Hershey, PA. 1915
Hershey, PA. 1915
In Hershey, everywhere you look you'll see inspiring reminders of the accomplishments of our founder, Milton S. Hershey. In 1903, Milton S. Hershey built the world's first modern chocolate factory and developed the town and its recreations for his employees. He started an orphanage and school, The Milton Hershey School, and endowed it with his entire fortune.
Today, Milton Hershey's legacy continues in the continued success of these businesses and the lasting gift to future generations through his school. Incorporate our unique history into your meeting with interesting and entertaining activities and group events that are unique to Hershey.
The original Hershey Chocolate factory under construction, c. 1903

Hershey Chocolate factory

Series 1:
#1)His Early Days:
#2) A Town, one of a Kind:
#3) Teaching Values and Principles:
#4) Brown and Gold Report:
#5) Interview with a Ten Year Old:
Series 2:
#6) Morning School Open Exercises:
#7) Examples of Studies:
#8) Pennsylvania Dutch:
#9) Leaving School to Work:
#10) Trouble in Paradise:
Series 3:
#11) Back to Lancaster:
#12) A Million Dollar Business:
#13) A man named Decies:
#14) Bold Move:
#15) Out of Debt:
Series 4:
#16) Learning How to Make Chocolate:
#17) Building a Chocolate Factory:
#18) The Hershey Car:
#19) Hershey Town:
#20) How did it Happen?
Series 5:
#21) Where it Began:
#22) About the Man:
#23) Milton Hershey School:
#24) The Emergency Ration D Bar:
#25) Hershey’s Wish Comes True:
Series 6:
#26) Five Beloved Home Boys:
#27) Town Builder’s Time Line:
#28) Plant another Seed:
#29) Private Solutions for Public Problems:
#30) The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom:
Milton S. Hershey
AT 30 YRS.
of Age

