by Joe Esposito

The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”, I pledge my allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible, with liberty and justice for all, Amen!
by Joe Esposito


Former associate U.S. deputy attorney general Bruce Ohr enters an elevator after testifying behind closed doors
Bruce Ohr testified behind closed doors. Once again we ask why this must be done secretly? It would be very gratifying if there could be full TRANSPARENCY. We are always promised that there would be in every Administration. But, alas, we have very little of it. There’s too much that these dirtbags want to hide. Can we possibly have just a little less OBFUSCATION? Will we ever get the total truth about the CORRUPTION that has encompassed the FBI and the DOJ. Half of the House tries in vain to get it while the other half throws stumbling blocks along the way. It is becoming more and more obvious that there was COLLUSION with Russia but it was done by the Democrats, not the GOP. But Mueller and his GANG OF LOWLIFES couldn’t care less. They’re determined to drive Trump from the Presidency.
Again we try to get Sessions out of his coma but really that is next to impossible. You think not? I will not hear of it. The blindfold that Lady Justice is wearing I’m sure is drenched with the Attorney General’s spit. What the hell is happening to our beloved country? This is a question more and more of us are asking. Everything is so ASS BACKWARDS. Those who are supposed to enforce laws are instead doing the lawbreaking. A mockery of our Justice System is what we are seeing. At some point in time, we should see a slew of INDICTMENTS being issued. The list of dirtbags who allegedly committed acts keep growing but the wheels of justice are excruciatingly slow. This all seems like a bad dream, a nightmare. It seems as if every Democrat could care less. It’s our President who is in their line of fire and they’ll do anything to get him with nothing to spare.
We patiently wait for accountability from this who engaged in misbehavior, in deplorable misdeeds. Seeing a James Comey walk free is an abomination. If you follow the dots it is him to which all of this criminality leads. But he is just one among many who so obviously broke the law. The million dollar question is WHEN WILL WE, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, SEE THE JUSTICE THAT WE HAVEN BEEN LONG WAITING FOR? I can’t wait for these reprehensible scoundrels to be indicted, prosecuted, convicted and thrown the hell in jail. It must be done post haste and done without fail!
Written by Joe Esposito, 8/29/2018
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