Saturday, February 3, 2018

Daily Bites of Kick the Devil out of America:SERIES-1

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Daily Bites of Kick the Devil out of America:

 Sources by BJ Hargis, Christian Crusade News: 1986 D. James Kennedy “Education” 1993 AKJV Bible Jackson Preface 1875: Title and highlights PL Sturgis: 

2018 Now we weep and moan...reaping seeds we’ve sown. We took the Bible out of school!  Put the One Book back...that our children lack! Give them back their Learning Tools! ----- Kick the Devil out of America! Can’t you see she’s gone astray??? Teach the Golden our Public School..and kick the Devil out today!

Image result for Kick the Devil out of America:

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Daily Bites of Kick the Devil out of America? Series :

Series 1:

 Bite 1) National Council of Churches against American Christian Churches:

Bite 2) Dividing to Conquer: 

Bite 3) Unjustly Blaming America: 

Bite 4) Falsely Accusing our Founding Fathers:

Bite 5) US Government against US Churches: 

Series 2:

Bite 6) US Government Invading Church Wall of Separation: 

Bite 7) US Government Calls Wrong “right.”:

Bite 8) US Government Sabotaging US Schools:

Bite 9) Like the Walls of Jericho: 

Bite 10) USA: A Judeo Christian Nation: 

Series 3: 

Bite 11) How the Bible Got to America:

Bite 12) Dr. Benjamin Rush’s Letter to Congress:

Bite 13) Authenticity of the Scriptures:

Bite 14) World Council of Churches in 16th Century:

Bite 15) History of the Bible:

Series 4:

Bite 16) Religious Order of the 16th Century:

Bite 17) Our Christian Heritage: 

Bite 18) Religious Statutes of Liberty: 

Bite 19) From Then to Now: 

Bite 20) Homosexuals and Sodomites: 

Series 5:

Bite 21) Changes in Church and State Relations:

Bite 22) Transition of Public Schools:

Bite 23) The Devaluing of America:

Bite 24) Secular Arguments against Christian Schools:

Bite 25) Deliver us from Evil:

Series 6:

Bite 26) What the Bible says about Women:

Bite 27) Families Come First: 

Bite 28) The Equal Rights Amendment is Dead! 

Bite 29) Phony Freedom:

Bite 30) Pursuit of Happiness:

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Daily Bites of Kick the Devil out of America? Series 1:

Bite 1) National Council of Churches against Christian Churches:

If this bunch of illeged American Church Leaders represents Americans’ true Christian values we are in big trouble. As soon as the National Council of Churches delegation of Leaders stepped on Russian soil they turned immediately into communist followers. They praised the Russian Orthodox clergy which holds offices at the pleasure of the Kremlin. They saw several hundred in worship service and then declared there was freedom to worship in Russia; several hundred out of the population of millions, when tens of thousands of them are in communist jails and prisons for their Christian and Jewish beliefs. The gall of these Church Council Leaders to go over to Russia and come back to tell American citizens that there is religious freedom in Russia when the communist government specifically prohibits unlicensed church meetings and prohibits parents from teaching the Bible to their own children, and prohibits any church to ordain an unlicensed minister! The National Council of Churches is a communist propaganda agent. It supports communist revolutionaries throughout the world financially. It sends these big delegations to Moscow to make anti-American statements! It repeatedly supports known communists as head of its affiliate, World Council of Churches, and shares offices with the World Council in New York.

