Monday, February 5, 2018

Daily Bites of Kick the Devil out of America:SERIES-3

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Daily Bites of Kick the Devil out of America:

 Sources by BJ Hargis, Christian Crusade News: 1986 D. James Kennedy “Education” 1993 AKJV Bible Jackson Preface 1875: Title and highlights PL Sturgis: 

2018 Now we weep and moan...reaping seeds we’ve sown. We took the Bible out of school!  Put the One Book back...that our children lack! Give them back their Learning Tools! ----- Kick the Devil out of America! Can’t you see she’s gone astray??? Teach the Golden our Public School..and kick the Devil out today!

Image result for Kick the Devil out of America:

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Daily Bites of Kick the Devil out of America? Series :

Series 1:

 Bite 1) National Council of Churches against American Christian Churches:

Bite 2) Dividing to Conquer: 

Bite 3) Unjustly Blaming America: 

Bite 4) Falsely Accusing our Founding Fathers:

Bite 5) US Government against US Churches: 

Series 2:

Bite 6) US Government Invading Church Wall of Separation: 

Bite 7) US Government Calls Wrong “right.”:

Bite 8) US Government Sabotaging US Schools:

Bite 9) Like the Walls of Jericho: 

Bite 10) USA: A Judeo Christian Nation: 

Series 3: 

Bite 11) How the Bible Got to America:

Bite 12) Dr. Benjamin Rush’s Letter to Congress:

Bite 13) Authenticity of the Scriptures:

Bite 14) World Council of Churches in 16th Century:

Bite 15) History of the Bible:

Series 4:

Bite 16) Religious Order of the 16th Century:

Bite 17) Our Christian Heritage: 

Bite 18) Religious Statutes of Liberty: 

Bite 19) From Then to Now: 

Bite 20) Homosexuals and Sodomites: 

Series 5:

Bite 21) Changes in Church and State Relations:

Bite 22) Transition of Public Schools:

Bite 23) The Devaluing of America:

Bite 24) Secular Arguments against Christian Schools:

Bite 25) Deliver us from Evil:

Series 6:

Bite 26) What the Bible says about Women:

Bite 27) Families Come First: 

Bite 28) The Equal Rights Amendment is Dead! 

Bite 29) Phony Freedom:

Bite 30) Pursuit of Happiness:

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Daily Bites of Kick the Devil out of America? Series 3:

Bite 11) How the Bible got to America: A.K.J.V preface family Bible Jackson 1875:

The new learning of the Protestant Reformation was the original words of the Apostle Paul translated into English from the original Greek without any interpretation other than what the Apostle said. the study of these manuscripts exposed the errors of the Latin Vulgate version which was owned only by the World council of Church authorities. There are certain features that characterize all Protestants. they accept the Bible as their final authority about God and the Salvation of man. Pilgrims had escaped from bondage in London to Switzerland in 1607. At that time King James had become King of England just a short while before they escaped. The King had lifted the ban on the Bible and released it for publication into the hands of the common people. Upon a request to move to the new land of America, two leaders of the Pilgrims in Switzerland, John Carver and Robert Cushman, sent a letter to the King in England’s Secretary of State, Edwin Sandys: November 12,1617 they received the reply in a letter: “To the Pilgrims in Holland: After my hearty salutations, The agents of your congregation, John Carver and Robert Cushman have been in communication with His Majesty concerning Virginia and by writing of 7 Articles subscribed by your name “The Pilgrims in Holland” has given them that said decree of satisfaction which has carries a resolution that may be for your own, and the public, good. Signed for the Protection and Blessings of the Highest God, your friend, Edwin Sandys.

Bite 12)  Benjamin Rush’s letter to Congress:

Dr. Benjamin Rush 1745-1813 ... was a distinguished physician and scientist. They youngest signer of the Constitution; published American School Text Book: “Lectures on Chemistry” ...established the first medical service clinic and in 1797 he was appointed US Treasurer by President John Adams and held that office until his death in 1813. Here is his letter recopied in 1830 by the American Bible tract Society, Box 462008, Garland, Texas 75046 USA To the President of Congress: Dear Sir, Christianity is the only true religion and in proportion as mankind adopts its precepts they will be wise and happy. A better knowledge of Christianity is to be required by reading the Bible than any other way. These are my arguments for maintaining the Bible as the main text book for American Public Schools. The Bible contains more knowledge necessary to mankind in his present state than any other book in the world. Knowledge is more durable and religious institutions more useful when read in schools. My argument in favor of the bible as the School Text Book will be found in the constitution of the human mind. memory is the first faculty which opens in the minds of children. It must be impressed with great truths of Christianity before preoccupied with less interesting subjects. There is a peculiar interest in the minds of children for religious knowledge. Influence of early impressions is very great in life, especially in a world where false prejudices do so much mischief. ----- With great respect, Dr. Benjamin Rush. 

Bite 13) Authenticity of the Scriptures. Jackson Bible preface 1875:

To the Jews were first committed the Sacred Writings and for many ages they were confined to that certain people. Yet, was the Providence of God particularly manifest in their preservation and purity. the Jews were so faithful to the important trust that when copies were transcribed they observed the most scrupulous exactness. The New Testament was originally written in Greek. Translations as early as 100 were taken from the Old Testament Hebrew text. In the 15th and 16th centuries as the Protestant Reformation began the Bible was written in Latin, a language only a few special educated people could understand. Putting the Bible in the hands of the people and in their common language was very dangerous for the people who did it. It was forbidden to print the Bible anywhere in England. the men who printed the Geneva Bible had to seek safety in Switzerland. According to Halleck’s History, 1926 US Public School text book, the Pilgrims escaped from London to Switzerland, the only country offering religious freedom in the entire eastern hemisphere!

Bite 14)  World Council of Churches: AKJV Preface 1875: Library of Congress:

The World Council of Churches in the 16th century was named “Council of Trent.” These were hearings held by a select group of World Church Leaders of Roman rule throughout Europe. This council demanded full whole hearted leadership and arrested all who opposed them. These hearings were held between 1545 and 1563. No documents were valid unless approved and signed by the head members of the World Council. Their Document named “Religious Order” set forth a law which outlawed all Bibles in the hands of the common people. those who disobeyed were arrested for heresy and put to death. These “so called” Church authorities actually thought God appointed them to their position and this made them exempt from any laws. They made up lies to issue arrests and thought they were doing God’s service by killing all who would not bow to them. Beware of the pharisees! Job 32:29: “Great men are not always wise. There is a spirit in man and the Almighty gives him understanding.”--- Job 32:21: “Let me not, I pray, accept any man’s person. Let me not give flattering titles unto man.” --- Today in 2018 we have a World Council of Churches again. May we ever learn from history.

Bite 15) History of the King James Bible: Pastor Star: Mt. Zion Church:

I received this little pamphlet personally from the local pastor in the church at Brogue,PA. All this controversy was going on in another church I had been attending. The pastor there insisted the congregation use only the new Bible. I wanted to use my King James 1611 version. Here is a paragraph from Pastor Star’s pamphlet. “God gave us His inspired word (66 books) through 40 men over a period of 1700 years. They wrote it down in the language of Hebrew and Aramic (Old Testament) and in Greek (New Testament) 2 Peter 1:21 “The prophecy came not in old times by the will of man but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.” Notice that these men were moved by the Holy Spirit and not inspired. Rather, the Word was inspired. Today we have so many different versions of the Bible, yet they do not have the same words. It is so confusing and God is not the author of confusion. Matthew 24:35: “Heaven and earth shall pass away but My Word shall not pass away.”

(to be continued)

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. In God we trust.

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