Hillary Clinton State Dept Employee Charged With Producing Over 1,000 Pornographic Images Of Children, Possible Child Trafficking Ring
Hillary Clinton State Dept Employee Charged With Producing Over 1,000 Pornographic Images of Children, Possible Child Trafficking Ring
Why are so many disgusting people associated with the Clintons?
One or two could be a coincidence. This is a trend.
A former State Department staffer has been busted in a highly organized and absolutely depraved child porn production operation and may possibly have been orchestrating child trafficking as well.
Not only this, but he did so when he was an employee of the Federal government.
When people snub their nose at the idea of elite child sex rings in Washington DC, just remember this guy. How did he get clearance? Why was no one aware of what he was doing? Why did he get away with it for so long?
The Swamp is an absolutely disgusting place.

Here is the July 3 Department of Justice press release on the apprehension of Skylar MacMahon, the child pornographer in question:
[O]ver at least a two year period, Skydance MacMahon, 44, conspired with an adult in Canada to produce over a thousand sexually explicit images and videos of minor children in Canada. These images and videos were produced at the direction of MacMahon using Skype and hidden cameras. MacMahon distributed these image and video files to other users and consumers of child pornography by providing access to the files on his cloud storage services and also by directly sending the files to other users. In addition to the child pornography images and videos MacMahon himself created, he also received and possessed thousands of images and videos of child pornography.During the time he committed these offenses, MacMahon was a Digital Media Administrator at the Foreign Services Institute of the U.S. Department of State in Arlington.MacMahon pleaded guilty to conspiring to produce child pornography and producing child pornography. He faces a mandatory minimum of 15 years and a maximum penalty of 60 years in prison when sentenced on October 12.
Fellowship of the Minds also adds that “According to a NWO Report, July 9, 2018, it is believed that MacMahon was also engaged in child trafficking and used his position within the State Department to cover his child trafficking crimes. MacMahon’s co-conspirator in child porn production is a 39-year-old mother from Halifax, Canada, who has also been charged and is in custody. Investigators say the woman, who cannot be named to protect the identities of the child victims, was working with MacMahon as part of an elite pedophile ring that was trafficking children across borders to be sold into sex slavery and child porn.”
The cherry on top of this creepy-as-hell sundae is that MacMahon was also very involved in the cosplay world, and loved dressing up like a superhero to entertain young children. Here he is:

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Arrested is the problem.