Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Daily Bites of Kick the Devil out of America:SERIES-5

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Daily Bites of Kick the Devil out of America:

 Sources by BJ Hargis, Christian Crusade News: 1986 D. James Kennedy “Education” 1993 AKJV Bible Jackson Preface 1875: Title and highlights PL Sturgis: 

2018 Now we weep and moan...reaping seeds we’ve sown. We took the Bible out of school!  Put the One Book back...that our children lack! Give them back their Learning Tools! ----- Kick the Devil out of America! Can’t you see she’s gone astray??? Teach the Golden our Public School..and kick the Devil out today!

Image result for Kick the Devil out of America:

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Daily Bites of Kick the Devil out of America? Series :

Series 1:

 Bite 1) National Council of Churches against American Christian Churches:

Bite 2) Dividing to Conquer: 

Bite 3) Unjustly Blaming America: 

Bite 4) Falsely Accusing our Founding Fathers:

Bite 5) US Government against US Churches: 

Series 2:

Bite 6) US Government Invading Church Wall of Separation: 

Bite 7) US Government Calls Wrong “right.”:

Bite 8) US Government Sabotaging US Schools:

Bite 9) Like the Walls of Jericho: 

Bite 10) USA: A Judeo Christian Nation: 

Series 3: 

Bite 11) How the Bible Got to America:

Bite 12) Dr. Benjamin Rush’s Letter to Congress:

Bite 13) Authenticity of the Scriptures:

Bite 14) World Council of Churches in 16th Century:

Bite 15) History of the Bible:

Series 4:

Bite 16) Religious Order of the 16th Century:

Bite 17) Our Christian Heritage: 

Bite 18) Religious Statutes of Liberty: 

Bite 19) From Then to Now: 

Bite 20) Homosexuals and Sodomites: 

Series 5:

Bite 21) Changes in Church and State Relations:

Bite 22) Transition of Public Schools:

Bite 23) The Devaluing of America:

Bite 24) Secular Arguments against Christian Schools:

Bite 25) Deliver us from Evil:

Series 6:

Bite 26) What the Bible says about Women:

Bite 27) Families Come First: 

Bite 28) The Equal Rights Amendment is Dead! 

Bite 29) Phony Freedom:

Bite 30) Pursuit of Happiness:

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Daily Bites of Kick the Devil out of America? Series 5:

Bite 21) Changes in Church/State Relations:

During the Revolutionary war it is ironic that a time in such religious destitution that religion should also provide resurgence of church activities, but such is the case, and doubly ironic that religious apathy should contribute directly to that result. The great tradition of the American church as it developed in the 1800’s depended upon the reality of religious freedom and the steady advance of its patriotic piety with its belief in its Divinely appointed mission of the American nation. By 1775 toleration verging on freedom had become a fundamental part of the long term American Revolution being enacted in the colonies. From the period of 1620 when the Pilgrims first arrived to the Great Awakening in the 1700’s a slow transition became farther and farther away from the Lord when prosperity and peace followed by contention and then apathy. I’m thinking of the Song of Moses in Deuteronomy 32:5-7: “do ye thus requite the Lord, O foolish people, and unwise? Is not He your Father who has bought you? Has He not made you and established you? Remember the days of old. Consider the years of many generations. Ask your fathers and they will show you. Ask your elders and they will tell you.” ---- Let us render tribute due, as it says to do in Romans 13:7: “honor to honor” some of those great men who helped bring about our transition from tyranny to freedom... From the Revolutionary war to the first and second great the Bicentennial years, lest we forget and history forgotten repeats itself.

