Thursday, February 8, 2018

Daily Bites of Kick the Devil out of America:SERIES-6

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Daily Bites of Kick the Devil out of America:

 Sources by BJ Hargis, Christian Crusade News: 1986 D. James Kennedy “Education” 1993 AKJV Bible Jackson Preface 1875: Title and highlights PL Sturgis: 

2018 Now we weep and moan...reaping seeds we’ve sown. We took the Bible out of school!  Put the One Book back...that our children lack! Give them back their Learning Tools! ----- Kick the Devil out of America! Can’t you see she’s gone astray??? Teach the Golden our Public School..and kick the Devil out today!

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Daily Bites of Kick the Devil out of America? Series :

Series 1:

 Bite 1) National Council of Churches against American Christian Churches:

Bite 2) Dividing to Conquer: 

Bite 3) Unjustly Blaming America: 

Bite 4) Falsely Accusing our Founding Fathers:

Bite 5) US Government against US Churches: 

Series 2:

Bite 6) US Government Invading Church Wall of Separation: 

Bite 7) US Government Calls Wrong “right.”:

Bite 8) US Government Sabotaging US Schools:

Bite 9) Like the Walls of Jericho: 

Bite 10) USA: A Judeo Christian Nation: 

Series 3: 

Bite 11) How the Bible Got to America:

Bite 12) Dr. Benjamin Rush’s Letter to Congress:

Bite 13) Authenticity of the Scriptures:

Bite 14) World Council of Churches in the 16th Century:

Bite 15) History of the Bible:

Series 4:

Bite 16) Religious Order of the 16th Century:

Bite 17) Our Christian Heritage: 

Bite 18) Religious Statutes of Liberty: 

Bite 19) From Then to Now: 

Bite 20) Homosexuals and Sodomites: 

Series 5:

Bite 21) Changes in Church and State Relations:

Bite 22) Transition of Public Schools:

Bite 23) The Devaluing of America:

Bite 24) Secular Arguments against Christian Schools:

Bite 25) Deliver Us from Evil:

Series 6:

Bite 26) What the Bible says about Women:

Bite 27) Families Come First: 

Bite 28) The Equal Rights Amendment is Dead! 

Bite 29) Phony Freedom:

Bite 30) Pursuit of Happiness:

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Daily Bites of Kick the Devil out of America? Series 6:

Bite 26) What the Bible says about Women: BJ Hargis:

Women have been candidates for president. Many are now in government offices. One thing is doing is prompting a reappraisal of women in America and in the world. American women are the most fortunate in all the world. They should thank God every day that they were not born in Iran under Muslim restrictions. they should thank Jesus Christ. It was He who started liberating women. It was not Gloria Steinheim or Bella Abzug, or Geraldine Ferraro. Now that so many women think they are free they make the mistake of thinking they are free from God, as well as free from men. When they take a look at what God says in the Bible they will see that the cost of what they think is freedom is not worth the womanhood lost. Humanism has taught the modern woman that she can find fulfillment in education, career, and independence, self-centeredness, and materialism. Subordinating themselves to a husband and children is thought to be demeaning. Old fashion grandmothers and mothers are in short supply and few are the American children today who have them to enjoy. Singleness, divorce, and lesbianism are running rampant in America today. Yet, there are young women coming into the church today, entering into the body of Christ, professing and proclaiming that all of these modern-day deviations have failed to bring what they thought would be their promised rewards. 

Pearl’s Poem:

 I never took to women’s lib and one thing I must say: God must have wanted Adam’s Rib for reasons His own way: Go tell our legislature we do not wish to crow. You can’t fool mother nature! God wouldn’t have it so! Well, if the roosters wish to crow while all the hens do lay...the eggs come from the hens, you know? So let them crow away! 

