“Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
by John Adams

Christmas is supposed to be a time of great joy, yet many people struggle to find God’s joy and peace this time of year. Whether because of financial pressures, strained relationships, health problems, or just the busyness of the holidays, some people see Christmas as a time of stress, pain, or depression rather than joy.
So how can God intervene in your circumstances this year, giving you a holiday season that is truly filled with His peace and joy? Sometimes amid all the festivities and anxiety of the Christmas season, it’s easy to forget…
Right from the beginning, Christmas was a time of miracles!
Mary must have been stunned when the angel Gabriel appeared one day and told her, “Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!” (Luke 1:28)
Of course, the angel’s message was great news. Mary was “highly favored”…the Lord was with her…and she was blessed!
Take a few moments to read Gabriel’s proclamation again, because God wants to give YOU this same message today. He wants you to know you are highly favored and blessed. And He wants to reveal Himself as Immanuel, the One who is always with you (Matthew 1:23).
However, Mary didn’t immediately celebrate Gabriel’s announcement. “She was troubled,” and the mighty angel had to calm her fears: “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God” (Luke 1:29-30).
What a great lesson for us: Mary was right on the brink of an incredible breakthrough of God’s favor, but she had to overcome FEAR.
My friend, hear this message loud and clear: You must never allow fear to hold you back from obeying God and receiving His blessings in your life!
Nothing Is Impossible
If someone promised to give you their favor, that would be a good thing. But the value of that favor would be limited to the resources they were able to offer you.
Yet Mary “found favor with God”—favor that was supernatural and unlimited! Her son would be Jesus, the Savior: “He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest” (Luke 1:32).
God was about to do something GREAT in Mary’s life, and I’m convinced He wants to do something great in your life as well. But perhaps you are skeptical, just as Mary was: “How can this be?” she asked (Luke 1:34).
Mary knew that God’s incredible promises to her were impossible without a miracle, and Gabriel explained how the miracle would occur: “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you” (Luke 1:35).
In a similar way, God wants His power to “overshadow” whatever difficult situation you’re facing today. A health crisis? A family conflict? A financial setback? No matter what you are dealing with, God can give you victory through His supernatural favor.
“But David,” you may be thinking, “my problems are so severe I doubt even God can help me!”
Mary must have felt the same way. That’s why Gabriel told her this amazing truth…
“With God, NOTHING will be impossible!”
When the Bible says nothing is impossible with God, it means NOTHING. So go ahead and pray BIG prayers for your Christmas miracle! But as you pray, make sure to listen for God’s instructions, as Mary did. “Let it be to me according to your word” (Luke 1:38). You see, God wanted to do miracles in Mary’s life, but it was crucial for her to submit her life to Him and obey His directives.


Through The Eyes Of A Child The Wonders Of Christmas
The Miracles Of Christmas
Have You Ever Experienced
A Christmas Miracle
Well I have
Have You Ever Experienced
A Christmas Miracle
Well I have
God Chose Me One
A week before Thanksgiving some 40
Years Ago To Help A Family Of 4
Living In A shack in the Woods, They literally had
nothing, So I was there answer to their Prayers
And The Lord sent me on A mission to help and Give joy
and Hope, That All Is Possible Through Him.
Enjoy the Story below
Merry Christmas To You All
A week before Thanksgiving some 40
Years Ago To Help A Family Of 4
Living In A shack in the Woods, They literally had
nothing, So I was there answer to their Prayers
And The Lord sent me on A mission to help and Give joy
and Hope, That All Is Possible Through Him.
Enjoy the Story below
Merry Christmas To You All

But the best times of all are when we view Christmas, with all of it's seasonal wonders and spiritual awe, through the eyes of a child
Christmas Countdown :
How Many Days Till Christmas
A Holiday Story
It was the week before Thanksgiving 1978, I had been asked by a buddy of mine to check his trap lines, for his mother had a heart attack and he was in a panic to go see her, so he gave me a quick tour of his lines and a map of them and while giving me the tour I see these two kids, a boy and a girl about 7 or 8 years old, now mind you it's November and cold as hell, they have very little winter clothing on, so I ask my friend who are they, he says Oh there people living in a shack out here in the woods, where to show me I ask?
As it turns out its an old hunting cabin, windows, and door makeshift for the originals long gone. With an old Jimmy broke down out in front. I say to my friend where are their parents, he says Guess they are out looking for work and food and water, he also tells me that are both highly educated the mother was a teacher and father was a stockbroker they are from NewYork City and ran upon hard times, lost everything but the broken down Jimmy. I said to my friend Lou I got to help these people, he then begins to tell me that the church down the road and minster are helping them get food and water, so why do I feel the need to get involved, Lou I say, Thanksgiving is right around the corner and these people have nothing, but in the back of my mind A voice says to me you shell help them I will be with you.
