Tuesday, July 24, 2018


President Donald Trump is seeking to stop cronies from the Obama administration from capitalizing on and profiting from, their security clearances.
 Trump To Revoke Security Clearances For Obama Cronies
 After they spent nearly two years using their security clearances to lend credence to their claims, Donald Trump is finally going to do something about the former Obama cronies and their ongoing security clearances.
Since President Donald Trump has taken control of the United States government, it seems like the holdovers from the Barack Obama days have done little other than attempted to make trouble for the new administration. However, it looks like the President has finally figured out a good way to stop them from making trouble after they leave the government.
Donald Trump and his administration have said that they are going to consider removing the ‘top secret’ security clearances for several of Obama’s politically-appointed staffers, who seem to have ‘politicized’ or ‘monetized’ their public service for personal gain. The administration is ‘exploring mechanisms’ for revoking this status from individuals who served in Obama’s CIA and National Security sectors.
White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders made a statement to that effect this Monday, and many think it is a good idea. It’s unheard of for a President to have to take this step.
Indeed, right before Mrs. Huckabee Sanders made the announcement, Senator Rand Paul, the junior Senator from the state of Kentucky, called on President Trump to remove the security clearance for John Brenna, the former director of the Central Intelligence Agency under Barack Obama.
She responded that the President was already considering it, and that he was considering doing the same thing to people like former Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey and Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, former CIA director Michael Hayden, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and former National Security Adviser Susan Rice.
Sanders said that the decision became necessary as all of the above have used their security clearances to give an air of false legitimacy to claims and accusations they’ve made, which have zero evidentiary basis.
She also pointed out that when you have people with the highest levels of security clearance who are out making false statements and undermining confidence in the nation’s elected leader, that’s a real problem.

At least one person listed allegedly no longer has their clearance, though. Andrew McCabe, formerly the Deputy Director of the FBI, doesn’t have his security clearance anymore, due to the fact that he was fired.
At least that was the claim made by McCabe’s spokesperson, Melissa Schwartz, who tweeted that the whole thing was simply a shiny object for them to throw to the press corps.
The idea came to attention because Rand Paul tweeted a message directed at Donald Trump, asking if John Brennan was monetizing his security clearance and making millions of dollars divulging secrets while attacking the President.
Eventually, Senator Paul tweeted that he was going to meet with the Donald J. Trump, and ask him to remove Brennan’s security clearance.
The former CIA director has spent much of his time since leaving public ‘service’ haranguing Donald Trump, most recently claiming that his meeting with Vladimir Putin was ‘treasonous.’
It’s interesting that he would call the President ‘treasonous’ for daring to meet with a leader who is not at war with America. It’s even more interesting considering the fact that he most likely lied to Congress about whether or not his staff was tracking what they did on their computers.
Of course, Brennan is not the only former Obama minion who is now using their time in the government to turn a profit.
Rice, famous for a number of ‘unmaskings’ and lying to the American people about the reason behind the assault on the Benghazi consulate and the CIA annex, makes regular media appearances on leftist news channels.
Elsewhere, James Comey has been pushing his book, which he titled “A Higher Loyalty,” and which is partially based on memos he took of private meetings with President Donald Trump, according to his own account.
He also appears to be making a media blitz, and some have even suggested that he is setting himself up to campaign for some sort of elected position.
Michael Hayden, perhaps best known for saying that the NSA spying on American citizens without any cause was completely legal, said that it wouldn’t matter if he lost his security clearance, as he is no longer sitting through briefings and it wouldn’t change the negative things he wrote about Donald Trump anyway.
Frankly, it seems like something that politicians should have been doing for years. Political appointees are so often removed from their positions because they cannot usually be trusted to show loyalty to the next president.
Obama removed the vast majority of George W. Bush’s political appointees, and President Trump, in turn, did the same. So why should these people, who have everything to gain from undermining the new administration, continue to enjoy top-secret security clearances?
It’s time that the individuals leaving the government was stopped, and prevented from using their government attachments and powers to profit personally.
Frankly, the fact that Comey was allowed to do so at all, let alone the gall he showed in pretending his book was anything other than a cash grab, is shocking. This is not what security clearances were meant for, and hopefully, Donald Trump puts a stop to it.
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


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