Church Leadership & U.S. Congress: 100 Percent Responsible for America’s Downward Spiral
Part 1: Causes of America’s downfall
When you look out over the American landscape, you see a litany of problems manifesting in our major cities. You see our financial systems being choked. You see our cities being gridlocked with enormous traffic congestion. You see our inner cities raging with crime, murders, and failing schools. You see our $30 trillion national debt. You watched two useless/meaningless/deadly twenty-year wars that broke our taxpayer's backs with a $6 trillion dollar price tag. How did that happen? The corporates at the Military Industrial Complex forced those wars and profited from them, and so did a lot of members of our U.S. Congress. It’s called “insider trading” on defense contracts.
Call up House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and ask her how she’s worth $124 million?
Now, you see republicans and democrats at each other’s throats to such a degree…that none of them compromise to solve anything. It’s astounding that those 535 elected officials snarl at each other, blame each other…and yet, watch the United States spiral into the toilet.
Let’s look at how we arrived at this living nightmare in 2022: first, the history books will show that the 1965 Immigration Reform Act launched us into our own demise. Truly, Senator Teddy Kennedy and his band of stooges passed this act with no inspection of its ultimate consequences.
It simply brought over 100 million people from 196 countries around the world, that possessed not an inkling of affinity to American citizens, and stuffed them down our throats. Our cities became enclaves for cultural and linguistic strangers.
Since 1965, we’ve got people imported into our country that never used a toilet, were never educated, or could be educated, and today, have created their own enclaves in Detroit, Minneapolis, Miami, Los Angeles, and San Francisco, and dozens of other cities. They, in turn, brought their failed cultures, world views, and un-American biases. They brought over 800 languages that they choose to speak rather than English.
That single act in 1965 caused us to catapult from a manageable 194 million people to our present 335 million, and onward to 440 million within the next 28 years. And, along the way, our U.S. Congress hasn’t examined the horrible impacts of inviting the third world into our country by the endless millions. They even started the 50,000-person annual “diversity visa” to give the poorest and most illiterate people in the world a free ride on our taxpayer's backs.
Douglas Murry, the author of The Strange Death of Europe, said, “When you import the people of the world, you import the problems of the world.”
Boy, did we! Look at Chicago, St. Louis, Detroit, LA, and the rest!
Back in 1965, we enjoyed, virtually all of us, a sense of being Americans. Blacks, Whites, and Hispanics felt good about being Americans. MLK gave greater meaning to equality and participation. Yes, big riots and anger, but we worked on bettering the nation.
However, do you think we’re going to work out what’s happening in 2022? Can we solve this legal and illegal immigration nightmare? It’s doubtful because Congress won’t stop it. They just keep opening up the spigot to let more migrants into our midst.
Thus, over the past five decades, we’ve paid out trillions of dollars for this gargantuan welfare state. Do you wonder why we’re $30 trillion in national debt? Do you wonder why Congress doesn’t examine this fiasco and close it down?
Last year and to repeat itself in 2022, Joe Biden invited 2,000,000 illegal aliens to invade our borders. Who pays? You! They have birthed anchor babies by the millions over the past 30 years. It’s their foothold into our welfare systems.
Can we or will we survive another 2,000,000 illegals in 2022 and beyond? Who will pay for their housing, food, energy, and transportation needs?
But along with that, Biden invited billions of dollars in drugs that are being distributed all over America to your kids. Over 100,000 opioid deaths last year! Do you think one single Senator or House member has or will stop the flood of barbiturates, ecstasy, fentanyl, and heroin?
Answer: NO! Who suffers? You and your kids.
The fact remains: Congress could shut down the borders with the U.S. military in a month. Just station 10,000 or 50,000 troops along the Southern Border just like South Korea. Shut down the illegals crossing. Shut down the drugs crossing. Shut down the invasion! They could do it. But they won’t! Somebody with enormous power makes certain the invasion continues.
Who are those elected officials? Your two senators and House member. They haven’t done squat to secure our borders. And, since they haven’t done anything in the past, they won’t do anything in the future. My two senators, John Hickenlooper and Michael Bennet support open borders, and flat-out assist illegals with sanctuary status in the State of Colorado. They are in violation of their sworn oath to defend our Country. They in fact are committing treason.
Whether it’s Nancy Pelosi, Charles Schumer, Sheila Jackson, Maxine Waters—all liberals…or Marco Rubio, Lindsay Graham—all conservatives—it matters little. They aren’t doing their jobs to protect and defend our Constitution.