So my friend Lou goes to see his mother and I begin my Quest to help these people. So I hit the food bank and figure to get them a full turkey dinner for four but there is red tape and the guy running the food baskets for Thanksgiving starts to give me a hard time about they don't live in his Township, so I say to him, this is about people in need isn't it! Well yes, he says, well what's the problem I say to him, and just like that he says ok you win. Now I realize that they have no way to cook a turkey, all they have is a fireplace at the old cabin, I say to the guy at the food bank where can I get a turkey cooked and he looks at me to say your kidding right! No, I'm not I say, so he tells of a friend of his that cooks turkeys for people on Thanksgiving, its a bakery, so I go see the bakery guy, and tell him my story about helping these people I ran across out in the woods, he says he will do it for me at no cost, just have to pick it up Thanksgiving Day at noon, its a deal and we shake on it.
From there I go to the hardware store and look at chainsaws, the guy out in the woods is cutting trees by hand with a bow saw to burn in the fireplace for heat to keep his family warm. I ask to talk to the boss, and he asks me if something's wrong I say no, I get right to the point ask him can I get you to donate your best chainsaw to a needy family, living out in the woods, the guy gives me a look like are you for real buddy,what you trying to pull here on me, I say no its for real, I say to him you got an hour and I will show you this is no Joke or prank ,he says can I bring a buddy of his with us to me , his buddy has a commercial food busy,yes of course I say,but this has to be done discreetly I don't want them to see us, well his buddy brings a worker with him, an I am thinking this is not going to work and I feel like I am wasting time showing these people this family in need,but its in the works, so we meet at the edge of the woods, I say follow me and I lead them to this old duck blind and watch for the children and parents, just like it was on que they apear ,and these guys say they cant belive that people are live like this out here, and on the way out I show them the run down cabin and there jimmy thats broke down, as we get back to the road the guy Nate who owns the hardware store says come by tomorow and pick up the new chainsaw and gas can which he is donating to these people in need, then Henery who is the Food destribtor says come bye on the follwoing day and he will have boxs of can goods for them , Oh says my mechanic here will fix there jimmy and get it runing and bill me for what ever he needs, I say Thank You and may you two guys have a great thanksgiving.
Now I say to myself got to find out who owns the ground they are squatting on out here in the woods and the cabin they are living in, meanwhile, I go home for dinner and tell my wife about this amazing quest I have taken upon myself, and the people living in a shack out in the woods and the people I have inlist to help them and that they have very little, my wife says what do they need I say clothes and shoes, boots Cloves you name it. So the next day my wife goes to her work and tells my story how helping a friend with his trap line, I find these people living in the woods in a shack with two children with hardly anything.
Well, I now know who's been there with me through this Quest to help these lost souls in the woods and show me that nothing is impossible with him at your side. Guess what? The people at my wife's work take it upon themselves to collect coats, shoe boots, and clothes for 2 adults and two children. And they collect 500 Dollars in cash for these people in the shack, unbelievable the love that our fellow man can show for one another when we want to.
So now it is coming together, I find the owner of the 200 acres of land and set up a meeting with him, as it turns out his family has owned the land for over 100 years and it was there private hunting lodge years ago before there was a town, he tells me that they had many Good times there, anyway he is a wealthy businessman, so I tell him the story about the people living in his rundown old cabin and the two children and I fear he is going to have them locked up for trespassing, but instead he says you are a friend of Lou's, I say yes I am checking his trap line on your property, his mother had a heart attack, last week and he went to see her.
I tell him that the people could use some windows in that cabin and a new door, he tells me he needs someone to look after the property out there, I say you mean like a caretaker, yes he says. He tells me to leave it to him he will go see the guy, I tell him about the people that I have involved in helping them, then he says a strange thing to me, you heard the voice didn't you! I said Yes How...How did you know ...Then he says it is not your first time, is it .... how did you know that?
You were in a Battle the first time you hear the voice, yes I say, he then tells me he too has heard the voice and was in a battle also a long time ago. I am Flabergasted, he tells me he will take of the cabin and not to worry, and with that, I say, Goodby.
So now it really is coming together, but I need help to gather all the stuff up and take it to these people out in the woods, I tell my wife, of the problem I have and she says she's got it covered, she asks me when do I need the help, I say wed before Thanksgiving if possible, so as it turns out the people who collected the clothes and money pitch in and help me deliver the Food, Money, and clothes, with an envelope I put a note in with the 500 dollars cash that reads your turkey will be delivered on Thursday at 1:00 pm cooked and on the envelope I write: ( Nothing is impossible with Him ) Merry Christmas. I tell the people who are helping me that I don't want them to see us when we drop off this Stuff and as luck would have it, nobodies, home or there, so we place the boxes of food and clothes on the porch of the cabin and I tack the envelope to the door jam of the cabin.
****************************************As it turns out its an old hunting cabin, windows, and door makeshift for the originals long gone. With an old Jimmy broke down out in front. I say to my friend where are their parents, he says Guess they are out looking for work and food and water, he also tells me that are both highly educated the mother was a teacher and father was a stockbroker they are from NewYork City and ran upon hard times, lost everything but the broken down Jimmy. I said to my friend Lou I got to help these people, he then begins to tell me that the church down the road and minster are helping them get food and water, so why do I feel the need to get involved, Lou I say, Thanksgiving is right around the corner and these people have nothing, but in the back of my mind A voice says to me you shell help them I will be with you.
