Trump Tweet Depicts The Very Harsh Reality Awaiting Wall-Jumpers On His Watch
It was only a matter of time before the mainstream media was proven wrong about the approaching migrant caravan.
Sure enough, despite all their best efforts to downplay the groups of thousands of migrants headed towards the border, they showed up en masse in Tijuana last week, crippling their migrant housing situation and causing outrage among locals.
Fortunately, all of Trump’s well-orchestrated efforts to secure our border, which the mainstream media was scoffing at mere weeks ago, seem to have been very well-advised.
In the face of more fake news coverage trying to depict a weak border, however, Trump set them straight in a single tweet:
“The Fake News is showing old footage of people climbing over our Ocean Area Fence. This is what it really looks like — no climbers anymore under our Administration!” he wrote.
This was attached to a picture of an entire wall of concertina wire, which no human could conceivably cross without being severely maimed in the process.
There’s no getting across the border with Trump in charge.

As the Washington Times reported last week, the Department of Homeland security deployed thousands of miles of razor-sharp concertina wire to personnel to harden preexisting border fences.
Initially, a single row of wire was added to the top of the fences, with an additional row at the bottom to prevent anyone from squeezing underneath.
These two rows have been reinforced with several more.
The troops sent to the border to assist National Guardsmen and Border Patrol agents already at work helped set up “tent cities” to detain anyone caught crossing the border by illegal means to seek “asylum”, the admitted plan of many of the migrants who it has been extensively reported are seeking better employment opportunities rather than fleeing violence.
The Times also notes that, in some very pleasing news, the increased security at the border has also been very effective in stemming the activities of local drug cartels, who usually rely on the weakened border to trade drugs.
The Mexican cartels are reportedly very angry that the migrants have brought so much attention to the areas of the border they typically control.
Lots of good news indeed!
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"...an entire wall of concertina wire, which no human could conceivably cross without being severely maimed in the process."
ReplyDelete...Unless they first make a stop at Home Depot and pick up a $40.00 pair of wire cutters.