![The Trail of Blood by [Carroll, J. M.]](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/417jnKO20hL.jpg)
Daily Bites of The Trail of Blood: vol 2) By J.M. Carroll:
Dark Ages:
Bite 1) Introduction:
Bite 2) Close of the Fifth Century:
Bite 3) Ecumenical Councils:
Bite 4) First Five Councils:
Bite 5) Last of the Emperors’ Councils:
Bite 5) Last of the Emperors’ Councils:
A Serious Controversy:
Bite 6) A House Divided:
Bite 7) Two Mediators?
Bite 8) Graven Images:
Bite 9) Destroyed for Lack of Knowledge:
Bite 12) No Salvation Outside the Catholic Church:
Bite 13) The Sale of Indulgences:
Bite 14) The Difference in Roman and Greek Catholics:
Bite 15) The Iron Hand of Tyranny:
Bite 13) The Sale of Indulgences:
Bite 14) The Difference in Roman and Greek Catholics:
Bite 15) The Iron Hand of Tyranny:
Beware of the Pharisees:
Bite 16) Adding Erroneous Laws:
Bite 17) Great Western Councils:
Bite 18) Extreme Cruelty:
Bite 19) The Inquisition:
Bite 20) Excommunications and Deposing Empires:
Bite 16) Adding Erroneous Laws:
Bite 17) Great Western Councils:
Bite 18) Extreme Cruelty:
Bite 19) The Inquisition:
Bite 20) Excommunications and Deposing Empires:
Series 5
The Root of World History:
The Root of World History:
Bite 21) The next 3 Centuries:
Bite 22) Striking Examples:
Bite 23) Brief Sketches of Reformers:
Bite 24) Martin Luther:
Bite 25) Striking Blow to Catholicism:
Bite 22) Striking Examples:
Bite 23) Brief Sketches of Reformers:
Bite 24) Martin Luther:
Bite 25) Striking Blow to Catholicism:
Series 6
The Infallible Papal Authority:
Bite 26) The New Church of England:
Bite 27) A Bloody Price to Pay:
Bite 28) A Short taste of Freedom:
Bite 29) The Hated Anabaptists:
Bite 30) Non Debatable:
Bite 27) A Bloody Price to Pay:
Bite 28) A Short taste of Freedom:
Bite 29) The Hated Anabaptists:
Bite 30) Non Debatable:
Church History by Dr. J. M. Carroll: As told by Clarence Walker:
Submitted by PL Sturgis:
(to be continued)
The Trail of Blood: Volume 3: Bringing the Bible to America:
Daily Bites of “The Trail of Blood” vol. 2) By J. M. Carroll: Series 3
Rewriting the Law of God:
Trading old laws for New: Bite 11)
As told by Clarence Walker:
Those called Catholic became more Paganized and Judaized than they were Christianized. They were swayed far more by civil power than they were by religious power. They made far more new laws than they observed the old laws of the New Testament. The following are a few of the many new variations that came about during these centuries. It is next to impossible to give the exact date as to the origin of some of these changes. In the earlier years especially, their doctrines were subject to constant changes by addition, subtraction, or substitution. The Catholic Church was no longer a New Testament Church. It was no longer a pure executive body to carry out the “already made” laws of God. They had actually become legislators by making new laws and changing old laws of God at their own selfish will.
No Salvation Outside the Catholic Church:
Bite 12)
The Sale of Indulgences:
Bite 13)
Hence came the sale of indulgences that persons could buy for themselves or their friends, or even dead friends. The prices varied in proportion to the sins committed. This was sometimes carried to desperate extremes. Catholics themselves admitted this. Some historic encyclopedias give a list of prices changed for different sins on which indulgences were sold. Yet another new doctrine was necessary to make effective the last two doctrines. The next doctrine is called Purgatory. This they (Catholic Church) decided would be an intermediate state between Heaven and hell. All must stop here to be cleansed of sins less damning. Even the saints must go through Purgatory and remain until cleansed by fire unless they get help through the Heavenly credit account in the Church. It can only happen through prayers and paying of indulgences to the Church by the living. Departing from New Testament teachings leads to many false doctrines.
The Difference in Roman and Greek Catholics:
Bite 14)
As told by Clarence Walker:
We should note the difference in Roman and Greek Catholics in nationalities. The Greeks are Slovakians embracing Greece, Russia, Bulgaria, Serbia, etc. The Romans are mainly Latin, embracing Italy, France, Spain, South and Central Armenia, Mexico, etc. The Greek Catholics objected to sprinkling for Baptism. The Romans are for sprinkling with baptism entirely changing the New Testament teaching of immersion. The Romans claim the right to change any biblical law. The Greek Catholics continue to practice infant communion. The Romans have abandoned it although once they taught it necessary as a means of Salvation. In administering the Lord’s Supper the Romans forbid the Priests to marry. Only the Priests and top officials are allowed to eat the bread and drink the wine. The Greek Catholics allow their priests to marry and the Greeks do not believe in the infallibility of the Church but the Romans insist upon it.
The Iron Hand of Tyranny:
Bite 15)
As told by Clarence Walker:
During the 1200 years of what are now called “The Dark Ages” over 50 million died, as history seems positive to teach, then they died faster than an average of 4 million every hundred years by the hard hand of persecution. That seems almost beyond the limit of human conception. As before mentioned, this iron hand dripping with martyr blood fell upon the followers of the Apostle Paul so much more than others. During the end of the 9th century, there came another rather long period of “ecumenical councils.” Of course, they were not consecutive or continuous. All through the years, there were many councils that were not ecumenical. (worldwide) these councils were legislative bodies for the enactment of civil or religious laws directly contrary to the laws of God in the New Testament. The Church had become far more Paganized than the government had become Christianized.
(to be continued)
The Next Bites
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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