Friday, June 8, 2018

Daily Bites :“Famous Persons and Papers of the Second Millennium” -SERIES 4

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Daily Bites of Famous Persons and Papers of the Second Millennium:


1) Introduction 

2) The Great Charter: 

3) Charter to be Read in Public Twice a year:

4) Ancient Fundamental Laws:

5) Along comes King John:

6) Black’s Law Dictionary: 

7) William Penn Arrested for Preaching on the Street:

8) Wycliffe Morning Star: 

9) World Council of Constance:

10) Burned at the Stake for Owning a copy of the Bible:
11) Divine Authority by Scriptures Only: 

12) Luther’s 95 Theses: 

13) The Sound of the Hammer:

14) Down Through the Centuries:

15) Historical Foundations:

16) Death to the King: 

17) Cries of Treason: 

18) To God be the Glory: 

19) Individual Rights from God:

20) For both Religion and Politics:

21) Endowed by our Creator:

22) Three Magnificent Documents:

23) The Magna Carta of American Liberty: 

24) Honorable Mentions: 

25) Virginia Bill of Rights: 

26) A Perpetual Union:

27) Wisest Work Presented to Man:

28) But No Bill of Rights? 

29) Bill of Rights Enacted 1791:

30) Men who Feared God:

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These articles were originally published in the spring of 2001 in SKILL, the monthly newsletter for homeschoolers in Deleware County, Pennsylvania.

Permission granted to reprint: Daily Bites and Highlights submitted by Pearl L. Sturgis: For copies of the full Booklet; the account of William Penn’s trial; or a list of other materials offered please contact: Bill of Rights Bicentennial Committee, P.O. Box 912, Concordville, PA 19331 Phone 610-459-2093 or the Cumberland Missionary Society, P.O. Box 7, Evansville, TN 17332 Phone 423-775-0774

“Famous Persons and Papers of the Second Millennium:
Series 4

 #16) Death to the King:

1649, The Death Warrant for Charles 1st, King of England. After a long train of abuses evidencing his unwillingness to honor the historical rights of the people of his realm, after making war against his own subjects for the discrimination to secure those rights by military means if necessary, and after several times breaking promises and covenants made with the people before God, King Charles 1st was captured once again. this time rather than obtaining promises from him to let England be at peace, he was brought to trial, found guilty, and condemned to death for his crimes against the people and their rights. 

#17) Cries of Treason:

The name Oliver Cromwell figures chief among those who brought King Charles 1st to justice. In 1765 Patrick Henry urging a manly and timely resistance to the Stamp Act, cried,: “Caesar had his Brutus---Charles 1st his Cromwell, and George the 3rd. Cries of treason sounded through the Virginia House of Burgess's may profit by their example. If this be treason then make the most of it! The Resolution against the Stamp Act was adopted! 1689 the Bill of rights that was signed by William 3rd and Queen Mary was a document prepared by Parliament and signed by the new monarchs of England before their coronation. It obligated the Crown of England and its heirs to a defense of the rights of Englishmen and the Protestant religion. Their coronation resulted in celebrations all up and down the seaboard in the New World. 

#18) To God be the Glory:

The trembling consternation of several Royal Governors who had wrecked havoc with the liberties of the American colonists under the approval of James 2nd faced this William of William and Mary. He was the great-grandson of William of Orange who overcame great obstacles to deliver the Netherlands from the bloody tyranny of Phillip of Spain. The familiar song which begins “We Gather Together to ask the Lord’s Blessing” was written in the late 1500’s to commemorate his victory. This folk song of the Netherlands was brought to America by the Pilgrims after their 12 year sojourn in Holland. (written before 1620 and translated by Theodore Baker 1851-1934: 

1) We gather together to ask the Lord’s Blessing. He chastens and hastens His will to make known. the wicked oppressing now cease from distressing. Sing praises to His Name. He forgets not His own. 

2) Beside us to guide us, our God with us joining...Ordaining, maintaining His Kingdom Divine. So from the beginning, the fight we were winning. the Lord at our side...All Glory be Thine. 

3) We all do extol Thee, our Leader triumphant...and pray that Thou still our defender will be. Let thy congregation escape tribulation. thy Name be ever praised. O God make us free! 

#19) Individual Rights From God:

By the Magna Carta of 1215, the good and brave Barons of England secured to themselves, their children, grandchildren, and their countrymen, their ancient rights and liberties. Convinced of the justice of individual rights under God, believing in the sanctity of private property, and the right of ownership, recognizing the danger of allowing anyone---pauper or king--- to go on disregarding these rights of person and property they armed themselves. Those wise men informed King John that he must govern with respect to these rights or there would be war! Liberty or Death! This has reached down through centuries to our founding fathers of the United the Declaration of Independence...The Constitution of the United States...and the Bill of Rights for the people.

#20) For Both Religion and Politics:

By the translation of the Holy Bible into English in the late 1300’s, Wycliffe put the Bible in the hands of the common people and Tyndale, in the early 1500’s, and other Reformers, instructed their countrymen what was necessary to obtain God’s favor, both in this life and the next. They also placed in the hands of the people the Divine authority to hold their kings and rulers accountable to the Ten Commandments as well as themselves. By nailing the 95 Theses on the Church door at Wittenberg, Germany in 1517, Martin Luther launched the Protestant Reformation, the most far-reaching upheaval in the history of the world, of both religion and politics. 

(to be continued) 

Series 5: Endowed by our Creator:

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust

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