Saturday, March 30, 2019

What Kind Of America Are We Sowing Seeds For?, Part 2 OF 3

What Kind Of America Are We Sowing Seeds For?, Part 2 OF 3

We will pay a price, a heavy price, for not teaching the truth about this great country.  Yes, there are a lot of people that are constantly degrading America.  These people do not know the real America.  They don’t know what our Founders went through and the price they paid to give us the country that we live in today.

  The pastors of the Founding era were most influential and the most persecuted by the British. There was a class of clergymen and chaplains in the Revolution whom the British when they once laid hands on them, treated with the most barbarous severity. Dreading them for the influence they wielded and hating them for the obstinacy, courage, and enthusiasm they infused into the rebels, they violated all the usages of war among civilized nations in order to inflict punishment upon them4
Many of the pastors were openly tortured and purposely targeted sometimes in sadistic ways.  One pastor, Reverend Naphtali Doggett, who was also President of Yale, resisted strongly to the British’s practice of destruction and desecration of private homes and property.  He was eventually captured and over a period of several hours, the British stabbed Doggett with their bayonets.  His release was eventually secured but he never recovered from his wounds and was the cause of his death. Another pastor, Reverend James Caldwell of New Jersey resisted the British with the same tenacity and his church was burned and he and his family were murdered.
The treatment of the pastors by the British was criminal at best.  They were imprisoned, abused and killed and most times suffered more than a regular soldier receiving harsher treatments and more severe penalties. The British went further in their want for revenge in targeting the churches of the captured pastors destroying over half of the churches in New York City.  Most of the churches in Virginia were the targets of the British as well.  The British followed this pattern throughout the Colonies.[1]  Why are these sacrifices not taught in our schools but the tenants of Islam are? We are ignoring, on purpose, the greatness that made America great.  I believe that this is because most of our schools, all levels, have been infiltrated with globalists that believe that America must come down and be a part of the world as a member, but not a sovereign nation.  The proof is what they are teaching in schools. “Don’t know much about history . . .,” goes the famous song. It’s an apt motto for the Common Core’s elementary school curriculum.
And it’s becoming a serious problem.
A 2014 report by the National Assessment of Educational Progress showed that an abysmal 18 percent of American high school kids were proficient in US history. When colleges such as Stanford decline to require Western Civilization classes or high schools propose changing their curriculum so that history is taught only from 1877 onward (this happened in North Carolina), it’s merely a blip in our news cycle.
A 2012 story in Perspectives on History magazine by University of North Carolina professor Bruce VanSledright found that 88 percent of elementary school teachers considered teaching history a low priority.
The reasons are varied. VanSledright found that teachers didn’t focus on history because students aren’t tested on it at the state level. Why teach something you can’t test?
A teacher I spoke with in Brooklyn confirmed this. She said, “All the pressure in lower grades is in math and English Language Arts because of the state tests and the weight that they carry.”[2]
Social justice is not justice.  It punishes the ones that work hard and rewards laziness, but it is being taught.  In a recent article, J. Martin Rochester, a professor of political science at the University of St. Louis-Missouri, raised concerns about teaching social justice in schools. Rochester’s problem with teaching social justice in schools is focused on two simultaneous axes. One, he thinks that social justice exists outside the jurisdiction of school curricula, and second that those who would teach social justice approach it only from a liberal perspective.
As an educator who includes social justice as a necessary part of my classroom practice, I think Rochester got some things right but a lot of things wrong.
Education Has Always Been Political
Rochester’s first insinuation is that schools ought to focus on the traditional curricula of reading, writing, mathematics, sciences, etc. Schools ought not to, in Rochester’s words, “aspire to be churches or social work agencies.” [3]
We believe that there is a specific world out there but what we are teaching our kids, they will be educated for a world that isn’t there.  Even with a growing population that will produce needs for more food, better manufacturing ideas and a whole myriad of other things that just cover basic life needs, we are not addressing these issues.  Our math skills are falling. Our reading skills are weakening. Our children have become less literate than children in many developed countries. But the crisis in American education may be more than a matter of sliding rankings on world educational performance scales.


One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


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For you see, the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.

  Coningsby: Or The New Generation And, The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings, and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments’ plans. — Benjamin Disraeli, Speech at Aylesbury, Great Britain, September 10, 1870

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