The truth behind the rhetoric From the diary of A Patriot, Bill Sharpe

Hello friends, Bill Sharpe Here...

This communist January 6 committee extending the diversion of January 6 to cover up The real organized criminal acts to overthrow our nation through fraudulent voting processes and rigged elections across the country at the expense of over 600 American citizens, this is nothing more than an extension of the witch-hunt against Donald Trump and the American people who wish to invoke their constitutional restrictions on government and protection of their God-given inherited liberties and rights And freedoms.
This January 6 committee full of communists and anti-Americans They are the ones who need to be on trial fighting for their lives fighting for their livelihoods their families their properties and their liberties.
This nation through the corrupted voting process has been overthrown by the Likes of the people who are sitting on that executive committee for January 6 extending the diversion of the coup d'état by the corrupt and rigged voting process to scare the rest of the Americans from standing up for their rights.
TO my fellow Americans do not let these communist anti-American liberty hating freedom-hating communists deter us in any way whatsoever, When they are going after the 600 people for January 6 shows the fear that they have of us, do not give up do not surrender stand strong in your belief in God and country! This January 6 committee using this distraction to protect all the governors and mayors across the country who falsified documents and rigged the 2020 election, not only against the Duly elected president of the United States but against those other individuals running for governor and mayors in others states and towns, how many other representatives running for office lost because the election was rigged and fixed across the board, not only against the duly elected president, but how many governors and mayors across the country in those positions have been corrupted, or continue to be corrupted? The problems in America in the voting process need to be fixed ASAP or no election no matter how small or how large will have integrity.
The definition of justice and righteousness, the definition of righteousness is godliness, WE the American people will be bringing Godliness righteousness, and justice back to America, and God help those who get in our way, If God is with us who can stand against us?
I would recommend that everybody go online and take a free course on the Constitution from Hillsdale college, I would also recommend that everybody should join a local militia group and a patriot organization.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)

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