What Does the Lord Require?
The Lord delivered Moses two tablets of stone written by the finger of God, according to all the Words out of the midst of the fire on the day of the assembly. At the end of forty days and nights upon the mountain, the Lord gave Moses the two tables of Stone: even the tables of the Covenant: Deuteronomy 9:11) The Lord said to Moses: "Go down the mountain. For the people have corrupted themselves and turned away from My Commandments. They have made a molten calf. It is a stiff-necked people. I will blot out their name and make of you a nation mightier than they are."
I, (Moses) came down the mountain burned with fire and the 2 tablets of the Covenant were in my two hands. (verse 15-17) I took the two Tables and cast them and broke them before the people. I fell down before the Lord and prayed 40 days and nights. Neither did I eat nor drink because of all their sins in doing wickedly in the sight of the Lord by making a molten image of a calf (to worship as a god) The Lord was wroth and angry and ready to destroy but He answered my prayer. I beat the golden calf (false god) to dust.
Moses' Prayer: "O Lord God: Destroy not your people and your inheritance which you have Redeemed by Your Greatness. Remember Your servants, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Look not unto the stubbornness of this people, nor to the wickedness of their sin; lest the land you brought us out from saying: "The Lord was not able to bring them into the land which He promised them and because He hated them He brought them out to slay them in the wilderness." _____. Yet, they are Your people and Your inheritance which You brought out by Your mighty power and Your stretched out arm. At that time the Lord told Moses to cut two tablets of stone like the first and come up to the mountain and make an Ark of wood and the Lord wrote the Words that were in the first tables that Moses had thrown and broken. Then the Lord told Moses to put them in the Ark. (Deuteronomy 10:2-5) He wrote on the two tables according to the first, "The Ten Commandments" and there they be as the Lorde commanded. When the people had journeyed to Jot' bath, a land of Rivers, the Lord separated the tribe (family) of Levi to bear the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord to stand before the Lord: (Deuteronomy 10:8,9:) to serve Him and Bless His Name to this Day. Levi has no inheritance with his brothers. The Lord is his inheritance according to what the Lord promised him. _______. I, (Moses) stayed in the mountain according to as the first time and prayed 40 days and nights and the Lord hearkened to my prayer and did not destroy the people. ________. The Lord said: "Arise before the people that they may go in and possess the land which I promised to their fathers. What does the Lord require of you but to fear the Lord God: to walk in all His ways: to love Him and serve the Lord with all your heart and all your soul: to keep the Commandments of the Lord and His statutes which He commanded you for your good. The Heaven and the Heaven of Heavens is the Lord your God's. The earth also and all that is therein. Only, the Lord had a delight in your fathers to love them and He chose their seed after them as it is this day. The Lord regards not persons nor takes rewards. He executes the judgment of the fatherless and the widow. He loves the stranger and gives him food and raiment (clothing). Love the stranger, fear the Lord; cleave to Him and swear by His Name. He is your praise and your God. He has done these great and mighty things which your eyes have seen.
My Lord Designed it All: by PL Sturgis: They mocked and scorned my Savior long ago in the Roman Hall. A crown of Thorns they made Him, but my Lord Designed it all. When the soldiers stripped Him naked He wore a world of sin: For that Crown of Thorns, He traded His Royal Diadem. When His Scarlet Robe was taken He planned it just that way: to wear my sins of scarlet up Calvary's Hill that day. ____. The soldiers had no power except from that Above. For Calvary's darkest Hour begins and ends with Love.
