![Pilgrim's Path To Freedom (Render Tribute Due Book 1) by [Sturgis, Pearl]](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/514h1iyTi-L.jpg)
by Pearl L. Sturgis
Daily Bites of Pilgrims Path to Freedom vol. 2 Series 1:
How Do You Spell Liberty?
How do we spell liberty? Lord, help US understand. Help US spell it in a way that’s clear to every man. L is for our Only Lord. Besides Him there is none. I mean “In His Image” he created everyone. B stands for the Bible...The Word of God Made Flesh. E means Every knee shall bow and Every tongue confess. R means Righteousness exalts a nation such as ours. T means Teach what Jesus Taught for He has given Power. Y is for each Yearning heart that yields to God’s command...to keep proclaiming Liberty throughout our troubled Land.
Daily Bites of Pilgrims Path to Freedom vol. 2 Series 1:
How do you Spell Liberty?
This series is dedicated to those brave men and women who gave their lives, fortunes, and their sacred honor for the sake of freedom. They were harassed, mocked, and publicly ridiculed. They were arrested and imprisoned for reasons where no reasons would justifiably serve. the new learning of the Protestant Reformation was the original theology of the Apostle Paul translated into English from the original Greek without any interpretation other than what the Apostle said. the study of these manuscripts exposed the error of the Latin Vulgate version which was owned only by the Church of England and taught to the people by proper authorities appointed by the Church Council. I regret that I can barely scrape the surface in my meager attempt to render tribute due. (Romans 13:7 “Honor to whom honor”) I am thankful that God will keep a perfect record of all of them.
#2) Doctor Benjamin Rush:
#3) Dr. Rush’s Letter to America:
#4) In the Constitution of the Human Mind:
#5) The Nature of Habit:
#6) Divine Moral Powers:
#7) The Truth Won’t Change:
#8) Second Childhood Memories:
#9) Teach the Children:
#10) From Hebrew to Greek:
#11) The Time Will Come:
#12) Too Much is too Little:
#13) Ignorance and Neglect:
#14) The Principle of Love:
#15) The Soul of our Republic:
Series 4: The Bringer of Darkness:
#16) Back to the Bible:
#17) The Rise of Atheism:
#18) Historical Records:
#19) A Subtle Species:
#20) History’s Cycle:
Series 5: Present Day Power grab:
#21) A Czar over Religious Matters?
#22) Handcuffing Christian Churches and Organizations: #23) Blackstone’s Law Books:
#24) Divine Law:
#25) Blackstone’s Conclusion of Human Laws:
Series 6: Censoring Freedom of Press:
#26) proceedings against Publications:
#27) The Fate of the man from Toledo:
#28) The Principle of One Mediator between God and Man: #29) The Real Crime:
#30) Excelsior: (Up Ahead!)
Daily Bites of Pilgrims Path to Freedom vol. 2 Series 2:
True Biblical Characters:
#6) Divine Moral Power:
Dr. Benjamin Rush: “The interesting events of our characters recorded and described in the Old and New Testament are calculated above all others to seize upon all the faculties of the minds of children. The understanding; the memory; the imagination; the passion and the moral powers are all occasionally addressed by the various incidents that are contained in the Divine Books, in so much that to be delighted with them is devoid of every principle of pleasure that exists in a sound mind. There is in man a native preference of truth to fiction. Horace, in his rules of composing an ethic poem, states that same law in nature. Even fiction in poetry should resemble truth.
“ Pearl’s Poem:
Truth Verses Fiction:
Truth verses fiction but truth is much stranger. Heaven’s God’s Throne and this earth’s His footstool. He was born of a virgin and placed in a manger. Who’d trade such Glory for such ridicule? Isn’t it strange how the soldiers who killed Him owed Him the very own lives they had lived? Isn’t it strange how the Cross where they nailed Him tied to the promise He made to forgive? Who else could love all the people who hate them? Who else would suffer and die in their place? They never dreamed that the grave where they laid Him soon would hold nothing but an empty space. Heaven is free now to all those who trust Him. He’ll be your Savior, your Lord and your Friend. When you believe Him you can’t help but love Him. You’ll want to serve Him till life’s journey ends.
“ Pearl’s Poem:
Truth Verses Fiction:
Truth verses fiction but truth is much stranger. Heaven’s God’s Throne and this earth’s His footstool. He was born of a virgin and placed in a manger. Who’d trade such Glory for such ridicule? Isn’t it strange how the soldiers who killed Him owed Him the very own lives they had lived? Isn’t it strange how the Cross where they nailed Him tied to the promise He made to forgive? Who else could love all the people who hate them? Who else would suffer and die in their place? They never dreamed that the grave where they laid Him soon would hold nothing but an empty space. Heaven is free now to all those who trust Him. He’ll be your Savior, your Lord and your Friend. When you believe Him you can’t help but love Him. You’ll want to serve Him till life’s journey ends.
#7) The Truth Won’t Change:
Dr. Benjamin rush: “The Bible contains more truth than any other book in the world. So true is the testimony that it bears of God and His work of Creation, Providence, and Redemption, which is called truth itself, by the way of preeminence above all other things which we acknowledge to be true. How forcible are we struck in the knowledge of the Jews above what we discover in the history of other nations. Where do we find a hero recording his own faults except in the Old Testament. Indeed, my friend: From some accounts I have read of the American Revolution I began to grow skeptical of all history except that which is contained in the Bible. Now, since the Bible is known to contain nothing but what is materially true, the mind will naturally require a love for it from these circumstances. Also from this affection from the truth of the Bible it will require discernment of truth in other books and a preference for the truth in all transactions of life.
#8) Second Childhood Memories:
Dr. Benjamin rush: “ There is wonderful property in memory which enables it in old age to recover the knowledge required in early life after it has been apparently forgotten for more than half of a century. Of how much consequence then must it be to fill the mind with the species of the knowledge in childhood and youth, which when recalled in the decline of life, will support the soul under the influence of age and smooth the avenues of approaching death? The Bible is the only Book that is capable of affording this support to old age and it is for this reason that we find it resorted to with so much diligence and pleasure by older people who have read it in early life. I can recollect many instances of this kind in persons who discovered no special attachment to the Bible but have spent the evenings as they grew older reading no other book but the Bible.”
#9) Teach the Children:
#10) From Hebrew to Greek:
Dr. Benjamin Rush: “It was from the attachments the Jews retained from the Old Testament that they procured a translation of it into the Greek language after they lost the Hebrew tongue from the long absence from their native country. the utility of this translation commonly called “The Septuagint” in facilitating the progress of the Gospel is well known to all who are acquainted with the history of the first age of the christian church. The benefits of an early acquaintance to the Jewish Bible was not confined to the Jewish nation. Since the Reformation they have appeared in many countries throughout Europe. In Scotland and part of New England (1830) where the Bible has long been used as school books the inhabitants are the most enlightened and the most strict in morals.
(to be continued)
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. In God we trust.
Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy
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