Monday, February 5, 2018

Wanted: New Republican Leadership in Congress

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Wanted: New Republican Leadership in Congress

That's it. Enough is enough. To quote our illustrious President, Speaker Paul Ryan and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, "YOU'RE FIRED!!"

Donald Trump was a household name well before his time on the popular television show, 'The Apprentice.' But it was this show that introduced him to the younger generation. And it was his signature line, "You're fired," which he stated to contestants who were eliminated from the show, which he must now direct to the Speaker of the U.S. House and U.S. Senate Majority Leader.

Quite simply stated, we don't have time for this crap. We Republicans suffered from 2009 to 2011 with minorities in both houses of Congress. We won back control of the House in the 2010 election but former Speaker John Boehner didn't offer terribly much difference from when he was Minority Leader to being the big cheese. We suffered through former President Barack Obama's (former... doesn't that sound nice now?) re-election in 2012 and failed to take back the Senate once again. But our hard work paid off in 2014 when we took back the Senate and returned a Republican to the position of Majority Leader. Not that old Milk Toast Mitch was terribly much better as Majority Leader than Minority Leader.

But now we control "The Whole Enchilada." So why are we sitting around comparing Obamacare to what is being referred to as "Ryancare," in reference to Speaker Ryan's "Obama-lite" replacement for the Affordable Care Act? Because, in case you missed it, we have milk toast leadership in both houses of Congress. And that leaves only one solution.

To achieve the full repeal of Obamacare it now becomes painfully obvious that we must first repeal the leadership of both houses of Congress. That means Ryan and McConnell. Gentlemen, you are relieved of your duties.

Now we activists must force our elected Republicans to show the current leadership out the door. It is our only hope of achieving either the full repeal of Obamacare or of successfully seeing the implementation of the rest of Donald Trump's very ambitious agenda, including immigration reform, building the border wall, reform of the H1B visa program and reform of Social Security and Medicare, among other issues.

I was a supporter of Texas Senator Ted Cruz's during his first election in 2010. But he fell out of my good graces with his behavior in the Senate during this, his first term there. I found both his filibuster in October 2013 as well as his speech at the GOP convention last year to be detrimental to the GOP and thus unacceptable from my state's Junior Senator, much less a presidential candidate from my political party. But bad behavior has been his calling card, much because he is - let's be kind - a jerk.

Well, that is precisely the qualification for Senate Majority Leader and House Speaker which we now need--the sort of person who will shove opposition aside and shove the President's agenda through.

The sole qualifications for these positions now is to have unmitigated gall, a brass pair and a spinal column which withstands the Liberal blast furnace that is Washington politics. And so for the Speaker's gavel I recommend Mark Meadows.

These two men can easily be replaced after ACA's repeal if necessary. But more than likely they will be on board with the President's agenda. And they have most certainly by now noticed the remarkable popularity President Trump is enjoying with Republicans nationally. As I have stated elsewhere, this is what we wanted 2001 to look like when George W. Bush was inaugurated after a campaign which portrayed him as a staunch conservative but resulted in too much compromise with the late Sen. Ted Kennedy and Congressional Democrats. That resulted in Republicans losing control of Congress later in 2006 and with Republicans today facing the possibility of securing a 60-seat majority in the Senate next year we cannot risk a repeat.

We must shove aside Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell because they will never shove aside the Left and implement the agenda that we and the President support. And so they must go.

We are hiring new leadership in Congress--let all interested in being considered step up to the plate!

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)



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