Daily Bites of Religious Liberty: A Godly Fight: Reference: American Public School History: “Our Land: Our People:” -- Funk’s Encyclopedia Book 3 (1954) pg 2125: also Google Search: Submitted and highlighted by PL Sturgis:
Series 1:
Oliver Cromwell’s Military Career:
Bite 1)Church and State Abuses:
Bite 2)The Great Rebellion:
Bite 3)The New Model Army:
Bite 4) The Commonwealth of England:
Bite 5)A Major Problem:
Series 2:
A Free State:
Bite 6) Instrument of Government:
Bite 7) Ten Military Districts:
Bite 8) The Upper House:
Bite 9) Conducting Foreign Affairs:
Bite 10) Cromwell’s Successor:
Series 3:
A Vigorous Fight:
Bite 11) Cromwell: The Controversial Statesman:
Bite 12) The Spiritual Awakening Letter:
Bite 13) Defending the arrested:
Bite 14) Based on Biblical Imagery:
Bite 15) In God’s Providence:
Series 4:
The Irish Campaign:
Bite 16) The Biggest Single Threat:
Bite 17) A Major Victory:
Bite 18) The Debates of Cromwell’s Retaliation:
Bite 19) Negotiations to Surrender:
Bite 20) Cromwell: Falsely Accused:
Series 5:
The Scottish Campaign:
Bite 21) A Necessary War:
Bite 22) The Battle at Dunbar:
Bite 23) The Battle of Worcester:
Bite 24) Final Stages:
Bite 25) The Dissolution of the Rump Parliament:
Series 6:
The Protectorate:
Bite 26) Oliver P.
Bite 27) Reforming the Social Order:
Bite 28) Spiritual and Moral Reform:
Bite 29) About the Jewish Community:
Bite 30) A Sword of Justice: Not a Crown:
Religious Liberty: A Godly Fight
Series 4: The Irish Campaign:
Bite 16) The Biggest Single Threat:
The biggest single threat to the Commonwealth in 1649 was the Irish Catholics and the English Royalists. Cromwell’s hostility to the Irish was religious as well as political. He was opposed to the Catholic Church which he saw as denying the authority of the Bible in favor of Papal and Clerical Authority. He blamed the Catholics for their tyranny and persecution of the Protestants in Europe. His association with Catholicism was already deepened with the Irish rebellion of 1641. This rebellion was intended to be bloodless but was marked by massacres of Protestants either by Irish and old English in Ireland, Scots and Catholics in Ireland. This contributed to the brutality of the Cromwell military campaign in Ireland. Parliament had planned to reconquer Ireland since 1641 and had invaded in 1647, but the 1649 invasion was larger and victorious. After the invasion, Cromwell wrote these words: “I am persuaded the invasion was a righteous judgment of God upon these barbarous wretches who have shed so much innocent blood.”
One of Oliver Cromwell’s major victories in Ireland was diplomatic rather than military. With the help of Roger Boyle, First Earl of Orrery, Cromwell persuaded the Protestant Royalist troops in Cork to change sides and fight with the Parliament. At this point, word reached Cromwell that Charles 2nd, son of Charles 1st, had landed in Scotland from exile in France and been proclaimed King by the Covenanter Regime. Cromwell, therefore, returned to England on May 26,1650 to counter this threat. The Parliament conquest at Ireland dragged on for almost 3 years after Cromwell’s death. The campaign, under Cromwell’s successor, Henry Ireton, and Edwin Ludlow, mostly consisted of long sieges of fortified cities and guerrilla warfare in the countryside. the last Catholic town held in Galway surrendered in April of 1652, and the last Irish Catholic troops surrendered in April of the following year.
Bite 18) The Debates of Cromwell’s Retaliation:
The extent of Cromwell’s brutality in Ireland has been strongly debated. Some historians argue that Cromwell never accepted that he was responsible for the killing of civilians in Ireland. He claimed he acted harshly, but only against those carrying arms (fighting against religious liberty) He justified the actions as revenge against the massacres of Protestant settlers in 1641. In Vester, he called the massacre the righteous judgment of God. Many of its garrisons were English Royalists. The worst atrocities were carried out after Cromwell left Ireland. some historians point to his actions upon entering Ireland where he commanded no supplies to be seized from civilian inhabitants and everything fairly purchased. Quoting Cromwell: “I do hereby warn all officers, soldiers, and all others under my command not to do any wrong or violence toward country people or any persons unless they be in arms or in an office with the enemy of religious liberty.... or they shall answer to the contrary at their utmost peril!”
The massacres were typical of that day. Especially in the context of the 30-year war, although there are few comparable incidents during the Civil War in England or Scotland which were fought mainly between Protestant adversaries of differing denominations. One possible comparison of Cromwell’s siege in Basing House in 1645: The seat of the Prominent Catholic Marquise of Winchester, which resulted in about 100 of 400 members, were killed after refusing to surrender. Quoting Cromwell in his letter sent back to the State: “ I do not think 30 of the whole number escaped with their lives---followed after the request for their surrendering at the start of the siege, which was refused.” --- The military protocol was that a town or garrison that rejected a chance to surrender was not entitled to quarter with the Army. To reject surrender even after the walls had been breached was, to Cromwell, the justification for death.
Although Cromwell’s time in Ireland was limited, and although he did not take on executive powers until 1653, he is at the central focus at wider debates about whether the Commonwealth conducted a deliberate program of ethnic cleansing in Ireland. Faced with the prospect of an Irish Alliance with Charles 2nd, Cromwell did carry out a series of massacres to subdue the Irish. Then once Cromwell had returned to England the English Commissary, General Henry Ireton adopted a deliberated policy of crop burning and starvation which was responsible for the majority of an estimated 600,000 deaths out of a total population of 1,400,000, but mentioned in history up to this present day (2018) The English Commissary Henry Ireton, who was responsible, is not mentioned and Oliver Cromwell, a Christian who fought for Religious Liberty, is falsely accused of the starvation of Ireland with the keenest expression of hatred: “The curse of Cromwell” with every famine!
Bite 17) A Major Victory:
Bite 18) The Debates of Cromwell’s Retaliation:
Bite 19) Negotiations to Surrender:
Bite 20) Cromwell: Falsely Accused:
(to be continued)
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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