Bite 22)  Transition of Public Schools: Coral Ridge: James Kennedy:

The National Education Association is directly linked with the 30 plus year decline of American education that occurred simultaneously, not just in terms of quality, but especially in terms of quantity; education’s crushing and incessantly cumulating cost. Far more than other unions, the NEA saturates most of the nation. Its power is felt almost everywhere. It has 52 State level affiliates and some 13,000 local level affiliates in each community. this may appear autonomous but in fact, the NEA plays a powerful role. Keith Gieger personally contacts all local presidents that are on strike, says Beverly Walkow, hired by Gieger to her current position of Michigan Education Association, Executive Director in 1981. Unusual for a labor union, the organization divided authority between quickly rotated elected teachers and school employees, such as the presidents and permanent professional staff; such as executive directors who, critics say, tend to control it. Any teacher joining the local education association, the level at which salaries are mostly bargained, also involuntarily must join a State affiliate and national organization, which together consume most of the high membership dues. Regardless of its needs the NEA dues are a fixed proportion of the average teacher’s salary. Forbes estimate was $750 million. The National Education Association has been called the largest field army of paid political organizers and lobbyists in the US dwarfing the forces of the Republican and Democratic national committees combined.

Bite 23) The Devaluing of America: Coral Ridge:

According to William Bennet, former secretary of education, America is being devalued. What he means is that our values are being stripped from the culture through a system of education that refuses to recognize mankind as anything more than a collection of biological materials. Bennet has held three major posts in the failure of government, including secretary of education under President Reagan. He recently (1993) released a book detailing his experience in Washington DC titled: “Devaluation of America.” In this interview with Doctor Kennedy he discussed the influence of the National Education of Association, as well as an alternative to public education: Bennet: The NEA still denies these results: Kennedy: Is it not true that America spends money per student than any country in the world? Bennet: That is correct: Kennedy: If that is correct then why do they claim money is the problem? Bennet: We spend $414 billion a year on elementary, secondary, and higher education. The values are not taught but sex education and sports were taught and took most of the funds. Elementary school did nothing intellectually that provided for the third grades except make sure every child would be a fluent reader and interested in reading and able to read English. Phonics is very important but a child’s education starts earlier than phonics. It must start with the parents reading to their children. When they surveyed the adult's answers to why they came back to school the largest number answered that they wanted to read and study the Bible so they could teach it to their children. (since it was taken out of public schools? I don’t know. I added this question to ponder. PL Sturgis)

Bite 24)  Secular Argument against Christian Schools: Westminster Academy: Head Master:

As a young boy I can remember hearing adults arguing about whether or not the children in our church should attend the newly opened Christian School. Among the negative arguments given, the one most frequently cited, was that kids in the Christian schools would be sheltered from the real world. That struck a chord in my memory when I recently tried to console a young girl during her last days at Westminster. Her father insisted that her last two years of high school would have to be spent in a public school. “She needs to be exposed to the real world,” he said. “She has been sheltered long enough!” Unfortunately, he was unable to see that there would be very specific ways by which his daughter would be sheltered in the public school system. Ways in which she would not be exposed to in the christian schools. Students in secular schools, whether it be public or private, are the ones sheltered from the real world. To talk about the real world is to talk about God and about His ways and truths; about the designs for their life. To talk about the real world is to learn to view all of life from God’s perspective, using the Scriptures for our eyeglasses. Secular schools miss the real world. Instead they are taught and learn as if God never was, never is, and never will be. Without God nothing could be. He is the Creator of all things. John 1:1 “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. John 1:14: And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.”

Bite 25) Deliver Us from Evil: Westminster Academy:

The National Education Association shelters students from the real world where sin, evil, and Redemption through Christ are taught. Students are not taught the good news of Jesus Christ. that good news that has come to change all lives, families, friendship, values, personal ambitions, and above all, a personal relationship with God. Students do not hear about the good news in secular classrooms. they are sheltered from the love of God that has come to change their hearts; to wash them free from their sinfulness; to give them God’s free gift of eternal life. These truths about the real world have been given to us in the Bible. In secular schools students are no longer taught to study the Bible, even though that is why our founders started public schools. where the Bible is not taught values are up for grabs. The real world teaches students to pattern their lives, their values, and their decisions, after God’s precepts. Real Life: by Pearl Leona Sturgis Death on the highway time and again. Somebody somewhere is mourning for them. One grieves in silence; one life now ends...So hard to remember when real life begins. Real-life begins when this life will end. Blessed are ye who are mourning, my friend. You need the Savior. Just welcome Him in. You'll find Him waiting when real life begins. 

(to be continued)

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. In God we trust.

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