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Pearl Sturgis |

Global Strong Cities: I found this little booklet in some of my Mother's writings, written in 1992, by Dwight Kinman. Since it matched the other writers of the Daily Bites Richard Miller published a few years ago I titled "Global Strong Cities Cold war" I shortened it into 7 bites and was absolutely overtaken by the prophecy fulfilling that no one would have believed in the few short years the "Global Strong Cities Cold War" was published. His booklet was titled "New World Order but I changed the title because of the phrase the media used: "Global Strong Cities." 1. Global Order: 2: The Order and the Plan: 3. New Age Religion. 4. Four Centers of Power: 5. Between Two Ages. 6. Under Nixon and Carter's Presidency. 7. Those Who Know Their Bible.
1. Global Order: By Dwight Kinman: 1992:
"PL Sturgis: The secret Codeword for New World Order is now called: Global Strong Cities: The Reset: The Global Police Force: Agenda 21: The New Normal: Transforming America: and probably more I have never heard." In Kinman's words in 1992, he says "I do not bring fantasy but truth. When Bush Sr. met with Gorbachev at the summit this press release came from Moscow and Washington DC: "A new world order is at hand and a new era of peace and prosperity is within our grasp." The power elite has devised a plan so monstrous it is beyond the imagination of the average citizen. The plan is to dissolve the sovereignty of the nations and bring all nations of the earth under a central world authority: Namely, United Nations: The plan involves dissolving the sovereignty of this Great Nation that you and I love and bringing America into a One World Government!
Global Strong Cities: 2: by Dwight Kinman: The Order and Plan:
The men behind the plan for the new world order are called "The Order." That is the official title they have given to themselves, but they reveal who they are in name and goal because it is the order for the global one-world government and they call their goals "The Plan." Bear that in mind. "The Order" and "The Plan". They hold positions in the highest echelons of government, banking, and industry. Some are presidents and Prime Ministers of some of the greatest nations on earth. They control the largest banks on earth and govern gigantic corporate empires. Their combined wealth is staggering. They are the kingmakers and the nation breakers. Some believe that this group is comprised of thirteen men who control the power and the money of the planet. I (Dwight Kinman) have learned on highly credible authority that twelve of these thirteen men worship Satan. Because they control the money of the world they also control the power. One is in Japan but most of these men are in Europe. Not even one is in the United States of America! . A.K. Chesterton wrote a book titled: "The New Unhappy Lord." In that book, he reveals that their goal is to work mainly through the super American mega-foundations.; namely Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Ford. The "Order" conceals its work through a process called networking. This multi-faceted serpentine monster works behind the scene through thousands of Global Organizations. One of its major vehicles is the "New Age Religion."
Global strong Cities:: by Dwight Kinman: #3: The New Age Religion:
New World Order: by PL Sturgis: They call the New World Order a law they must enforce: Therein their private quarters they speak for you and yours. Some call them "God's Anointed" and trust them through and through! They tell the world to join them or they will force them to. . Build Temples for Muhammad and they'll protect your right. Bow down to a banana and worship day and night! But Christ Alone? Forget it! Speak not within the Gate! To come out and be separate they will not tolerate! It isn't such a mystery, It happened all before. Just travel back in history while there's an open door! From border unto border, it's been their battle cry! "We need a New World Order! Rebellious souls must die!". Let "Bloody Mary" match it or recall what Hitler said: "HAVE ORDER OR THE HATCHET IS COMING FOR YOUR HEAD!"
Global Strong Cities:: 4: Four Central Powers: by Dwight Kinman:
There are two very loyal Americans who love this nation and who risked their lives to warn the American people concerning the plans and the goal of these organizations for a one-world government. The first man kept an alpha file on these two groups, "The Council of Foreign Relations" and the "Trilateral Commission." for 25 years. In 1980 he released his book "With No Apologies" and I, (Dwight Kinman) want to quote from that book: "The Trilateral Commission represents a skillfully coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power: political; monetary; intellectual and ecclesiastical. What the Trilateralists intend is the creation of a worldwide economic power superior to the government of the nation-states. In other words, what they are driving, orchestrating, meshing, and gearing to accomplish is the new world order: the one-world government. . Someone said: "If we only had a mole. Someone who was on the inside and knew their intricate plans, and would defect and reveal those plans to us. We have such a man. He was a loyal American and he too gave a warning. He is in hiding now (1992) but he has written many things. He was a member of the Council of Foreign Relations for 16 years. Here is what he wrote: . " "The most powerful cliques in these elitist groups, (Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and others) have one objective: to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty and independence of the United States of America! ". He goes on to reveal that their goal is to move America into a one-world government. The world has already been divided by the club of Rome and the Trilateral Commission and the Globalists into ten regions. America is region #1, and Europe is region #2. Japan is region #3. The fourth Region comes later. The plan is to make these three blocks of nations the "European Community of Nations: The United States, Canada, and Japan to be the Power Centers of the world. " This has all been carefully laid out and "The Plan" is ready but he revealed further that their eventual goal is to move America quickly into a transnational one-world government whereby America would be one region in a Global Community of Nations! Unquote Dwight Kinman:. PL Sturgis: Here are my 2 cents of my Daily Bite "Global Strong Cities Cold War" series which was deleted by Facebook but is reserved in Richard Miller's Archives. He is really the one who gathered most of the information. I named the series Global Strong Cities Cold War because of the phrase I kept hearing on the news: "Global Strong Cities" during Obama's administration. I just found this book from 1992 by Dwight Kinman in my sea of books. Today is September 13,2021. And that is my 2 cents. No one paid attention much to the series but I believe it should be pulled out now because it is from different authors, all published by different generations who do agree.
