Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Daily Bites :“Famous Persons and Papers of the Second Millennium” -SERIES 2

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Daily Bites of Famous Persons and Papers of the Second Millennium:


1) Introduction 

2) The Great Charter: 

3) Charter to be Read in Public Twice a year:

4) Ancient Fundamental Laws:

5) Along comes King John:

6) Black’s Law Dictionary: 

7) William Penn Arrested for Preaching on the Street:

8) Wycliffe Morning Star: 

9) World Council of Constance:

10) Burned at the Stake for Owning a copy of the Bible:
11) Divine Authority by Scriptures Only: 

12) Luther’s 95 Theses: 

13) The Sound of the Hammer:

14) Down Through the Centuries:

15) Historical Foundations:

16) Death to the King: 

17) Cries of Treason: 

18) To God be the Glory: 

19) Individual Rights from God:

20) For both Religion and Politics:

21) Endowed by our Creator:

22) Three Magnificent Documents:

23) The Magna Carta of American Liberty: 

24) Honorable Mentions: 

25) Virginia Bill of Rights: 

26) A Perpetual Union:

27) Wisest Work Presented to Man:

28) But No Bill of Rights? 

29) Bill of Rights Enacted 1791:

30) Men who Feared God:

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These articles were originally published in the spring of 2001 in SKILL, the monthly newsletter for homeschoolers in Deleware County, Pennsylvania.

Permission granted to reprint: Daily Bites and Highlights submitted by Pearl L. Sturgis: For copies of the full Booklet; the account of William Penn’s trial; or a list of other materials offered please contact: Bill of Rights Bicentennial Committee, P.O. Box 912, Concordville, PA 19331 Phone 610-459-2093 or the Cumberland Missionary Society, P.O. Box 7, Evansville, TN 17332 Phone 423-775-0774

“Famous Persons and Papers of the Second Millennium:
Series 2

Image result for William Penn Arrested for Preaching on the Street
William Penn (1644-1718)

 #6) Black’s Law Dictionary:

Black’s Law Dictionary, 6th edition, 1990, a legal reference work known to every lawyer, says that the Magna Carta, “The Great Charter” is justly regarded as the foundation of English Constitutional Liberties, (containing) provisions for regulating the administration of justice defining the temporal and ecclesiastical jurisdictions securing the personal liberty of the subject and his rights of property and his limits of taxation. Deleware County Homeschoolers will be glad to know that one of the copies of the Magna Carta commissioned by King Edward in 1297 will be on display at the new Independence Visitor’s Center in Philadelphia beginning May 1,2002. Purchased by H. Ross Perot in 1984 for $1.5 million, the copy is on permanent loan to the National Archives. It will return to the National Archives sometime in 2003.

#7) William Penn Arrested for Preaching on the Street:

A most excellent and compact acquaintance with the Magna Carta can be had by reading William Penn’s own published account of his 1670 jury trial for preaching. The judges demanded a verdict of guilty of making a riot but the jury, though enduring many threats and deprivations, would only find him guilty of preaching. Whereupon the judges fined and imprisoned both Penn and the jury. Realizing the dreadful consequences to a free people if such tyrannical abuse of power went unopposed, Penn published the official transcripts of the trial, along with the defense he would have offered if he had been allowed. 

#8) Wycliffe, Morning Star:

As the Magna Carta towers over the civil and political events of the Second Millennium, so the Holy Bible translated into the language of the common people affected great consequences in the unfolding of religious and ecclesiastical matters of that same era. yet, even more striking, is the mutual effect of increased strength and support each had on the other. John Wycliffe, that worthy name immortalized as the Morning Star of the Reformation, was the first to translate the Bible into the English Language. In 1380 he published his English translation of the New Testament. He continued working on the Old Testament and the entire Bible was published by his friends after his death. In 1365 he secured the favor of King Edward’s son by vigorously defending the right of the Crown to limit the temporal power of the Church. In 1376 Wycliffe put forth the doctrine of “Dominion as Founded in Grace.” This Document holds that both ecclesiastical and secular authority is bestowed directly by the Grace of God and forfeited when the possessor of that authority is guilty of mortal sin. Wycliffe was born in 1320 and died in 1384. 

 #9) World Council of Constance:

Wycliffe’s two treatises concerning Divine Authority (1366) and concerning Secular Authority (1376) set forth his belief in the right of the individual to form his religious opinions independently on the basis of Scripture and reason. In appealing to the Supreme Authority of the Scriptures, in opposition to the man-made statutes of the Church. Wycliffe argued the need for making the Bible available to every Christian, thus followed the need for a translation. He was ultimately accused of heresy and summoned for interrogation. This, however, was dropped when the people of London rioted in protest. Still, in 1428, in accordance with a decree of the Council of Constance, the body of this Great Reformer was removed from his grave, burned, and the ashes thrown in the River Swift. Certain difficulties still remained when his translations were only to be found in portions with the rich and learned. It remained till William Tyndale translated it from Latin to Hebrew and Greek. Ne publicly prophesied of a time when the common plowboy would know more about the sacred writings than the clerics of the day. And it has come to pass. 

 #10) Burned at the Stake for owning a Copy of the Bible:

During the era of William Tyndale, (14-1500) persons were being imprisoned and burned at the stake for simply possessing an English copy of the Lord’s Prayer or the Ten Commandments. Rather than give up his work on translating the Bible from Latin to Hebrew and Greek, Tyndale became an exile from his native land taking up residence in Hamburg. there he obtained humble lodging and lived on one meal a day that he might devote all his money and his time to the work of translation. He later moved to Cologne where he might find a skillful printer, some of whom might have warehouses in London, thus opening a way for the sale of his books at home. Just when he arrived Cologne had forbidden all evangelical worship in that city but the brave Reformer resolved to persevere, trusting in God. He wrote: “Whether the King wills it or no, before long all the people in England shall be enlightened by the New Testament and then they will obey the Gospel. 
(to be continued) 

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


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