January 6 hearing is an absurdity
“This committee has engaged in widespread manipulation of evidence. They’re refusing to provide the testimony of people who dispute the narrative that they’re trying to construct. They are running roughshod over our American ideals of what should happen when you accuse people of crimes, and whether there should be the ability to make a defense or have a cross-examination.”
That was Mollie Hemingway, speaking Tuesday night with Laura Ingraham on FOX
News. “I mean,” she said, “those rights are enshrined in the Constitution, and our
congressional committees are supposed to honor that in the way they conduct
their hearings. That has not been the case since Day 1, and today, this was
just absurd.”
“ABSURD” is the word. Hemingway was referring to the testimony of Cassidy
Hutchinson, a former aide to White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows. Even before
it was refuted --- and it quickly was --- it should’ve been seen as the wild
hearsay it was, something that would never be allowed in a courtroom, for good
This happened during Tuesday’s “emergency” hearing of the January 6
committee, which they called because they thought they had game-changing
testimony that would rock the political world! It mostly showed they have rocks
in their heads. Hutchinson testified she’d been told that President Trump was
so upset and ready to wage insurrection at the Capitol that he assaulted two
Secret Service agents in his car and tried to grab the steering wheel.
Very quickly, Peter Alexander of NBC News --- not a news outlet known for
its defense of Trump --- refuted this story, tweeting, “A source close to the
Secret Service tells me both Bobby Engel, the lead agent, and the presidential
limousine/SUV driver are prepared to testify under oath that neither man was
assaulted and that Mr. Trump never lunged for the steering wheel.”
As Bonchie at REDSTATE reports (and I can attest), President Trump was known
for the respect he always gave Secret Service agents. Of course, they’d speak up
right away to set the record straight. “The only thing I can take from this is
that the January 6 committee is full of idiots,” he writes. “They actually
thought they could have an aide spin fanciful, third-hand tales and that
there’d be no pushback…We are supposed to believe that Trump fought his way
into the front seat of the presidential limo (or a suburban depending on who
you ask) as a 74-year-old, overweight man, overtaking two Secret Service agents
to ‘grab the wheel’? I mean, if he wanted to go to the Capitol, he was the
president. All he had to do was say, ‘Take me to the Capitol.’”
“Honestly, I can’t stop laughing,” he says. “I find this entire episode
absolutely hilarious.”
Take it from someone who’s personally ridden in “The Beast” with the
President –- there is NO WAY he could get to the driver. However, a picture of
Trump leaving the rally shows that he was in the SUV. Either way, if this
committee cared about the truth, they would’ve checked out this story out and
traced it to whoever apparently made it up or grossly exaggerated it. (She
testified that she'd heard it from then-White House deputy chief of operations
Tony Ornato, who is denying that this happened or that he'd told her it
happened.) This is why hearsay testimony is not allowed in courtrooms. It’s
just embarrassing or would be if the committee had any sense of shame.
FOX News reports that the January 6 committee and the Secret Service are “in
discussions” as to whether the two agents will testify on camera. My sense is
that this won't be happening.
Here’s another take on the story, complete with Trump’s posts on Truth
Social about Hutchinson’s claim, which he called “sick and fraudulent, very
much like the Unselect Committee itself.”
“Wouldn’t even have been possible to do such a ridiculous thing,” he
continued. (See?) He went on to deny another of her claims, that he was
throwing food. “And why would SHE have to clean it up, I hardly knew who she
Chris Menahan at INFORMATION LIBERATION said, “Hutchinson’s story actually
made Trump sound pretty awesome and I must say I’m rather disappointed to learn
that it never happened.”
THE PALMIERI REPORT offers a bit more about Hutchinson herself. Their
previous report revealed that she’d wanted to work for Trump in Florida after
he left the White House but was turned down for the job.
what it's worth, this report even has a diagram that proves my point that Trump
would not have been able to make those aggressive moves in “The Beast.” (Now,
there's some solid construction!)
