Friday, May 4, 2018


America is in the process of Changing or Morphing before our very eyes, the Question or thought is,  what is it Morphing in to? ...The Country that Once Upon a Time had a Direction, had Morals & even some Inspiration has LOST all of those Attributes...Weren't we Somewhat founded with the Vision that we were in control of our own Destiny? If we had the Skill and or Desire we could be almost anything we wanted...We weren't Born, Raised & Taught that we were "Wards Of The State" but that Seems to be the Direction we are Headed in, that is if we aren't already there.

We once could control at least in part, some of our Destiny...We were Encouraged to Dream & Pray... We were taught that we needed  to Learn To  Earn our Goals...There was once a Reward System in Place for those WILLING to Pay The Price or Sacrifice....Being the BEST you could be was Generally Rewarded...It was not a Perfect System but It WORKED for the most part...Everything came down to your Dreams & your Goals...How we Defined & Examined our Roadmap was an Ongoing Process...Some call that Learning on the Fly...Generally where there was a Will there was in fact a Way...We were all Guilty of wanting to SHORTCUT the Process, but Rarely did that Ever Work....For Most of us the "Hard Road was the only Road we Traveled...But if you were able to Satisfy your Goals & Dreams, all the Better was the Sense of  "Accomplishment"...It's the Celebration, the Job Well Done Thing...Other than Apathy & Laziness what happened, what went wrong?

In My Opinion, there has always been  a "Deviancy" as it reflects on the Human Spirit, Mind as well as the so-called "Gene Pool!"  Are they literally the "Devils Little Helper?"  They always seem to be Offering the Easy Way Out (bite of the apple)....It's the old Temptation Syndrome or Con....The Difference between today's World & all of those in the Past, our History & the Knowledge we derived is that the DEVIL wears a Suit & Speaks from a Position of POWER (implied or real)....Those are the People we see on the STAGES...They are the Members of the MEDIA (State Controlled) & Politicians...

Let's play a word game here; Wars are often described in Terms that are used by Play writes...The term Theater is one, Play is another, Battle-"Scenes" as well as the term Staging! Have you ever given thought to the Idea, that Shakespeare got it right when he said: "All the worlds a stage and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts" There has been a "Great Deception" going in this World for Centuries & the Last 100 Years Plus in America was but a Primer for what we see today ...Do we REALLY understand what's Going on All Around Us? Do we really know what the STAKES are in this War-Game? Do we even know what is REAL? Are we or have we been told the TRUTH about Anything? I actually have my Doubts...

This Life is indeed a STAGE & there is a lot of Confusion or is it STAGING going on all around us! There is Vision, there is Illusion & there is also Delusion, what is it we are seeing? We know that 95% of the Media is Government (LIBERAL) Controlled, so do we or should we TRUST what we HEAR? I don't, these day's I'm not only AA Cynic I'm a bit "Contrarian" that is to say, the more you PUSH Me one direction the More I'm likely Not to Believe You....Maybe for me its the "Road Less Traveled" thing...Or maybe I'm just a "Doubting Thomas".

Through the Decades we have allowed Politicians to Become a "Privileged Self-Serving Criminal Class" that demands to be Treated like "Royalty" & as "Messiahs" & they are NEITHER...They Learned through the Decades How To Train Us & Manipulate us...We have become the Trained "Circus Animals" we do Tricks for Treats....Treats come in the form of Welfare, Social Security, Food Stamps, Housing & Health Care....And All we have to do in Return is (Drum Roll Please) is give them CONTROL over Everything we have, will have & now our Hopes, Wishes, Dreams or Prayers! And they Act Like that's not "Too Much To Ask!" The sad thing is we are Giving it to them...

We've just about Sacrificed everything including all our Privacy....Did you know (most do) that this Government can See & hear everything we do via a "Smart Television, without our Knowledge?" We've all talked for Years about How this Government wants to Put "Computer Chips" in our Body?  Well as Microscopic (TINY) as they are, how do we Know they Haven't? How hard would it be to put on in Food or when you go to the Doctor for Blood Work, they slip one in?   Or think about this WE all have Computers & Cell Phones now, we are Being Tracked & Eves dropped through them...The Only thing that works to our Favor is they have more "Meta-data than they can Deal with....BUT, they are ALL Developing," Computer Algorithms" (Artificial Intelligence) to deal with it...Remember "HAL The Computer" from the movie "2001 A Space Odyssey?" Garbage in Garbage out!
I see Washington DC & our Fake, Faux, Phony TWO PARTY SYSTEM as nothing but "Birds of a Feather" or Brothers in a CRIME Family Fighting over the "Spoils Of War,,,, Business as Usual in Washington DC revolves around Extortion & Bribery every day...They are NOT among the Best & Brightest this Land has ever seen....They are just a Successful Crime Family (CROOKS & CRIMINALS) & it's ALL being done at Our Expense (Freedoms) & on our Dollar .....

This Government just like all the others uses FEAR to Sell their Message....There is little to NO Positive Reinforcement here, its all about HATE & FEAR your ENEMIES! Problem is in the LIBERAL PROGRESSIVE COMMUNISTS see Everyone as an Enemy & they sell that Propaganda to their Multitudes Of Sheep!  The REAL WAR going on here is not with the Russians, Chinese, Iranians or North Koreans, it a Slow Simmering "Civil War" (Coup) they have Created....The Battle Plan is this "Follow the Little Red Bouncing Ball Full of BS" while They Destroy Everything From The Inside... Basically, the plan, in the LONG RUN, is to "Overwhelm" the System & Create Mass Chaos...

The Oligarchs want to END life as we Know or Knew it to be....They Control Nearly Everything, the Banks, the Schools, the Media & now most of the Corporations...It's that "Birds Do A Feather Thing" again....We are trying to Tread Water in an Ocean full of SHARKS. We are LOSING too...there is not Enough Resistance, that being said Most of those who Rule, while they are Insane "Sadists" they are Cowards"

By Robby Bowling

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


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