About the Philanthropist Milton Snavely Hershey: 1857-1945:
Daily Bites of the Safest Place on Earth:
Series 4: #16) learning How to Make Chocolate:
After Milton Hershey married Catherine Sweeney he bought another home for his mother and hired a companion to care for her. He also bought the old Home Farm where he was born and remodeled it. He gave it to his father and to Harry Lebkitcher, who had helped him to succeed. Later, like so many others, Milton visited the world’s Exposition in Chicago in 1893. On his first day he noticed the exhibit of chocolate making machinery from Germany. Everyday after that first day he returned to the chocolate making exhibit to watch how they made chocolate. When the exhibition closed he purchased the machinery and had it shipped to his factory in Lancaster. At first his only plan was to cover the caramel candy with chocolate. Milton spent long hours learning the difficult art of making chocolate. He went to Europe and visited the chocolate factories there and bought more equipment. He began to expand his chocolate business. In the year of 1900, he sold his caramel business to the American Caramel Company in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, for one million dollars. He kept the chocolate business for his own future. He had come from peddling a push cart to a millionaire.
Daily Bites of the Safest Place on Earth:
Series 4: #17) Building a Chocolate Factory:
In 1900 Milton Hershey made a big decision. He would only make chocolate. He began to plan to build a huge new chocolate factory. The factory would be located out in the farm land near Milton’s Birthplace in Derry, Pennsylvania. Building a factory in the middle of the corn field made plenty of sense to Milton. There was plenty of land, plenty of water, and plenty of cows to provide good fresh milk. Everyone knew factories were built in cities where workers were available. Well, Milton had an answer for that too. He began building a town around the factory for his workers. There would be comfortable houses with gardens. There would be schools, churches, and stores. There would be Post Offices and trolley cars for transportation. It would be a wonderful town and it would eventually be called, “Hershey, Pennsylvania. It all happened just the way Milton said it would. The Hershey Chocolate Company was soon bigger than anyone could imagine. Hershey town grew into a thriving town with two main streets. One named “Chocolate Avenue” and another named “Cocoa Avenue. Milton knew the reason for his success was because of specializing with a simple milk chocolate candy bar. He decided he would make so many of these candy bars that they would be cheap to buy instead of just a luxury for rich people. Hershey bars would be a treat everyone could afford.
Milton Hershey bought the first automobile in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. The automobile was still a new invention when the Hershey Chocolate Factory was completed in 1905. Milton painted “Hershey Cocoa” on the side of the car and drove all around town making deliveries in his fancy $2,000 automobile. Then he sent the car on a tour around the State of Pennsylvania. Everywhere it stopped crowds gathered. They did come to see the automobile but they left with an order of chocolate. Milton also printed posters and counter displays. Many of these ads pictured green pastures, contented cows, and healthy wholesome milk. Eventually the Hershey Company sold a few other chocolate items. There were chocolate bars with nuts and bars with crisp cereal. In 1907 Milton Hershey invented a tasty little piece of chocolate, wrapped in silver foil, he called the Hershey Kiss. Hershey also sold cocoa, chocolate coatings for other candies, baking chocolate, and chocolate syrup. The most expensive product to make the chocolate was sugar, so Milton started growing and processing his own sugar cane on the island of Cuba.
Daily Bites of the Safest Place on Earth:
Series 4: #18) C. Simon,The Hershey Car:
Milton Hershey bought the first automobile in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. The automobile was still a new invention when the Hershey Chocolate Factory was completed in 1905. Milton painted “Hershey Cocoa” on the side of the car and drove all around town making deliveries in his fancy $2,000 automobile. Then he sent the car on a tour around the State of Pennsylvania. Everywhere it stopped crowds gathered. They did come to see the automobile but they left with an order of chocolate. Milton also printed posters and counter displays. Many of these ads pictured green pastures, contented cows, and healthy wholesome milk. Eventually the Hershey Company sold a few other chocolate items. There were chocolate bars with nuts and bars with crisp cereal. In 1907 Milton Hershey invented a tasty little piece of chocolate, wrapped in silver foil, he called the Hershey Kiss. Hershey also sold cocoa, chocolate coatings for other candies, baking chocolate, and chocolate syrup. The most expensive product to make the chocolate was sugar, so Milton started growing and processing his own sugar cane on the island of Cuba.
Daily Bites of the Safest Place on Earth:
Series 4: #19) C. Simon, Hershey Town:
Besides knowing a lot about chocolate Milton Hershey knew a lot about people. He had a talent for hiring the best people to work for him. He tried hard to keep his employees happy. the town he built for his workers is a good example of the way Milton cared about his people. He provided the water, electricity, and gas. He built parks, gardens, and a big amusement park. He built a zoo and arranged to have a train line and a Post Office built. He tried to think of everything a town would need. During the Great Depression of the 1930,s Hershey kept his town busy building a community center, a hotel, a Junior and senior High School, and a huge new sports stadium. He was very proud of the fact that none of his employees lost their jobs during the depression. But even Milton Hershey sometimes had problems. Some of his workers wanted to build and design their own houses. He planned a nice town for them to live in but they wanted to be included in decisions concerning them. Still, most of his workers knew how hard he tried to be a good employer to his workers. the great Depression was a time when businesses failed and many workers lost their jobs. The depression in United states lasted from 1929 and all through the 1930’s. One third of all workers in United States lost their jobs.
How did a Pennsylvania Dutch farm boy from a broken home, who was forced to drop out of school in the fourth grade, go on to become one of the wealthiest and most famous men of his day? He never had a diary and most likely never read a book, other than the Bible, and never made a speech. Drilled in the tenets of the Mennonite faith, he became a 41 year old bachelor before he married a 24 year old Irish Catholic named Catherine Sweeney. How did a young man with an unbroken string of failures form a company of men who were as little schooled as he, Milton Hershey, was? How did he shape them into a tightly knit band that built an internationally famous product line, a school, a park, a bank, a whole community that became a model for the American way of life? How could he build a Power House Organization from a handful of rustic talents made up of, a lawyer who never attended law school; a manager and overseer, who had formally been a lumber yard clerk, an architect who had been a trade school draftsman, and a president whose only training was a telegrapher’s apprentice? This man, Milton Hershey, did it. The one who built Hershey Town.
Daily Bites of the Safest Place on Earth:
Series 4: #20) From front flap of Casner’s “One of a Kind” How did it Happen?
How did a Pennsylvania Dutch farm boy from a broken home, who was forced to drop out of school in the fourth grade, go on to become one of the wealthiest and most famous men of his day? He never had a diary and most likely never read a book, other than the Bible, and never made a speech. Drilled in the tenets of the Mennonite faith, he became a 41 year old bachelor before he married a 24 year old Irish Catholic named Catherine Sweeney. How did a young man with an unbroken string of failures form a company of men who were as little schooled as he, Milton Hershey, was? How did he shape them into a tightly knit band that built an internationally famous product line, a school, a park, a bank, a whole community that became a model for the American way of life? How could he build a Power House Organization from a handful of rustic talents made up of, a lawyer who never attended law school; a manager and overseer, who had formally been a lumber yard clerk, an architect who had been a trade school draftsman, and a president whose only training was a telegrapher’s apprentice? This man, Milton Hershey, did it. The one who built Hershey Town.
Hershey Town today

(to be continued)
Daily Bites of the Safest Place on Earth:
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. In God we trust.
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