King so the petition was passed with the substitution title of Protector for that of the King.
When the Parliament met for the second time in January of 1658, about 40 of Cromwell’s followers in the House of Commons had been advanced to the new Upper House and to augment its own membership the House of Commons admitted those members that had been excluded the year before. With those (so-called) “firebrands” in attendance the House of Commons at once began insisting upon a revision of the Petition “Humble and Advice.” In particular, they challenged the position of the Upper House. After two weeks when feelings began to run high outside of the House of Commons, the Protector Oliver Cromwell dissolved the whole Parliament.
Cromwell conducted England’s foreign affairs with vigor. He concluded the English/Dutch war (1652-1654) at an advantageous moment. He entered into commercial treaties with Sweden and Denmark and settled his dispute with Portugal by the treaty of 1653 which was renewed in 1656. In the interest of commerce and religious liberty, he entered into an alliance with France against Spain in 1655 and in 1657 joined France in an attack on the Spanish Netherlands which left the English in possession of Mardyck and Dunkirk in 1658. Cromwell also attempted unsuccessfully to form an alliance of Protestant churches in Europe. Protector Oliver Cromwell did not live to meet with Parliament he had called for in December of 1658. He died on September 3rd. He was succeeded by his son, Richard Cromwell. Oliver Cromwell was buried in the tomb of the Kings at Westminster Abby. It was an elaborate Service. Still, in 1660, the Monarchy had his body dug up and exposed his headless corpse hanging in chains. Yet, in 1899, Parliament erected a statue of Cromwell in Westminster.
Richard Cromwell, the 3rd son of Cromwell, was trained by Oliver Cromwell to be his successor. After holding various government offices he became Protector upon his father’s death. He found himself incapable of coping with the struggle for the power going on between the Army and the Parliament and he resigned after nine months. The restoration of Charles 2nd in 1660 caused him to take up residence abroad but he did return to England in 1680. Richard Cromwell was named Lord Protector of England for less than one year. He was born in 1626 and died in 1712. American Public School History textbook by Reuben Halleck states: “The voice of the people led to the colonization of New England and the Puritan uprising led to the execution of Charles 1st and to the rule of Oliver Cromwell. this was due to the spirit of democracy in the middle and lower classes of England.
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Bite 7) Ten Military Districts:
Bite 8) The Upper House:
Bite 9) Conducting Foreign Affairs:
Cromwell conducted England’s foreign affairs with vigor. He concluded the English/Dutch war (1652-1654) at an advantageous moment. He entered into commercial treaties with Sweden and Denmark and settled his dispute with Portugal by the treaty of 1653 which was renewed in 1656. In the interest of commerce and religious liberty, he entered into an alliance with France against Spain in 1655 and in 1657 joined France in an attack on the Spanish Netherlands which left the English in possession of Mardyck and Dunkirk in 1658. Cromwell also attempted unsuccessfully to form an alliance of Protestant churches in Europe. Protector Oliver Cromwell did not live to meet with Parliament he had called for in December of 1658. He died on September 3rd. He was succeeded by his son, Richard Cromwell. Oliver Cromwell was buried in the tomb of the Kings at Westminster Abby. It was an elaborate Service. Still, in 1660, the Monarchy had his body dug up and exposed his headless corpse hanging in chains. Yet, in 1899, Parliament erected a statue of Cromwell in Westminster.
Bite 10) Cromwell’s Successor:
(to be continued)
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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