Bite 2) To Divide and Conquer:

The reason many American Churches and denominations have split today is because the National Council of Churches has divided them. Not with just liberalism in theology, but with downright support for socialism and communism and a perverted kind of religion that is little more than Marxism, Leninism being spoon-fed from the Kremlin. A few Christian demonstrators in Moscow protested the National Council of Churches Delegation but they were quickly removed by police and their fate is unknown. In the conclusion of his book, “The Cross and the Sickle” BJ Hargis made this statement: “The National and World Council of Churches are using the Name of Christ in vain to advocate a godless system of Marxism for the world; a world that would be governed by one super-government with a State-imposed Church for all. The One World Church for all would not be run by the people or responsible to the people but would be run by ecclesiastical elitists, more concerned with their own power than with the power of the people, and least concerned with the power of God. The power controlling the world and National Council of Churches are Marxists marching under the banner of Christ. Americans attending churches affiliated with the National Council of Churches and World Council of Churches International conspiracy had better take a long careful look into the Bible and see if you can find any Biblical standards for what the National and World Council of Churches are doing supporting godless communism and liberal theology instead of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Bite 3) Unjustly Blaming America:

All I can say is “God help US!” We have these big denominations and Church Councils and Catholic Bishop leaders calling for accommodation and appeasement with Communist Leaders who would condemn them and all of us to the firing squad the first chance they get! I never hesitate to speak up for America, even if it means speaking out against a (so-called) man of God. If a man of God jumps on America and doesn’t know what he is talking about then someone has to call his hand. Not long ago (1986) in New York City, the Bishop of Episcopal Diocese in New York, delivered an anti-American sermon about Central America, in which he said this and I quote: “We Americans can not go around the world shooting and killing innocent men, women, and children as part of our national policy. We have brought violence and terrorism to Central America.” He went on to say that helping the anti-communist freedom fighters of Nicaragua for the fight against the communists who took over their country is immoral, because, as this Bishop puts it, we commit murder without the legal cloak of Declaration of War. then the New York Times saw to it that the Bishop’s sermon was widely circulated. Where was this Bishop when the communists were taking over Nicaragua in an undeclared war? What has this Bishop had to say about the murder of innocent men, women, and children in El Salvador, Angolia, Afghanistan, and South East Asia? Where is this Bishop’s sermon about the South Korean Airliner shot down by communists which killed over 260 people aboard? That was murder!

Bite 4) Falsely Accusing our Founding Fathers:

This same Bishop of New York; this communist supporter compared the communist government with our early American Government, shortly after the revolutionary war, which he told his congregation it took America 12 years to hold an election when George Washington was the only candidate. Baloney! There is no comparison. The early years were governed under the Articles of Federation. these Articles made no provision for a president or an election! When the Constitution was ratified and a president was to be elected everyone wanted George Washington. He was the only candidate chosen. Washington’s election was perfectly legal and it did not take 12 years. It was certainly more democratic than the communist revolution that took Nicaragua by force! The last time Bishop Moore and his pro communist apologists campaigned for a surrender to communism we got the collapse of Viet Nam, the boat people, and the slaughter of 3 million Cambodians by the North Vietnamese communist army. These clerics or clergy are simply ignorant of the facts, or refuse to believe, that communism is godless. It is anti religious and they are playing into the hands of Marxist murderers with their whining remarks against America and their adoring remarks about communism! 

Bite 5) US Government against US Churches:

It’s bad enough for the communists to attack US Churches without their own government attacking them! The US Government is waging open warfare against American Churches. Seven Nebraskan fathers of children who have been attending a christian school in Louisville, Nebraska, which State authorities claim does not meet state standards, were targeted. The Nebraska men knew the Christian school held higher standards than the godless state school where no prayer or Bible reading is allowed. According to the Nebraska State Constitution there should have been no charges brought against them. The Constitution says, “It shall be the duty of the legislature to pass suitable laws to protect every religious denomination in the peaceable enjoyment of its own mode of public worship and to encourage schools and the means of instruction.” Of course, this was written before the US Supreme Court began meddling with education and telling everyone what was good and what was not good for their own children. The Supreme Court decided God is not Good. God’s Word is not good and prayer is not good. So all of them were thrown out of the schools. If anyone dares to argue with this---Lie the seven men in Nebraska---they are thrown in jail! Now the state of Nebraska (January 1984) for the sake of the Social Security issue, has decided that all churches must pay social security taxes for all employees. Never in the centuries of American history has this ever been done! 

(to be continued)

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


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