Protest Solemnly:
1 Samuel 8:9-22: (read all) AKJV: The Lord said to Samuel, the prophet: "Hearken unto the voice of the people. Howbeit, protest solemnly and show them the manner of the king that shall reign over them. "Then Samuel told all the people the words of the Lord after the people asked for a king. "This will be the manner of the king that shall reign over you: He shall take your sons and appoint them for himself: for his chariots and to be his horsemen. Some shall run before his chariot. He will appoint him captains over fifties and will set them to take care of his ground; to reap his harvest; to make his instruments of war and of his chariots. He shall take your daughters to be cooks and bakers; he will take your vineyards and the best of your fields to give to his servants; the tenth of your seed; your sheep and your cattle and your best young men. ______. Then you will cry out because of your king which you have chosen and the Lord will not hear!" Nevertheless, THE PEOPLE REFUSED TO OBEY THE VOICE OF SAMUEL AND THEY SAID: "NO! WE WILL HAVE A KING RULE OVER US THAT WE MIGHT BE LIKE ALL THE NATIONS AND OUR KING WILL JUDGE US AND GO BEFORE US TO FIGHT OUR BATTLES!"_______. When all those things came upon them, then the people cried to the Lord but the Lord did not hear. For the Lord is our judge: The Lord is our law keeper: The Lord is our King and HE will Save US! Isaiah 33:22: The Trees of the Forest: Inspired by Judges 9:7-15: by PL Sturgis: "The trees of the forest did search for a king: to care for their needs and to rule over things: "Olive Tree! Olive Tree! Rule over US! Come be our king. For in you do we trust: But the Olive Tree answered: "Must I leave green sod to care for all trees in the House of my GOD?" So they went to the Fig Tree and gathered in groups. But the Fig Tree just answered: "God gives me sweet fruit." They pleaded with berries and grapes on the vine. But all of them answered: "God gives US sweet wine." So they begged for the thistles; the brambles and briers and at last, found a king so the trees could retire! ____. By "executive order" the king soon decides: "There's too many trees and I can not abide!" So he cut down the trees and destroyed everyone who refused to agree with the work he had done. Then the trees all cried out but the Lord did not hear. They remembered His Word ringing clear in their ear: For the Lord is our Judge and our Law Maker too! THE LORD IS our KING: IT IS HE we MUST CHOOSE!" Isaiah 33:22: "The Lord is our Judge; The Lord is our Law Maker: The Lorde is our King: He will Save US!"
Beware: lest you forget:
Deuteronomy 8:10-19: "When you have eaten and are full, then you shall Bless the Lord, your God for the good land which He has given you. Beware that you forget not the Lord, your God, in not keeping His Commandments and His judgments; His statutes which I (Moses) Command you in that day; lest your heart be lifted up and you forget the Lord, your God which brought you out from the House of Bondage; who brought you through the wilderness where there was no water, Who brought forth water out of the rock; Who fed you with Manna that He might humble you to do you good in the latter end; and you say in your heart: "My power and my hand has gotten me this wealth." ____. You shall remember the Lord, your God. For it is He that gives you the power to get wealth THAT HE MAY ESTABLISH HIS COVENANT WHICH HE SWORE TO YOUR FATHERS.
TO BE CONTINUED: What Must Be Done to Save America
Read all of Deuteronomy 32: The Song of Moses: AKJV:
Song of Moses
by Pearl Leona Sturgis
Listen O people of earth; give ear.
The song of Moses the people must hear!
God's doctrine shall fall like dew on the grass
It drops as the rain and forever will last.
Moses who published the Greatness of God
through generations where man's feet trod
God's truth and His mercy is Holy and right
but we have corrupted ourselves in His sight
Consider the old days our fathers foretold.
Go back generations to learn times of old.
How foolish we people; unlearned and unwise
that we have corrupted ourselves in His eyes
When God set the nations in order back then
Bounds of the people were set forth by Him.
It was Israel God found in the desert alone.
He led him about as an eagle their young.
God gave him honey and flint from the rock.
He gave him the rams, the best of the flock
There was no strange god with Israel then..
but Jeshurun waxed fat and let Satan move in
The Rock of Salvation the people forgot
Strange gods moved in as the people knew not
there is much more to this song it is true
Please read it all. It involves me and you

Pearl Sturgis Hear,

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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