So my friend Lou goes to see his mother and I begin my Quest to help these people. So I hit the food bank and figure to get them a full turkey dinner for four but there is red tape and the guy running the food baskets for Thanksgiving starts to give me a hard time about they don't live in his Township, so I say to him, this is about people in need isn't it! Well yes, he says, well what's the problem I say to him, and just like that he says ok you win. Now I realize that they have no way to cook a turkey, all they have is a fireplace at the old cabin, I say to the guy at the food bank where can I get a turkey cooked and he looks at me to say your kidding right! No, I'm not I say, so he tells of a friend of his that cooks turkeys for people on Thanksgiving, its a bakery, so I go see the bakery guy, and tell him my story about helping these people I ran across out in the woods, he says he will do it for me at no cost, just have to pick it up Thanksgiving Day at noon, its a deal and we shake on it.
From there I go to the hardware store and look at chainsaws, the guy out in the woods is cutting trees by hand with a bow saw to burn in the fireplace for heat to keep his family warm. I ask to talk to the boss, and he asks me if something's wrong I say no, I get right to the point ask him can I get you to donate your best chainsaw to a needy family, living out in the woods, the guy gives me a look like are you for real buddy,what you trying to pull here on me, I say no its for real, I say to him you got an hour and I will show you this is no Joke or prank ,he says can I bring a buddy of his with us to me , his buddy has a commercial food busy,yes of course I say,but this has to be done discreetly I don't want them to see us, well his buddy brings a worker with him, an I am thinking this is not going to work and I feel like I am wasting time showing these people this family in need,but its in the works, so we meet at the edge of the woods, I say follow me and I lead them to this old duck blind and watch for the children and parents, just like it was on que they apear ,and these guys say they cant belive that people are live like this out here, and on the way out I show them the run down cabin and there jimmy thats broke down, as we get back to the road the guy Nate who owns the hardware store says come by tomorow and pick up the new chainsaw and gas can which he is donating to these people in need, then Henery who is the Food destribtor says come bye on the follwoing day and he will have boxs of can goods for them , Oh says my mechanic here will fix there jimmy and get it runing and bill me for what ever he needs, I say Thank You and may you two guys have a great thanksgiving.
Now I say to myself got to find out who owns the ground they are squatting on out here in the woods and the cabin they are living in, meanwhile, I go home for dinner and tell my wife about this amazing quest I have taken upon myself, and the people living in a shack out in the woods and the people I have inlist to help them and that they have very little, my wife says what do they need I say clothes and shoes, boots Cloves you name it. So the next day my wife goes to her work and tells my story how helping a friend with his trap line, I find these people living in the woods in a shack with two children with hardly anything.
Well, I now know who's been there with me through this Quest to help these lost souls in the woods and show me that nothing is impossible with him at your side. Guess what? The people at my wife's work take it upon themselves to collect coats, shoe boots, and clothes for 2 adults and two children. And they collect 500 Dollars in cash for these people in the shack, unbelievable the love that our fellow man can show for one another when we want to.
So now it is coming together, I find the owner of the 200 acres of land and set up a meeting with him, as it turns out his family has owned the land for over 100 years and it was there private hunting lodge years ago before there was a town, he tells me that they had many Good times there, anyway he is a wealthy businessman, so I tell him the story about the people living in his rundown old cabin and the two children and I fear he is going to have them locked up for trespassing, but instead he says you are a friend of Lou's, I say yes I am checking his trap line on your property, his mother had a heart attack, last week and he went to see her.
I tell him that the people could use some windows in that cabin and a new door, he tells me he needs someone to look after the property out there, I say you mean like a caretaker, yes he says. He tells me to leave it to him he will go see the guy, I tell him about the people that I have involved in helping them, then he says a strange thing to me, you heard the voice didn't you! I said Yes How...How did you know ...Then he says it is not your first time, is it .... how did you know that?
You were in a Battle the first time you hear the voice, yes I say, he then tells me he too has heard the voice and was in a battle also a long time ago. I am Flabergasted, he tells me he will take of the cabin and not to worry, and with that, I say, Goodby.
So now it really is coming together, but I need help to gather all the stuff up and take it to these people out in the woods, I tell my wife, of the problem I have and she says she's got it covered, she asks me when do I need the help, I say wed before Thanksgiving if possible, so as it turns out the people who collected the clothes and money pitch in and help me deliver the Food, Money, and clothes, with an envelope I put a note in with the 500 dollars cash that reads your turkey will be delivered on Thursday at 1:00 pm cooked and on the envelope I write: ( Nothing is impossible with Him ) Merry Christmas. I tell the people who are helping me that I don't want them to see us when we drop off this Stuff and as luck would have it, nobodies, home or there, so we place the boxes of food and clothes on the porch of the cabin and I tack the envelope to the door jam of the cabin.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust
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