Bite 27) Family Comes First: 

There are more joy and fulfillment in the high calling of God for women to be wives and mothers. Homes and families are an oasis of peace and love in a troubled world. Believe it or not, many women have found the economic sacrifice of staying home with children instead of going out to work and leaving your kids for someone else to raise returns more rewards later in life than any material or economic rewards received in the short time of a working mother. It boils down to whether financial rewards are more important than children being loved and properly reared. A nation that is killing millions of children by abortion and yet has so many women in the market place contributing to economic wealth and pleasure certainly calls our nation’s priorities into question. There is a ministry for children in the Bible and it is stated clearly in Titus 2:4: “Teach the young women to be sober; to love their husbands; to love their children.” ---- Is that too much to ask of a woman? be sober-minded? love her husband and children? This greatest country on earth would not even be here if it were not for women who followed the Bible and loved their husbands and children. The family has always been the backbone of America. Pearl’s Poem: Our Home: There’s an atmosphere of love that covers every room. It sweeps into each corner and smothers all the gloom. There are meals to cook and floors to scrub. There’s lots of work to do. Her sorrows are shared equally, as well as joys are too. Walking up the front steps...the welcome mat lays here. In and out the front door we spend our happy years. 

Bite 28) The Equal Rights Amendment is Dead: Hargis:

The Equal Rights Amendment is dead but the women’s liberation movement moves on. The ERA has failed repeatedly. women’s Liberation is growing but it is unhealthy. I don’t think it is unpopular, far from it. All I mean is that it might not be as good for women or men or the feminist radicals would have us think. One of the biggest troubles with the women’s liberation is that it has also liberated many men from what used to be conventional responsibility. women don’t like that and a lot of men are not too sure they like it after trying it. If you ever watch any of these debates about the women’s liberation or the new sexual freedom debates on TV, which has become the national forum, then you can see what I mean. the women are highly educated and successful career women but they hardly ever laugh. They are hardly ever really serious and usually downright hostile. They like to call men wimps. What they mean is that men are unmanly. A lot of men thought they found freedom from being the breadwinner when women chose to go to work. these people who threw out the Scriptures are now relying on themselves instead of God. that is why they are sick and unhappy. they become swamped in fear and uncertainty about whether or not they are truly capable of making the right decisions in their lives without God’s help and guidance.

Bite 29) Phony Freedom: 

When “so-called” liberated men and women give themselves over to free sex without responsibility or affection or love; when it becomes just another animal like act in life without romance or heartfelt care, then it loses its value, and those who partake of it feel in their hearts they have lost their own value as well. It is no accident that men and women with children tend to lead happier lives; earn and save more money; go to church and give more to God’s work, than do men who have been “liberated” through women’s lib. Fathers who do not support their children are often told that it is society’s responsibility to support them. In this “me first” generation society claims everything else is secondary. That is why these men and women trapped in this phony freedom are sick. they are sick in their heart and in their mind. they are trying to run their own lives without God and without His guidance in His Word, the Bible. Jesus tells us to love one another. He loved you and me so much that He gave His life for us. Now that is responsibility. Responsibility to the offspring of that love and responsibility to one’s self. None of it is free! None of it is liberation from responsibility. The precepts of the Bible tells us about love in life and happiness in family relationships.

Bite 30) In Pursuit of Happiness:

The fact is that no one is truly liberated when you throw God and His guidance out of your life in the phony name of “liberation.” When you do that you fall into Satan’s trap. No wonder so many liberated people are sick and unhappy with what they think is their new freedom. What has happened is that they have lost their freedom and have fallen into the oldest bondage of all. The trap of sin and death through Satan instead of life and freedom through Christ. the liberal leftist news media goes out of its way to find women activists from the old Equal Rights Amendment crowd to attack President Reagan (1986) and call it “the gender gap” --- Well, let’s look at Reagan’s record and we will see that the gender gap is also phony. President Reagan has stood against abortion and the Equal Rights Amendment, which is certainly not equal, nor right for the American families. The ERA died in 1982. Americans had reservations about it. the President made enemies of a few women who wanted abortion on demand, who don’t think parents have a right to know if their own teenage daughters are receiving contraceptives through our public schools and who through the ERA had it passed, would have junked many laws that now protect the rights of women. 

Pearl’s Poem:

 I Have a Name: I have a name and number; statistics will reveal. T’was equal rights that cumbered my right to live and feel.  I was a future citizen of America the free...But now I am recorded in statistics history. Dear God, forgive my native Land. They know not what they do. Dear Lord, reach down Your guiding hand and help US make it through. And God forgives the mothers who can not blush for shame...For like a billion others...”Aborted” is my name. 

End Of  The Series:

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America? In God we trust.

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