Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Saturday urged Muslims across the world to show their unity by opposing the United States.
Rouhani made his comments in a nationally televised speech delivered during an international conference on Islamic unity in Tehran, Reuters reported.
“Submitting to the West headed by America would be treason against our religion … and against the future generations of this region,” Rouhani said.
Iran and the Trump administration have embarked upon increasingly hostile rhetoric ever since President Donald Trump declared that he would pull out of an agreement negotiated with Iran by former President Barack Obama. Under that agreement, the United States would ease sanctions against Iran while Iran would set aside its nuclear weapons program.
The U.S. recently imposed a set of sanctions that are designed to put pressure on Iran, which led to the Iranian president’s response.
Rouhani indirectly slapped nations such as Saudi Arabia that work with the United States.
“We have a choice to either roll out red carpets for criminals or to forcefully stand against injustice and remain faithful to our Prophet, our Quran and our Islam,” he said.
He claimed Saudi Arabia’s interests are best protected by a fellow Muslim nation.
Iran can defend the Saudis from “terrorism and superpowers,” Rouhani said.
“We do consider you as a brother,” he said. “We do consider the people of Mecca
Both Saudi cities are holy sites for Muslims.
“We are ready to defend the interests of the Saudi people against terrorism, aggression and the superpowers … and we don’t ask for $450 billion to do it,” Rouhani said, citing the value of Saudi Arabia’s contracts with the United States.
During his speech, Rouhani returned to a frequent theme by attacking Israel, the New York Post reported. He said that “one of the ominous results of World War II was the formation of a cancerous tumor in the region.”
Rouhani later called Israel a “fake regime” set up by Western nations.
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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