by Joe Esposito

The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”, I pledge my allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible, with liberty and justice for all, Amen!
by Joe Esposito

Joe Esposito
With close to 40 HOUSE seats flipping to the Democrats it is a reminder of what needs to be done before 2020. I think a little GOP self-evaluation is in order. What do you expect when they could not get funding for the damn WALL at the border?? We cannot delude ourselves into thinking that the House was mainly lost due to FRAUD. The undeniable fact is that the Republicans blew a chance to be the governing majority for not keeping their word. The intra fighting did not help a bit. It was beyond absurd. That fact the caucus was led by a feckless, buffoonish wonk did not help in the least. He consistently worked behind Trump’s back. His backstabbing never ceased. That went quite a long way in putting them in the wilderness. This is no joke. This is pretty serious.
Many were reluctant to run on our President’s BOLD AGENDA. Fecklessness turned into abject terror. So what did we see them do? Take the coward’s way out and RETIRE. Over forty took that path. That’s how the House of Representatives flipped. My fellow patriots, just do the math. Say goodbye to the investigations of the coup dreamed up but those lowlifes in the DOJ and FBI and say a big HELLO to the investigations to be of this administration. That is a fact. I do not lie. Two years of these idiots issuing subpoenas will drive even the strongest among us totally insane and into a deep depression. It will be a House Of Representatives getting back at Trump for winning the election.
All is not lost for we have a Senate that will be used as a FIREWALL. The Democrat Bills that the HOUSE passes should not see the light of day. Just about all of it will no doubt be terrible. A HOUSE OF HORRORS will soon take place. Of course, this is all due to the Republicans who once again managed to betray their base.
Dastardly Hillary goes on a TIRADE during an interview with the GUARDIAN. She accuses our President of having a ‘long streak of racism’. and having a ‘whole package of bigotry’. Are we seeing the beginning of her third run for the presidency?? My fellow patriots, get ready for it. The RETURN OF AMERICA’S MOST LOATHSOME MONSTER is exactly what we will see. Her cackling, her coughing will drive us all completely insane. We no sooner have had the mid term elections and before you know it we will have the start of the 2020 presidential campaign.
The FAT THIGHED PIG is slowly rising from the ashes. I know it is hard to fathom this but this reprehensible SWINE looks for revenge. She is salivating at thought of making it to the Oval Office. She has marked her time. This is obvious and plain to see. She has escaped accountability for crime after crime. She is like a CORPULENT HOUDINI that manages to escape serving time in a Federal Penitentiary. Don’t think for a moment that she doesn’t have a legitimate shot at getting the nomination. The Democrat field is quite thin. This can come to be. Don’t count her out. Back in the day they said the same thing about Richard Nixon.
Getting back to this interview she really EXCORIATED Trump. Her deep bitterness came markedly through every part of her body. She so resented him from winning the presidency. She really has no shame, not a smidgen of decency. She’s your typical Democrat who is dripping with HYPOCRISY. Listen to her say that Trump “raises the specter of criminal immigrants for political gain”. This is the same POS who once called black youth, SUPER PREDATORS. It’s another example of rank hypocrisy.
With a straight face, she goes on to say that Trump creates an ‘alternative reality’ that is a right wing, fascistic, authoritarian movement that is a danger to our way of life. TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME consumes her wretched soul. If she ever makes it to the White House her horrific agenda for our beloved America will take its toll
Yes. Dastardly Hillary is masterminding her political Comeback. Nothing will stand in her way to achieve the presidency. She is consumed with this goal. My fellow patriots, once again we must see to it that this monster must never gain control.
The FAT THIGHED PIG is slowly rising from the ashes. I know it is hard to fathom this but this reprehensible SWINE looks for revenge. She is salivating at thought of making it to the Oval Office. She has marked her time. This is obvious and plain to see. She has escaped accountability for crime after crime. She is like a CORPULENT HOUDINI that manages to escape serving time in a Federal Penitentiary. Don’t think for a moment that she doesn’t have a legitimate shot at getting the nomination. The Democrat field is quite thin. This can come to be. Don’t count her out. Back in the day they said the same thing about Richard Nixon.
Getting back to this interview she really EXCORIATED Trump. Her deep bitterness came markedly through every part of her body. She so resented him from winning the presidency. She really has no shame, not a smidgen of decency. She’s your typical Democrat who is dripping with HYPOCRISY. Listen to her say that Trump “raises the specter of criminal immigrants for political gain”. This is the same POS who once called black youth, SUPER PREDATORS. It’s another example of rank hypocrisy.
With a straight face, she goes on to say that Trump creates an ‘alternative reality’ that is a right wing, fascistic, authoritarian movement that is a danger to our way of life. TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME consumes her wretched soul. If she ever makes it to the White House her horrific agenda for our beloved America will take its toll
Yes. Dastardly Hillary is masterminding her political Comeback. Nothing will stand in her way to achieve the presidency. She is consumed with this goal. My fellow patriots, once again we must see to it that this monster must never gain control.
Written by Joe Esposito,11/23-24/2018
Apparently, they have not learned their lesson from this election loss. In Congress, they apparently are determined to stay in the minority. Need proof?? Their caucus leadership is still in the hands of that brainless twit, Nancy Pelosi. George Soros will still pull the strings more than ever. It is his bidding they will continue to do as they will further move Left and off a cliff, they will surely go. It's a death wish they have and their radicalism will soon bury them. Mark my words. This will be so.
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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