Daily Bites of Religious Liberty: A Godly Fight: Reference: American Public School History: “Our Land: Our People:” -- Funk’s Encyclopedia Book 3 (1954) pg 2125: also Google Search: Submitted and highlighted by PL Sturgis:
Series 1:
Oliver Cromwell’s Military Career:
Bite 1)Church and State Abuses:
Bite 2)The Great Rebellion:
Bite 3)The New Model Army:
Bite 4) The Commonwealth of England:
Bite 5)A Major Problem:
Series 2:
A Free State:
Bite 6) Instrument of Government:
Bite 7) Ten Military Districts:
Bite 8) The Upper House:
Bite 9) Conducting Foreign Affairs:
Bite 10) Cromwell’s Successor:
Series 3:
A Vigorous Fight:
Bite 11) Cromwell: The Controversial Statesman:
Bite 12) The Spiritual Awakening Letter:
Bite 13) Defending the arrested:
Bite 14) Based on Biblical Imagery:
Bite 15) In God’s Providence:
Series 4:
The Irish Campaign:
Bite 16) The Biggest Single Threat:
Bite 17) A Major Victory:
Bite 18) The Debates of Cromwell’s Retaliation:
Bite 19) Negotiations to Surrender:
Bite 20) Cromwell: Falsely Accused:
Series 5:
The Scottish Campaign:
Bite 21) A Necessary War:
Bite 22) The Battle at Dunbar:
Bite 23) The Battle of Worcester:
Bite 24) Final Stages:
Bite 25) The Dissolution of the Rump Parliament:
Series 6:
The Protectorate:
Bite 26) Oliver P.
Bite 27) Reforming the Social Order:
Bite 28) Spiritual and Moral Reform:
Bite 29) About the Jewish Community:
Bite 30) A Sword of Justice: Not a Crown:
Religious Liberty: A Godly Fight
Series 6: The Protectorate
Bite 26) Oliver P.
A new Constitution was put forth in England after the dissolution of the previous Parliament. The new Constitution was known as “The Instrument of Government.” It made Cromwell Lord Protector for life the chief magistracy and the administration of government. Cromwell was sworn in on December 1653, with a ceremony in which he wore plain black clothing rather than a monarchial coat of arms. From that point on Protectorate Cromwell signed his name Oliver P. (The P stands for Protector) It soon became normal for others to address him as “Your Highness.” He had the power to dissolve Parliament but was obliged to seek majority rule from the Council of State. Nevertheless, Cromwell’s power was second to the continuing popularity among the Army as the Lord Protector. Cromwell’s objective as the Protector was healing and settling the nations after the chaos of the Civil Wars and establishing a stable form for the undertaking of a new government.
Bite 27) Reforming the Social Order:
Although Cromwell declared to the First Protectorate Parliament that government by one man and a Parliament is fundamental, in practice of it social priorities took precedence over forms of government. Such forms were as he said: “but dross and dung in comparison of Christ.” Despite the revolutionary nature of the government, the social priorities did not include any meaningful attempt to reform the social order. ... “but a nobleman, a gentleman, the distinction of these....that is in the good interest of the nation.” said Cromwell. Small-scale reform such as this carried out on the judicial system are far outweighed than other attempts to restore order in politics. Peace was made with the Dutch and England’s American Colonies in this period which consisted of “The New England’s Confederation” ....The Providence Plantation, the Virginia Colony, and the Maryland Colony. Cromwell soon secured the submission of these colonies and largely left them to their own affairs but did intervene to curb Puritans who were usurping control over the Maryland Colony.Bite 28) Spiritual and Moral Reform:
After the healing and settling of England and the New England Colonies, Cromwell’s second objective was spiritual and moral reform. He planned to restore liberty of conscience and to promote both outward and inward godliness throughout England. During the early months of the Protectorates a set of “triers” was established to address the suitability of future parish ministers and a related set of “ejectors” was set up to dissolve ministers and schoolmasters who were deemed unsuitable for office. the “triers” and the “ejectors” were intended to be at the vanguard of Cromwell’s reform of parish worship. After a Royalist uprising in March of 1655, Cromwell, influenced by John Lambert, divided England into ten military districts led by Army Major Generals who answered only to him. The 15 Major Generals and Deputy Generals were called “godly governors.” They were central, not only to national security but to Cromwell’s Crusade to reform national morality.
Bite 29) About the Jewish Community:
As Lord Protector, Cromwell was aware of the Jewish Community’s involvement in the economics in the Netherlands which was now England’s commercial rival. It was this....allied to Cromwell’s tolerance of the right to private worship for those who fell outside Puritanism--- that led to his encouraging Jews to return to England in 1657. This was after 350 years after their banishment by King Edward 1st. Cromwell had hoped the Jews would speed up the recovery of the country after the disruption of the civil wars. He also had a longer-term motive to allow the Jews to return to England. That was that hope that they would be converted to Christianity and therefore hasten the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. In December of 1655, Cromwell quoted from Apostle Paul’s epistle of Romans 10:12-15, on the need to send Christian preachers to the Jews: “For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek, for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon Him. For whosoever shall call upon the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? How shall they preach except they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things.”
Bite 30)A Sword of Justice: Not a
In 1657 Cromwell was offered a Crown by Parliament as part of a revised Constitutional settlement. This presented him with a dilemma since he had been instrumental in abolishing the Monarchy. he was attracted by the prospect of stability it held but in a speech on April 13,1657, he made clear that God’s Providence had spoken against the office of the King. (1 Samuel 8:7: “The people have not rejected you ( Samuel) but they have rejected ME that I should not reign over them.” In Cromwell’s speech, he said: “I would not seek to set up that which Providence has destroyed and laid in the dust. I would not build Jericho again!” The reference to Jericho goes back to the time when Cromwell had wrestled with his conscience when the news reached England of the defeat of expectation against the Spanish Islands. He compared himself with Achan who had brought the Israelites to defeat after the capture of Jericho. Instead, Cromwell was again installed as Lord Protector on June 26,1657. He died the next year of malaria on September 3,1658. He was buried with an elaborate funeral and a great ceremony. His body buried and reburied several times to protect it from the vengeful Royalist, who later claimed to have dug up his body and hung his headless corpse before the people. (end of series) Crown:
(to be continued)
Daily Bites of Good & Evil coming soon
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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