Hillary shill Cory Booker is a total idiot and won't say the words Radical. Islamic. Terrorism.
Why Does American Media Shill for Islam?It is obvious that nearly all major media outlets in the United States defend Islam as a “religion of peace” which poses “no threat” to America or her people.
Information about the owners of major media conglomerates, polls, wiki-leaks, and much more reveals: the vast majority of journalists, anchors, and corporate media leaders are democrats and directly collude with democrat party leaders to advance their efforts; democrat leadership supports jihadi/terrorist leaders and organizations in the U.S. – e.g. when the DNC made former Congressman Keith Ellison their number 2 man.
Ellison is a close friend and colleague of U.S. Hamas leader Nihad Awad (Executive Director for the Council on American Islamic Relations – CAIR) advocates for sharia and seditiously works with Hamas and other Muslim Brotherhood front organizations to undermine the integrity of our nation.
Yet, this does not necessarily explain why journalists at the local level still will not report truthfully about Islam and the danger its ideology poses to our Constitutional Republic and our citizens.
Why is it that when a terrorist attack occurs, the story inevitably includes details of unrelated “white supremacy?” Why do stories seem to reflect a narrative instead of an objective reporting of the facts?
A portion of the answer can be found in the materials taught to members of the media by the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ).
The SPJ’s Code of Ethics states their four (4) principles are:
- Seek truth and report it
- Minimize Harm
- Act Independently
- Be accountable and independent
Yet, when a reader examines the SPJ’s Guidelines for Countering Racial, Ethnic, and Religious Profiling (“The Guidelines“) – published immediately following 9/11/01 – it is evident the SPJ violates its own ethical principles by guiding journalists to submit their reports to third parties with interests in conflict with the truth.
For example, journalists/reporters are encouraged by SPJ to “portray Muslims…in the richness of their diverse experience.” This sound more like telling a story and less like objective reporting.
In other words, “ensure to build relativism into the story so as to minimize the dangers of Islamic jihadis and Islam.”
And in what can be described as self-defeating logic, the Society of Professional Journalists recommends reporters, “Avoid using word combinations such as “Islamic terrorist” or “Muslim extremist” that are misleading because they link whole religions to criminal activity. Be specific: Alternate choices depending on context, include “Al Qaeda terrorists”…to describe the broad range of groups involved…Do not use religious characterizations as shorthand when geographic, political, socioeconomic or other distinctions might be more accurate.”
In one absurdity, the SPJ encourages journalists to “Ask men and women from within the targeted communities to review your coverage and make suggestions.” The media has been doing this within the Islamic community which is one reason Americans are not told the truth about the dangers of Islam.
In a most illogical manner, the SPJ pushes journalists to “Avoid using terms such as “jihad” unless you are certain of their precise meaning and include the context when they are used in quotations,” but then goes on to incorrectly to legally define jihad as “to exert oneself for the good of Islam and to better oneself.”
Nowhere in sharia/Islamic Law is “jihad” defined this way. Not in any junior high school textbook in U.S. Islamic schools, and certainly not in any authoritative book of Islamic Law published on any continent in any century.
The fact the SPJ recommends the American Muslim Council – founded by imprisoned Al Qaeda financier Abdurahman Alamoudi – makes clear the Society of Professional Journalists is not objective nor are they professional.
The U.S. media, for nearly 18 years has lied to the American public and failed to conduct a simple investigation of the basic teachings of Islam. A glance into children’s textbooks used in U.S. Islamic schools reveals Muslims teach their children exactly what the Islamic State and Al Qaeda state are duties and requirements of Muslims in Islam.
When in the immediate aftermath of the Saudi-Arabian government’s funding of the 9/11 attacks, G.W. Bush not only announced to the world that “Islam is a religion of peace” but did so from inside the Massachusetts Avenue & Waterside Drive N.W. Washington D.C. mosque, as opposed to the White House, he consciously created for personal political survival a treasonous cover-up which after 17.3 years has done far more damage to the country’s security as a Constitutional Republic than did Harry S. Truman’s idiotic characterization of the WAR* in Korea which claimed 58,000 American military lives as a “police action.”
As for the individuals who appear to be major media “shills” for Islam, or shills for anything else for that matter, though being referred to as “journalists” and “anchors” are for the most part nothing more than “news readers” whose contextual “skills” are simply the ability to: a) read, b) talk and, c) tell time. I.e., the content of the crawlers and copy they air reflect the political views of their corporate front offices about which, and of whom, they know little or nothing. Ask any of said self-styled Wizard-of-Oz impostors five substantive questions on any Islamic oriented or political topic you choose, for example, then relegate them to Coventry where their response will prove they belong.
As implied. I don’t watch “nearly all major media outlets in the United States” for fact-based news about the ever-burgeoning existential threat Islam poses to the country. The empirical combat, tactical, strategic and intelligence expertise UTT generously shares with the American people does it for me (let's hope the White House is paying attention). Furthermore, if FOX NEWS would devote less air time during the 2100EST Monday to Friday hour to replaying fake news clips, at least 300 by now, and thus allow more time for guests on the show to speak longer, rather than listen to endless seemingly obsessive repetition by the moderator, the viewers would be better able to understand, thus act, on the subversion & anarchy issues being discussed.
*Anyone wishing to own a personal verbatim Arabic-to-English translated copy of Islam’s declaration of war on the United States which was seized in accordance with a federal search warrant by special agents of the FBI from a subterranean basement in Annandale, Virginia in 2004, need simply contact http://www.securefreedom.org to request (for a nominal handling & postage fee): GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT 003-0085 3:04-CR-240-G U.S. v. HLF, et al.
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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