WIRE also has a good summary. There was apparently some Secret Service
testimony that would “seemingly corroborate or dispute” Hutchinson’s testimony,
“but it wasn’t played,” WASHINGTON POST reporter Josh Dawsey tweeted. “Unclear
Let’s move on from this absurdity to something we really should be concerned
about. Andrew C. McCarthy has brought up something odd about the FBI’s
heavy-handed raids on Jeffrey Clark and John Eastman: agents were working
not on behalf of a U.S. district attorney’s office but for the Justice
Department’s Office of Inspector General (OIG). The warrant on Eastman didn’t
even mention any specific crime for which the evidence sought by the warrant
might be relevant.
As my readers will know, the OIG has jurisdiction only with current federal
government employees. They do not investigate crimes. They investigate “to
detect and deter waste, fraud, abuse, and misconduct involving DOJ programs and
personnel, and promote economy and efficiency in DOJ operations.”
McCarthy points out that John Eastman was not a government employee in 2020,
much less a DOJ employee (and he certainly isn’t one now). He was Donald
Trump’s private legal counsel. So how does the OIG have legitimate cause to be
investigating him? Liz Cheney is trying to tie him to Jeffrey Clark, who was
acting head of the DOJ Criminal Division in 2020 but has not worked at the DOJ
for over a year. And if they’re alleging that Clark was part of a conspiracy to
subvert the democratic process after the 2020 election, the OIG doesn’t have
jurisdiction there, either. As McCarthy says, “It’s not the IG’s mission to
investigate --- much less obtain search warrants to probe --- such felony
federal violations as obstruction of Congress and seditious conspiracy.”
So what’s going on? McCarthy thinks Biden’s DOJ is doing it this way to hide
the fact that they’re really conducting a criminal investigation of Trump.
They’re PRETENDING to investigate only whether Clark engaged in waste, fraud, or
abuse of DOJ programs. He suspects they went “covertly” to federal judges –-
and they’d be able to judge-shop for this –- to obtain warrants that enabled
federal agents to “rifle through the belongings of these Trump associates, only
after subjecting them to the humiliation of temporary arrest and frisk, without
notifying their lawyers.” The prize: all those electronics they’re confiscating
--- especially Eastman's, I would think --- with their thousands and thousands
of messages to pick through, just to find something, anything, to use against
Donald Trump.
In related news, Michael Stenger, the former Senate sergeant-at-arms who
oversaw security during the January 6 rally, died Monday at his home in Falls
Church, Virginia. He was 71, a Marine Corps veteran who spent 35 years with the
Secret Service before joining the Senate sergeant-at-arms team in 2011,
reaching the top post in 2018. He resigned the day after the January 6 security
breach, after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell requested his resignation.
According to a Senate Rules Committee report, he’d had some “informal
conversations” with Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund (who also resigned, along
with ) about the level of need for National Guard troops on that day. Perhaps
we’ll find out more about Mr. Stenger’s views at the time concerning that need.
Here he is, from February 2021, offering a brief prepared statement about
January 6, as posted by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene.
We have no additional detail about his death at this point, and no reason to
think it was related to the current investigation. Please pray for his grieving
family and loved ones, who surely don't wish for the media attention they're
going to get.
No rules for the Jan. 6 committee and 'Justice' Dept.
The January 6 committee is on an unlawful search-and-destroy mission.
This blatantly political committee, deliberately running afoul of the rules under which it was formed, exists not to find out what went wrong at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, but to wield power over Trump supporters and crush them. Attorney General Merrick Garland and his ‘Justice’ Department are openly helping them do it. One of the latest to fall victim is former Trump attorney John Eastman, who, last Wednesday, had his phone confiscated by the FBI –- on the spot before he had even been shown a warrant.
“I’d like to see the warrant,” he said repeatedly, hands over his head in obedience. “I’d like to see the warrant before you take my property.” They pulled his phone out of his pocket anyway. He noted to the person recording, “I want you to see that they took my property before providing me with a warrant.
“I’d like to read the warrant,” he continued after they finally showed it, though the FBI already had his phone.