So, what will we do with the projected 100,000,000 (million) more immigrants added to this country from all over the world? Will we survive their numbers? Will we survive their cultures? Will we survive their languages? Will we survive their incompatible world views?
For example: have you traveled to Detroit, Michigan’s entire 300,000 Muslims that live on complete welfare? Do you have any affinity or anything in common with them? What about 125,000 Somalians in Minneapolis? Would you like to have them over for dinner? What would you talk about? What about another 10 million Haitians invited into our country? What about another 10 million illegal Mexicans?
How many more we take and how will we survive?
P.S. It saddens me to write this eulogy for our country. All of us face huge consequences as to overpopulation, cultural dislocation, linguistic chaos, fractured anti-American views of our country by women like Joy Reid or Joy Behar or Brian Stetler or Jake Tapper or Anderson Cooper or Charles Barkley who personally condemns us as a “racist” society, and the list grows. Even Oprah Winfrey condemns America. She stated that “Old white people need to die to stop racism.” When you see so many “leaders” condemn their own country to such a degree, it’s picked up by the younger generation. If enough young people hate their own country, we and they are in really big trouble.
America’s Downward Spiral: Why Is Congress Doing It To Us?
Part 2: More causes of America’s downfall by U.S. Congress
European Lord Acton back in 1890, said, “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
Described as “the magistrate of history,” Lord Acton was one of the great personalities of the nineteenth century and is universally considered to be one of the most learned Englishmen of his time. He made the history of liberty his life’s work; indeed, he considered political liberty the essential condition and guardian of religious liberty.
More than that, he witnessed the “Divine right of kings” as to the opulence of King Louis XIV with his incredible expenditures on Versailles and other incredible castles. While the French swept the streets, starved, and ate dirt, his royal majesty ate cake with jewels hanging around his neck. He broke the French people.
If you’ve ever visited Versailles, it’s beyond astounding in its decadence, massive murals that fill the rooms, the ornate tapestries, and sheer elegance of every unending hall that leads you through the palace.
So, what does that have to do with America in 2022? Simple! We’ve got Senators and House members who have illegally acquired millions upon millions of dollars while “serving” America in many elected capacities.
While House Speaker Nancy Pelosi continues her power over the House, she’s illegally amassed in excess of $124 million. She lives in a multimillion-dollar mansion in California. She flies home on weekends on military jets at your taxpayer's expense. She’s worse than King Louis ever was when it comes to corruption and vanity.
At the same time, in excess of 100,000 homeless Californians she represents, live with drugs, poverty, alcohol, and futility. She hasn’t, won’t, and refuses to help them. They constitute the wretched masses that can eat dirt while she shows off her $20.00 pints of ice cream at her mansion. Not only that, she allows America’s borders to be illegally be invaded by millions of migrants that cost the rest of us our life savings.
Nancy Pelosi is as crooked as Lombard Street in San Francisco…but she will never get caught and there is no way to straighten her out.
Now, just imagine an endless number of Senators and House members who are just as corrupt as Pelosi. Again, remember Lord Acton’s decree about “corruption.”
Why does it hold true in the Constitutional Republic that should prevent such endless and mass corruption? Answer: the founders did not include “term limits.” They did after FDR carried four terms as president, but they simply did not extend that new law to those 535 little scoundrels that have been creating bogus wars for our kids to fight and made off with the “insider trading” on defense contracts for the past 50 years.
Actually, you could watch past programs with Jesse Watters On FOX NEWS where he exposed over a dozen DC lawmakers who bought stocks on defense contracts after they sat on the committees that “okayed” those contracts. We’re talking “deep” corruption. It’s almost like each senator and House member teaches the new ones how to scam the system.
Yes, Washington DC continues as a Swamp with an endless number of crooked Swamp creatures sucking off you, the American taxpayer.
Why did we see Iraq and Afghanistan last for 20 years? Answer: a whole bunch of ugly, old, rich men made a lot of crisp, green, abundant cash off your taxpaying back. Same with Vietnam! And it will be the same when the Military-Industrial Complex cooks up another long-term war. I can see it coming as clearly as the coming of the dawn.
The mystery remains: why do American voters keep voting these criminals back into office? Why year after year? Even decade after decade? Good grief…we know Pelosi, Maxine Waters, and dozens if not hundreds of them over the past 50 years have ripped us off.
Why haven’t any of them over the past 50 years introduced “term limits?”
Answer: Lord Acton said, “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
Part 3: It’s all the little things that add up to corruption
Is anyone in America thinking about these questions? Are we not galloping into America’s twilight years?

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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