Hershey, PA. 1915
Hershey, PA. 1915
In Hershey, everywhere you look you'll see inspiring reminders of the accomplishments of our founder, Milton S. Hershey. In 1903, Milton S. Hershey built the world's first modern chocolate factory and developed the town and its recreations for his employees. He started an orphanage and school, The Milton Hershey School, and endowed it with his entire fortune.
Today, Milton Hershey's legacy continues in the continued success of these businesses and the lasting gift to future generations through his school. Incorporate our unique history into your meeting with interesting and entertaining activities and group events that are unique to Hershey.
The original Hershey Chocolate factory under construction, c. 1903

Hershey Chocolate factory

Series 1:
#1)His Early Days:
#2) A Town, one of a Kind:
#3) Teaching Values and Principles:
#4) Brown and Gold Report:
#5) Interview with a Ten Year Old:
Series 2:
#6) Morning School Open Exercises:
#7) Examples of Studies:
#8) Pennsylvania Dutch:
#9) Leaving School to Work:
#10) Trouble in Paradise:
Series 3:
#11) Back to Lancaster:
#12) A Million Dollar Business:
#13) A man named Decies:
#14) Bold Move:
#15) Out of Debt:
Series 4:
#16) Learning How to Make Chocolate:
#17) Building a Chocolate Factory:
#18) The Hershey Car:
#19) Hershey Town:
#20) How did it Happen?
Series 5:
#21) Where it Began:
#22) About the Man:
#23) Milton Hershey School:
#24) The Emergency Ration D Bar:
#25) Hershey’s Wish Comes True:
Series 6:
#26) Five Beloved Home Boys:
#27) Town Builder’s Time Line:
#28) Plant another Seed:
#29) Private Solutions for Public Problems:
#30) The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom:
Milton S. Hershey
AT 30 YRS.
of Age

About the Philanthropist Milton Snavely Hershey: 1857-1945:
Daily Bites of the Safest Place on Earth:
Series 5: #21) Here is Where it Began:
Daily Bites of the Safest Place on Earth:
Series 5: #22) Castner: About the Man:
These stories tell about Milton Hershey, who never joined a church, yet prayed everyday of his life and reveals the secrets of how a youngster who was raised according to strict Mennonite rules, made such a dramatic changes as a man. Here is how the boy who had been admonished to never take chances, never trust bankers, and never borrow money, grew into a man who was fascinated by gambling, but a man whose word would be good enough to borrow 50 million dollars on his signature alone, and one day own a bank in his own name. Although Milton Hershey lived by the Golden Rule, there would still be some who would call him a slave driver and a miser. Perhaps this is because so few people even knew him at all. Even those closest to him agreed that he mostly kept to himself. This fussy little boy who never trusted men with a lot of book learning, later became the founder of one of the best Orphan Schools in the country. In Hershey town it is recorded how this “so called” miser had quietly pledged 99% of his wealth to a home for fatherless children 35 years before his death.
Daily Bites of the Safest Place on Earth:
Series 5: #23) “Chocolate King” C. Simon: Milton Hershey School:
When Milton Hershey and his wife, Kitty, opened the Hershey Industrial School in 1909-10, in the old stone farm house where Milton was born, the first two students were brothers, ages 4 and 6. More boys followed and before long the old Homestead wasn’t big enough to hold them all. In 1915, after a long illness, Milton’s wife, Kitty died. Milton was heartbroken. In 1915 he decided to give his entire fortune of about 60 million dollars to the school that was Kitty’s idea. Today the name of the school has been changed to the Milton Hershey School. Girls and boys of all ages now attend the school. Today there are more than a thousand students. Although Milton Hershey died on October 13,1945, at 88 years old, today he is still a perfect witness for the American way of a dream coming true. He had grown from a penniless young man to one of the richest in the country. His chocolate factory is still the largest plant to manufacture chocolate in the world. Hershey Town lives on and is still financed by the philanthropist named Milton Hershey.
Daily Bites of the Safest Place on Earth:
Series 5: #24) “A chocolate Life”The Emergency Ration D Bar:
In 1942 Milton Hershey received the Army and Navy E Award for his field ration D Bar. A ration is a food allowance for one day. From 1941 to 1945 United States was fighting in World War 2. The Hershey Chocolate Company made a special candy bar for Americans fighting in the war. This field ration D Bar was made with extra nutrients and vitamins. It was given to every United States soldier and sailor as a sort of emergency meal in a wrapper. Today you can visit Hershey, Pennsylvania and learn more about this D ration Bar for emergency meals and learn about other chocolates also. You can see the amusement park, the zoo, and the beautiful gardens. In the visitor’s center you can even take a tour of a pretend chocolate factory. You can also visit the Milton Hershey School. The fortune that Milton Hershey earned making chocolate is still at work in Hershey Town giving thousands of children a safe home and a good education. It is a monument that Milton Hershey would certainly be proud of.
Daily Bites of the Safest Place on Earth:
Series 5: #25) Hershey’s Wish Came True:
The Flag flew high over Hershey Town the day the World War ended. It was late that afternoon when the announcement was made that World War 2 had ended. Milton Hershey and Paul Witmer had motored around the town to take part in the celebration of victory. Later they headed for the Hilltop behind the old Copenhaver Farm and got out of the car. A deepening silence set in as they watched the twilight move in and the sun set on the rooftops of the distant village. Milton Hershey broke the silence as he turned and made this comment to his friend: “Maybe someday one of our Home Boys will come down this hill from our school and take charge of the whole works of our village.” .... His wish was answered within the span of less than thirty years after he had put it into words. For no less than five of the boys did come down the hill from the school and each of them would rise to take command of one of the various enterprises that , by then 1945, had been gathered under the world famous name of Hershey. After the planter of Hershey Town had gone to his rest, history merely waited for these five boys----Beloved Home Boys--- to see the harvest assured.
Hershey Town today

(to be continued)
Daily Bites of the Safest Place on Earth:
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. In God we trust.
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