Global Strong Cities:: 5: Between Two Ages:
The goal of the Order and the Plan is to bring about a society in which the State is absolute and the individual exists only to perform service to the State: by Dwight Kinman: Brzezinski said in his book, "Between Two Ages" that as we approach the technetronic age (our present age) there must be total surveillance over every individual in the entire world. That is the plan of the order. Our President (Bush sr. ) is constantly presenting to the United Nations, Congress, and the American people the goal of new world order. The hard sell to the American people has begun. (PL Sturgis: this was 50 years ago and things are progressing) Now, remember their words: "Skillfully coordinated effort to seize control of the four Centers of Power: Are you aware that the plan is already drawn up to do exactly that? The machinery now to implement that plan in one stroke. It is called Executive order 11490. A man gave his life so that you might know what executive order 11490 is all about. This was presented nationwide in the Don MacCulvaney Intelligence advisor that goes into 57 nations of the world and is read by presidents and financial experts all over the world. He is a Christian and he is accurate. As America descends rapidly into socialism and toward George Bush and Mikhail Gorbachev's New World Order, government control of virtually all aspects of our lives are proliferating at an incredible pace. In some future (written 1992) ECONOMIC, POLITICAL, OR MILITARY CRISIS dictatorial powers have already been granted to the president whereby, via executive orders, total dictatorial control over America can be exerted instantaneously. . Less than two days before his death John F. Kennedy signed into law under the pressure of the Cuban Missile Crisis, a series of emergency measures. The measures stand today as the executive orders waiting to be invoked by whatever president decides that we are in perilous times. These decisions give the president, through a bureaucracy of unelected dignitaries and officials in the Office of Emergency Planning, unlimited powers. If they hurt you you can not vote them out of office. You have no resources; you have no choice but to submit to their wisdom and judgment. The governmental total control over your life becomes effective (according to the language of the executive orders) in times of increased international tension or economic-financial crisis. Mark these two phrases carefully: IN TIMES OF INCREASED INTERNATIONAL TENSION OR ECONOMIC OR FINANCIAL CRISIS:.
Here is a summary of the various orders the government in one hour takes over: * All communication in media: * All electric Power: * All farms and food resources: * All transportation, highways, and exports: * All citizens to be drafted into a governmental workforce: * Entire population centers to be moved: *All health, education and welfare: * All citizens nation-wide to be registered by the Post Master General: *All Airports and Aircrafts: * All Housing Financing: * All railroads, inland waterways, and public storage facilities: * Designates responsibility of the office of Emergency Planning giving authority to put the above orders into effect in case of INCREASED INTERNATIONAL TENSION OR ECONOMIC FINANCIAL CRISIS:
Global Strong Cities:: by Dwight Kinman: 6: Under Nixon and Carter's Presidency:
Under Richard Nixon, the orders were combined into a single executive order: 11490, which was polished up by a few minor amendments and signed by James R. Carter on July 20,1979. All it takes to push the button on this bone-crushing machinery is for the president to declare an emergency. John F. Kennedy speaking at Columbia University in 1963, said: "The high office of the president has been used to format a plot to destroy America's freedom and before I leave office I must inform the citizens of their plight. Ten days later John Kennedy was assassinated. The Illuminati was established in Europe in 1776. It is the most powerful organization on earth for the New World Order. The Order has 6 goals. These are not things conjured up or imagined. I, Dwight Kinman, am quoting the Order: 1. The establishment of a New International Economic World Order, unified under the direct control of a world body. 2. The establishment of what will appear to be a democratic one-world government, but which behind the scenes will be under the total control of "The Order." 3. The conquest and subjugation by economic means of the two Super Powers___ The United States and the Soviet Union (the merger of these two Super Powers.) 4. The establishment of the coming United States of Europe as the dominant nation in a One World Government. 5. The ushering in of a Supreme World Leader to preside over the One World Government. 6. The establishment of a One World Religion will coordinate all the religions of the earth under a Supreme Pontiff.: The parallel to the Supreme Political World Leader."
Global Strong Cities:: by Dwight Kinman: 7: "Those Who Know their Bible:"
Pearl's Poem: 1972: Babylon, Mother of Harlots:
Once there was a Lady who loved the whole wide world: OH yes! She loved the Babies. She loved all boys and girls: But the Lady knew a woman who murdered her own kin: And still, she told this woman: "I want to be your friend.
I do condemn what you have done. It makes me shed a tear. But truly, I love everyone! I will not interfere!" "Then come into my parlor, like the spider and the fly! I'll teach your child to wallow in the corner of my sty.
We'll all be one big family as soon as we arrange to rid of those who won't agree to take part in this change." So the woman taught the Lady to murder one by one. The Lady thought that maybe when this vile task was done Love would finally rule the world. Sweet peace forevermore! She'd leave her Stars and stripes there furled to be at Heaven's door.
But OH! The Bloody Bitterness! She watched her children die! She only wanted happiness by pie up in the sky.

Pearl Sturgis
"Yet, while denial might placate those who do not prefer to confront unpleasant facts, truth does not mold itself to the wishes and desires of the willfully ignorant." Unknown
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