AS I SEE IT: “Stuck With Him”
He has certainly ratcheted up the stakes with his supposed gaffes and his mistakes. It is not only him that I so despise but his whole damn family. If you read Hunter’s texts they show they’re utterly rotten and ensconced in much corruption.
Polls clearly show that for the job he has he’s surely unfit. Our cherished Constitution is drenched with his spit. There are times that you can hardly hear what he has to say. He tends to do a tad much of whispering. As we all know his domestic policies border on the appalling.
His dismal record on foreign policy remains intact. That is no lie but an undeniable fact. A well-orchestrated cabal conspired to get this scumbag elected and now we are paying the price for that electoral heist. It has proved worse than any of us could have imagined. To the depths of despair, our beloved America is condemned.
His cabinet is made up of a bunch of sycophants who do his bidding and really HATE our beloved country. So many bring me to the point of regurgitation. Can you blame me when he has the likes of Blinken, Austin, and the fat blowhard, Mark Milley?
What is the next stupid thing that Joe Biden will say?? Our allies hold their collective breath? It is not on the world stage that he belongs but in an assisted living home where he should dwelleth. Now I ask you, of the so-called eighty million votes how many have buyer’s remorse?? The polls give you the answer to that, but of course.
We are stuck with this aging, airheaded dolt for many more months unless someone invokes the 25th Amendment. If that’s done we will really be up s##t’s creek without a paddle for we will be stuck with the HYENA as our president. Harris as our Commander in Chief? That is far from a laughing matter. The CALIFORNIA CACKLER is a whole other kind of disaster!!

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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