Hershey, PA. 1915
Hershey, PA. 1915
In Hershey, everywhere you look you'll see inspiring reminders of the accomplishments of our founder, Milton S. Hershey. In 1903, Milton S. Hershey built the world's first modern chocolate factory and developed the town and its recreations for his employees. He started an orphanage and school, The Milton Hershey School, and endowed it with his entire fortune.
Today, Milton Hershey's legacy continues in the continued success of these businesses and the lasting gift to future generations through his school. Incorporate our unique history into your meeting with interesting and entertaining activities and group events that are unique to Hershey.
The original Hershey Chocolate factory under construction, c. 1903

Hershey Chocolate factory

Series 1:
#1)His Early Days:
#2) A Town, one of a Kind:
#3) Teaching Values and Principles:
#4) Brown and Gold Report:
#5) Interview with a Ten Year Old:
Series 2:
#6) Morning School Open Exercises:
#7) Examples of Studies:
#8) Pennsylvania Dutch:
#9) Leaving School to Work:
#10) Trouble in Paradise:
Series 3:
#11) Back to Lancaster:
#12) A Million Dollar Business:
#13) A man named Decies:
#14) Bold Move:
#15) Out of Debt:
Series 4:
#16) Learning How to Make Chocolate:
#17) Building a Chocolate Factory:
#18) The Hershey Car:
#19) Hershey Town:
#20) How did it Happen?
Series 5:
#21) Where it Began:
#22) About the Man:
#23) Milton Hershey School:
#24) The Emergency Ration D Bar:
#25) Hershey’s Wish Comes True:
Series 6:
#26) Five Beloved Home Boys:
#27) Town Builder’s Time Line:
#28) Plant another Seed:
#29) Private Solutions for Public Problems:
#30) The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom:
Milton S. Hershey
AT 30 YRS.
of Age

About the Philanthropist Milton Snavely Hershey: 1857-1945:
Daily Bites of the Safest Place on Earth:
Series 3: #11) Back to Lancaster: School Library: Malone:
Others may have given up the confectioners trade after so many failures but not Milton Hershey. “The secret is specialization” he thought to himself. “I must concentrate on one kind of candy.” In Denver he remembered the secret of their success was in using fresh milk. That would be found easily in Lancaster. There were dairy farms all around. He remembered Harry Lebkitcher, his friend who lived in Lancaster. All his family and friends were there to help him. when Milton arrived in Lancaster he walked to his Uncle Abraham’s farm which was several miles from the city. He received a cool reception. His uncle shook his head in disapproval when Milton talked about building a caramel candy business in Lancaster. His uncle told him to give it up and try another line of work. walking back to the city and then aimlessly through the streets Milton grew more discouraged than ever. Then he remembered Harry lived near the Lancaster lumber yard. Harry was a bachelor. Milton walked there and knocked on Harry’s door. The door opened and Harry smiled, pleasantly surprised. “You’re just in time for supper.” Later Harry offered Milton to stay .
Daily Bites of the Safest Place on Earth:
Series 3: #12) by M. Malone: A Million dollar business:
With Harry Lebkitcher’s help Milton began the candy making again. this time he was staying in Lancaster as Harry had always advised him to do. Milton rented a room in an old warehouse and started making caramels. whenever he had a basket full he went out on the street and peddled them. Slowly his business started to grow but he needed more room so he moved to a factory where there were other businesses. Then his mother and his aunt came to the factory everyday and began helping him by wrapping and packaging the candies. Milton, with the assistance of Harry, did everything else. he made the candy, cleaned the kettles, walked to the warehouse for sugar; tramped miles to the farms for milk till he made enough money to buy a push cart. On his first trip to a rough neighborhood he was stoned and beaten but little damage was done to his push cart. The struggle was hard until one day a man walked into the factory and asked for Milton Hershey.
Daily Bites of the Safest Place on Earth:
Series 3: #13) A Man Named Decies:
“My name is Decies,” he said. “I am a candy importer. I am visiting here from England. I have tasted your caramels. they are the best I have had in America. If you can make them in quantity I will sell them in England.” Milton answered, “Of course I can!” Here was a great opportunity with a great problem. He knew he needed large machinery. No one he knew would lend him money. Milton refused to give up. Bank after bank turned him down. He walked into the Lancaster National Bank expecting to be turned down again. He told them about the candy making and the opportunity offered to him from England. The Lancaster National Bank lent him $1700 and he bought the equipment and worked hard. Time passed quickly and Milton worried about paying the note which was almost due. Then in just a few days before the deadline he received a check from England for the caramels he had shipped. The amount was over $2,000. Milton rushed to the bank and paid the loan completely off.
Daily Bites of the Safest Place on Earth:
Series 3: #14) Bold Move:
The next move to expand the candy factory took a brave move. Hershey had paid off all his debts and even the big bank loan to Lancaster Bank. He returned there and boldly asked for $100,000 promising he was confident he could pay it off quickly. However, Lancaster Bank was not equipped for such a big loan but the president of the bank believed Milton Hershey could achieve what he had planned and recommended his loan at New York National Bank. Milton went to New York and asked for $250,000 and the New York Bank authorized the loan with his aunt’s signature and her house for security. As soon as the loan was cleared Milton took over the whole factory. After the many years of struggle success seemed to come quickly. In a few years the Lancaster Caramel Company became one of the biggest industries in the city. It covered a whole city block and employed over 2,000 workers. The candy was shipped all over the country and several parts of the world.
Daily Bites of the Safest Place on Earth:
Series 3: #15) Out of Debt:
Milton Hershey bought a house for himself and his mother. His mother wanted him to save his money for future problems. She believed his success would soon crumble. Milton continued to adorn the home with bright and cheerful furnishing he loved. His garden was filled with birds singing and splashing in the fountain but he was sad that his aunt Mattie had died shortly after he was well established and could not share his good fortune. Nobody worked harder than Milton himself, with the exception of Harry Lebkitcher, Milton’s best friend and right arm man. Milton was his own best salesman, traveling all over the country selling his product. One day he went to Jamestown, New York and walked into a confectionery shop. He saw a very attractive saleslady behind the counter. “May I help you?” she asked. Milton just kept staring and tried to speak. Then the proprietor of the shop moved in and introduced them. “Mr. Hershey, this is Kitty. Miss Catherine Sweeney.” The next visit to the shop Milton asked Kitty to have dinner with him and their friendship began. When she agreed to marry him Milton was the happiest man in the world. They married in the spring and Milton took her home to Lancaster.
Hershey Town today

(to be continued)
Daily Bites of the Safest Place on Earth:
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. In God we trust.
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