![The Trail of Blood by [Carroll, J. M.]](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/417jnKO20hL.jpg)
Daily Bites of The Trail of Blood: vol 2) By J.M. Carroll:
Dark Ages:
Bite 1) Introduction:
Bite 2) Close of the Fifth Century:
Bite 3) Ecumenical Councils:
Bite 4) First Five Councils:
Bite 5) Last of the Emperors’ Councils:
Bite 5) Last of the Emperors’ Councils:
A Serious Controversy:
Bite 6) A House Divided:
Bite 7) Two Mediators?
Bite 8) Graven Images:
Bite 9) Destroyed for Lack of Knowledge:
Bite 12) No Salvation Outside the Catholic Church:
Bite 13) The Sale of Indulgences:
Bite 14) The Difference in Roman and Greek Catholics:
Bite 15) The Iron Hand of Tyranny:
Bite 13) The Sale of Indulgences:
Bite 14) The Difference in Roman and Greek Catholics:
Bite 15) The Iron Hand of Tyranny:
Series 4
Beware of the Pharisees:
Bite 16) Adding Erroneous Laws:
Bite 17) Great Western Councils:
Bite 18) Extreme Cruelty:
Bite 19) The Inquisition:
Bite 20) Excommunications and Deposing Empires:
Bite 16) Adding Erroneous Laws:
Bite 17) Great Western Councils:
Bite 18) Extreme Cruelty:
Bite 19) The Inquisition:
Bite 20) Excommunications and Deposing Empires:
Series 5
The Root of World History:
The Root of World History:
Bite 21) The next 3 Centuries:
Bite 22) Striking Examples:
Bite 23) Brief Sketches of Reformers:
Bite 24) Martin Luther:
Bite 25) Striking Blow to Catholicism:
Bite 22) Striking Examples:
Bite 23) Brief Sketches of Reformers:
Bite 24) Martin Luther:
Bite 25) Striking Blow to Catholicism:
Series 6
The Infallible Papal Authority:
Bite 26) The New Church of England:
Bite 27) A Bloody Price to Pay:
Bite 28) A Short taste of Freedom:
Bite 29) The Hated Anabaptists:
Bite 30) Non Debatable:
Bite 27) A Bloody Price to Pay:
Bite 28) A Short taste of Freedom:
Bite 29) The Hated Anabaptists:
Bite 30) Non Debatable:
Church History by Dr. J. M. Carroll: As told by Clarence Walker:
Submitted by PL Sturgis:
(to be continued)
The Trail of Blood: Volume 3: Bringing the Bible to America:
Daily Bites of “The Trail of Blood” vol. 2) By J. M. Carroll: Series 2
A Serious Controversy:
A House Divided: Bite 6)
As told by Clarence Walker:
The controversy of the heads of the Eastern and Western branches of Catholicism between the Greeks and the Romans was of a serious nature. Pontius the Greek, at Constantinople and Nicholas the 1st at Rome had trouble so serious that they had gone so far as to excommunicate each other. For a short time, Catholicism was without a head leader. The 8th and last Council was called to settle, if possible, this difficulty. This break in Catholicism has never to this day been satisfactorily settled. Since that far away day, 869 AD, all attempts at healing that breach have failed. The Unitarian power since that day has been, not the Emperors, but the Roman Pontiffs calling all World Church Councils.
Two Mediators: Bite 7)
As told by Clarence Walker:
At the end of the Fifth Century, another new doctrine was added. They felt a new mediator should be needed. The Council unanimously decided the distance was too great between man and God and so they added the doctrine of “Mariolatry.” This meant the worship of Mary, the Mother of Jesus. They then would pray to Mary to take the prayers to Christ. There were countless new doctrines. One doctrine, “INfant Communion” was added for Salvation. The infant was not only Baptized but made a member of the Catholic Church and entitled to the Lord’s Supper. How to administer it to the baby was a problem. It was solved by soaking the bread in the wine. this was practiced for years as a means of Salvation.
Graven Images: Bite 8)
As told by Clarence Walker:
Two other new doctrines were added to the Catholic faith in the 8th century. These were promulgated at the 2nd Council at Nicea, held in 787 AD. The first of these was called “image worship.” this was a direct violation of the 2nd commandment of God. “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image!” Exodus 20: 3,4: Another addition from Paganism soon followed. “The worship of Saints” Only one instance is given to us in the Scriptures of saint worship and that is to show us the folly. The dead rich man prayed to Abraham. Many revolutionary changes from New Testament teaching came about during this period of church history. Luke 16: 24-31 tells of some, but not all.
Destroyed for Lack of Knowledge: Bite 9)
As told by Clarence Walker:
During the period of the 7th century, the persecuted were called by many names. Anabaptists were one name. That group was most common because of their persistence of their persecutors. Let it not be thought that all those persecuted were loyal in all respects to New Testament teachings. The main groups were loyal and considering their surroundings it was marvelous. Remember, only parts of them had the New Testament teachings. The books were not printed yet. They were written in manuscripts or parchments and necessarily large and bulky. Out of the one thousand manuscripts printed only 30 contained all the books. Furthermore, during all the period of the dark ages, through all the persecutions, strenuous efforts were made to destroy what parts of the Bible the persecuted possessed.
(so-called) Heretics: Bite 10)
As told by Clarence Walker:
It is well to note that in order to prevent the spread of any view contrary to the view of the Catholics very extreme plans and measures were adopted. All writings of any sort other than the writings of the Catholics were gathered and burned. This was true for several centuries. These plans and measures were strictly and persistently followed according to history. That is why it is so difficult to secure an accurate history. Almost all persistent writers and preachers died martyr deaths. This was a desperately bloody period. All groups of (so-called) heretics by whatever name and wherever they lived were cruelly persecuted. The earliest groups were called Paulicians. (followers of Apostle Paul) The Catholics accused them of being heretics if they would not depart from their faith. Ironically, that is just the opposite of a heretic.
(to be continued)
The Next Bites
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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