Introduction: PL Sturgis: These facts are taken from an update by Hargis 30 years after the printing of “Communist America” from the 1950’s. Now it is 2018, which is over 30 years from the fact update. It is transparent now for all who will not refuse to look at the facts.
Billy James Hargis (1925-2004) was a Christian radio evangelist (the "Christian Crusade") in the 1950s and 1960s. After accusations of misconduct in the 1970s, he retired, his college closed, and he faded into relative obscurity.
He wrote in the Foreword to this 1960 book, "I am convinced that Communism is winning World War III without firing a single shot or losing a single soldier, and the apathy and lethargy of God's people are responsible. The Church of Jesus Christ should be in the forefront in the fight against Communism. After all, she has more to lose than any single institution if the Communists take over."
He strongly asserts that "Patriotism and Christianity are very close to each other. It is impossible to be a true Christian and not be a true patriot." Furthermore, "America is and always has been a Christian nation. The very spirit of the American Constitution reflects the teachings of Christ." (Pg. 33)
He laments the fact that the average Christian father knows more about popular TV shows, than he does about the philosophies and teachings that are molding the future of his children. (Pg. 58)
Citing a number of Supreme Court decisions with which he disagrees, he says that "The power of the Supreme Court to weaken the nation's security has become a danger so great that unless Acts of Congress are passed to offset the court's rulings, America cannot defend itself from complete capture by Soviet Russia. Subversion within America is to that end." (Pg. 118)
He critizes "apostate church leaders" in the U.S. (pg. 158) but concludes that "Communism, the works of the devil, will be destroyed... Christ, the Good Shepherd, will lead America out of danger, destroying the satanic works of Communism, if His sheep will believe and will follow." (Pg. 175)
Billy James Hargis (whose scandals preceded the later PTL and Jimmy Swaggart by more than a decade) is not surprisingly almost forgotten today; but those interested in the history of anti-communism in this country should be aware of him.
August 3, 1925, Texarkana, TX, United States
November 27, 2004, Tulsa, OK, United States
Daily Bites of Communist America
Bite 1) End of Prayer and Bible Reading in Schools:
Bite 2) Decline of Morality:
Bite 3) Failure of Financial System:
Bite 4) Failure of Public Schools:
Bite 5) How UN changed US Schools:
Series 2:
Bite 6) Community Standards or Communist Manifesto?
Bite 7) Public Schools or Psychiatric Institutes:
Bite 8) Prayer and Bible Study verses Sex Education and Psychological Warfare:
Bite 9) Tyranny of US Supreme Court:
Bite 10) National Education Association connected to Communism:
Series 3:
Bite 11) American Freedom or Totalitarian Tyranny?
Bite 12) Congressional Ties to NEA:
Bite 13) NEA Embraces Communist Propaganda:
Bite 14) NEA Curriculum (Not Schools) is the Enemy:
Bite 15) A dinosaur Society:
Series 4:
Bite 16) Failure of American Spirit:
Bite 17) Major Moral Crisis:
Bite 18) Premeditated Murder:
Bite 19) Abortion Horror:
Bite 20) In Defense of the Unborn:
Series 5:
Bite 21) The Ungodly US Supreme Court:
Bite 22) Killing Handicapped Infants:
Bite 23) Fake Mercy Killing:
Bite 24) Euthanasia: A Legacy of Abortion:
Bite 25) USA: One Nation Over God?
Series 6:
Bite 26) Drugging America:
Bite 27) Drugs and Crime:
Bite 28) Secret Documents Seized:
Bite 29) Communistic Standards for World’s Churches:
Bite 30: Satanic Attack on Christian Churches:
Daily Bites of Communist America? Series 4:
Bite 16) Failure of American Spirit:
Just as America has turned its back on God’s advice for achieving prosperity by embracing covetousness and greed in its financial affairs, instead of sharing with God, so has America turned its back on God in many other ways, spiritually. We don’t have to look far to find America’s spiritual failure. The moral crisis of our tine is the murder of billions of unborn babies. The legalization of abortion by the US Supreme Court is one of the darkest chapters in the High Court’s dark history of recent times. God may forgive us of many things but the shedding of innocent blood of His babies could try His mercy and patience and grace beyond the breaking point. If America does not return to the day of banning abortions it stands at risk in the eyes of God. Sin runs rampant in America today: crime; rape; pornography; homosexuality; lesbianism; divorce; adultery; fornication; sexual promiscuity; drug abuse; profanity; blasphemy; drunkenness; covetousness; idolatry and disrespect for elders and authority. All manner of sin corrupts the American spirit.