Eastman appeared on Tucker Carlson’s Monday evening show, explaining that the warrant gave him no specifics about what he’s alleged to have done –- “no indication of any crime that this is connected to.” It said they could confiscate his phone, “and all the information contained in the phone.”
It said the allegation was “in an attached affidavit,” but the affidavit was NOT attached to the warrant. “The Fourth Amendment’s very clear here,” he said. “When they search and seize your property, they have to give a particular description of the things to be seized.” If the affidavit wasn’t attached, they didn’t fulfill that requirement.
“The courts have been very clear about that,” he said. “So this warrant is invalid on its face.”
But what he thought was even more important is this: With modern Smartphones, the ‘Justice’ Department now has full access to all his most private information –- financial records, etc. –- and those of his “nearly 100” legal clients. This is privileged information. Eastman likened this to what used to be called a “general warrant” when British kings would issue them, “to rummage through someone’s belongings to see if they could find evidence of some crime.”
So Eastman is another victim of Pelosi’s fishing expedition. “The very reason we have the Fourth Amendment is to prevent that kind of abuse,” he said, “and yet that’s what they’re doing.”
“As an attorney, I have ethical obligations,” he said, “to do everything I can to protect the privileged communications with my clients. So we will be filing a motion --- it’s called a Rule 41 motion --- to retrieve my phone, to retrieve any information they’ve taken off of that phone, that they have illegally seized from me.”
He said they’re forcing those who “don’t bow the knee to the Biden administration to rack up hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees trying to protect our constitutional rights and those of our clients.”
(NOTE: Eastman has a GiveSendGo account set up for help with the cost of this legal fight.)
As if this weren’t bad enough, over the weekend, the committee once again showed its propensity for lying. Margot Cleveland reports in THE FEDERALIST that they blatantly lied to the public about former DOJ attorney Ken Klukowski to tie him into a plan to encourage the Georgia legislature to convene a special session to look into election irregularities and perhaps, based on its findings, select an alternate slate of electors. Liz Cheney, in particular, painted him in a suspicious light.
Klukowski has released a public statement of his own that says, “The January 6 Committee falsely accused me on Thursday of being a go-between in a conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election. That accusation is false both in its broad outlines and its details. Since the Committee first contacted me, I have cooperated without hesitation, provided it with hundreds of documents, and sat for many hours of recorded depositions. The information produced from those efforts fully contradicts the Committee’s statements regarding my actions, yet the Committee has chosen to keep such information to itself rather than sharing it with the public.”
Cleveland has full details and says the evidence backs Klukowski up. And a key person she spoke with to ascertain this, Andrew Kloster, the White House official who coordinated senior DOJ appointments, offered Cleveland this insight: “The January 6 investigation is all about attacking mid-level and senior staff like Ken, so we don’t have a farm team in 2024, no matter who the President is. This isn’t about truth, but about making it impossible for conservatives to successfully enter and leave government.”
In fact, Klukowski told Cleveland he disagreed with John Eastman about what the Vice President was empowered to do regarding the election. He believed December 14 had been the deadline for appointing electors. He also never advised Vice President Pence or any member of his staff.
“I was concerned the committee might make cynical assumptions during its investigation of January 6, Klukowski told Cleveland, “but I was stunned that the committee would make claims about me for which it had a mountain of evidence establishing, for certain, those statements were false.”
He doesn’t have a transcript of his testimony to the committee, so he’s calling on them to release it. When Cleveland contacted Liz Cheney’s office to see about this, and also to ask if she disputed what Klukowski had said about the committee fraudulently implicating him in a conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election, she received no reply.
She strongly advises Republican leaders to demand all transcripts of all depositions, because if they lied about Klukowski, it’s probable that they lied about other witnesses, too.
Another writer at THE FEDERALIST who gets what’s going on at the Department of ‘Justice’ is Beth Whitehead, who has an overview of the legal double standard at the DOJ. Just look at who gets raided...and who doesn’t.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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