Rubio: If Provoked, U.S. Response in Venezuela Will Be ‘Swift,’ ‘Decisive’
Warns the Trump administration will not allow harm to U.S. diplomats
Sen. Marco Rubio (R., Fla.) warned Thursday of a strong U.S. response should any harm befall American diplomats in Venezuela.
Rubio spoke to MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell about the safety of U.S. diplomats in Venezuela and threats from Nicolas Maduro, whom the United States does not recognize as the country's rightful president.
"If any harm should come to these diplomats of the United States, I want everyone to know, the consequences, I believe, from this administration … will be swift and they'll be decisive," Rubio said. "I know this for certainly."
Maduro won reelection earlier this month in a vote rejected as fraudulent by world governments. His administration has violently cracked down on protestors, drained public funds, and allowed hyperinflation, hunger and allowed unemployment skyrocket.
Recently-elected National Assembly President Juan Guaido has called for free elections and was sworn in as the country's temporary president on Wednesday. President Donald Trump announced the same day that the United States officially recognized Guaido as the "Interim President of Venezuela."
During a speech Wednesday, Maduro claimed the efforts amounted to a coup, and gave U.S. officials 72 hours to exit the country. The United States has an embassy and State Department personnel around Venezuela, where they plan to remain. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Wednesday that Maduro lacks "the legal authority" to expel U.S. diplomats.
Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, and Peru are among the countries that have also recognized Guaido as Venezuela's rightful leader.
Rubio said American policy must remained unchanged, and he rejected Maduro's instruction, telling Mitchell that the job of American diplomats remains to liaise with the rightful, constitutional government of Venezuela.
Rubio recognized that it was Trump who would ultimately lead the American response. While acknowledging he doesn't always agree with the president, Rubio praised him for doing what "other presidents didn't do and wouldn't do, and we've seen some of that decisiveness here for good, in the case of Venezuela."
Russia has warned the United States not to involve itself in Venezuela's crisis. It describes U.S. involvement as a violation of international law and meddling in internal affairs. The Russian government played a major role in propping up Maduro's regime. In December, the Kremlin dispatched strategic bombers to the country.
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