Bite 17) Major Moral Crisis:
In one book titled: “Thou Shalt Not Kill God’s babies!” published by “Americans for Life” (pro-life arm of Christian Crusade) the comment was made that abortion is the major moral crisis of our era. It is the one national sin that God may not forgive unless it is reversed. We need a Constitutional Amendment banning abortions forever! Since the US Supreme Court legalized abortion during the full term of a woman’s pregnancy on January 22,1973, our nation has witnessed the wholesale slaughter of unborn children and it goes on everyday in every state, including your own! In spite of the fact that many people are upset when I use the words like “murder” and killing... that is exactly what it is. We will only be able to stop abortion when Americans can come to terms with the fact that abortion is killing innocent babies created by God. (Psalm 139:16: Thine eyes did see my substance yet being unperfect and in Thy Book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned when as yet there were none of them.) The “so called” fetus in its mother’s womb breathes, sleeps, eats, wakes up and hears noises from the outside world; hiccups and sucks his thumb. Furthermore he feels pain. Abortion clinics sell these little dead body parts to cosmetic companies. I pray that raising this issue will deal a death blow to these abortionists and their satanic cause.
Bite 18) Premeditated Murder:
Planned Parenthood is now opening its own death chambers by adding abortion to sex education and contraceptive planning activities. There are already almost 6,000 abortion clinics (1986) making the baby murdering business so profitable that it has now attracted competition. If in any other area of humanity the ranks of persons a day were being deliberately murdered, the cry of outrage from the news media, the politicians, and from the pulpit, would be heard to the Heavens! In these cases they excuse it as business as usual and an apathetic America goes its ungodly way, harming God’s little children---disregarding His warning--- “THOU SHALT NOT KILL...AND WHAT IF HE ADDED...MY BABIES?) United Way of Chicago spokesman, David Dalton, was quoted as saying: “United Way has not funded abortions.” Despite his confession United Way gave $250,000 to Planned Parenthood to fund abortions.
Bite 19) Abortion Horrors:
A Dallas, Texas abortionist nurse who converted to christianity after witnessing the abortion scene of horror for months in the murder chambers where she worked, told her story to a Texas religious publication. Following are the highlights, or perhaps we should call them the lowlights of that interview: “Most of the abortions were not legal, even under the Supreme Court rulings because they were done to women who were from 16 to 22 weeks pregnant, and the doctor could make more money by ten minute abortions than he could from supervising a nine month pregnancy. This doctor performed abortions after hours and even during lunch hour. He even complained to his patients about screaming and upsetting his next patients. Medicaid paid $110 for every ten minute abortion. One 17 year old had 3 abortions in one year. All were paid by tax money. A suction device was used for abortions from 12 to 14 weeks. After that time and instrument like spaghetti tongs was inserted into the cervix and parts of the unborn baby were simply grabbed by the pinchers and pulled off causing the baby to bleed to death. After one especially horrifying abortion, with much blood and screaming and vomiting, the nurse asked the doctor: “My God, are we going to hell?” and the doctor replied, “Don’t worry. If we do, I will be there first and waiting for you!” After this the nurse quit her job and found Christ as her Savior. She told everyone abortion is killing another human being and there is no other word for it than “MURDER!”
Bite 20) Defense of the Unborn:
The prolife movement is the most united movement in America today. It is also divisive. It unites the christian churches across the country but it is divisive because it draws a line between those who believe in God and want to obey His laws and those who ignore God and don’t want to be bound by the moral laws He made. When US Supreme Court declared that the ancient religion did not ban abortion, the court clearly meant paganism, since both Judaism and christianity did ban abortion. The Court also rejected the apparent “rigidity” of the Hippocratic Oath to which doctors have subscribed for over 2,000 years. The famous oath pledges not to give a pregnant woman anything that would cause abortion. Going way beyond its field the court dabbed in theology, philosophy, and even medicine, by declaring that new “embryo” logic, indicating that conception is a process over time, rather than an event. The Court was simply seeking an excuse for taking the life of unborn babies. This certainly does not justify murder! Yet this Court justified and legalized abortion through all 9 months of pregnancy!
(to be continued)
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. In God we trust.
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